Homeopathy Remedy Plumbum

Bruised pain; (<) lower; suddenly in lower, with pricking and formication on soles, walking aggravated the latter so that it was painful, (<) night, (>) daytime after getting heated at work, next weakness of upper limbs, at last upper limbs immovable and painful, arms hung down and seemed fastened to sides, when raised they fell like dead weights; shoulder depressed, elbow wrist and fingers flexed, forearm and hand half way between pronation and supination, bruised pain, (<) movement and at night, in parts around shoulder, subclavian space, axilla and upper limb, when thee arm was squeezed he cried out that the marrow was bitten. Drawing pains; tearing. Drawings in arms and legs. Tingling. Heaviness.

Weakness; of joints; wrists, ankles and knees; lower and hands in morning on rising; hands and feet, (<) calves on walking at 4 A.M., (>) walking; (<) r.; calves and arms, (<) biceps; (<) l. upper, with emaciation and arcus senilis; hands and forearms, later sudden pain in thighs when walking, lost use of limbs. Stiffness; of fingers, toes and insteps; with general cold sweat, the patient answered by nodding, later respiration stopped, rigidity extended over body, but heart continued to beat. Diminished sensibility of r. hands and foot; of forearm and thigh, (<) anterior surface. Numbness; of arms and legs; arms and legs (<) movement; in r., more in leg and foot than in arm with torpor; arms and feet, with immobility of them; r. hand, r. leg and foot, with impaired power of motion of them,; sometimes extending through whole system; in sudden attacks in arms and thighs, with heaviness and pain; gradually becoming paralysis. Insensibility to tickling in r. hand r. sole.

Paralysis; of l.; arms and feet; hands and legs; hands and feet; both lower and r. arm; extensors; extensors, of upper and of one lower; group of muscles, on muscles or a single muscular fasciculus; posterior muscles of upper limbs and anterior muscles of lower; with feeling as if weights were suspended from joints; with pain, (<) pressure and movement; with emaciation, their skin dingy yellow, flabby and as if fastened to bones; with emaciation, tissues soft and flabby and skin yellow and too loose; wrists and ankles, (<) extensors, with emaciation of ball of thumb; extensors of forearms, emaciation of lower part of forearms, (<) r., of hypothenar, deltoids and muscles of upper arms, (<) r., analgesia and anesthesia of arms, (<) r., the same symptoms in lower limbs, extensors of feet very little paralyzed; upper, and partial P. of lower, the hands, with palms turned inward, hung by his side and rather forward, powerless, swollen and livid, he could not move forearm nor rise from a chair, nor walk without assistance and then gait was tottering; incomplete, in upper, (<) extensors of fingers, the supinators, extensors, abductors and adductors of thumbs, with incomplete P. of feet, (<) extensors of legs, sensation of warmth not entirely lost.

Upper Extremities

      Emaciation; of flexors; extensors completely atrophied, space between radius and ulna sunken, skin dry, and rough, hands flexed at wrists, basal phalanges at r. angles with metacarpus, other phalanges flexed into palm, terminal phalanx of thumb at r. angle with basal phalanx, extension and separation of fingers impossible, pronation and supination almost lost, scarcely and power to flex or extend elbow motion at shoulder free. Trembling; (<) morning, relieved for the rest of the day if he drank two or three glasses of brandy; rapid and uniform. Cramps; (<) deltoids, with pains.

Pain; in muscles and joints; neuralgic; lacerating; myosalgia, (<) where radial never leaves the spiral groove of humerus. Pressure, (<) elbows and fingers, sensitive. Weakness of flexors; r. extensors; (<) evening. Hypalgesia of I., (<) upper two-thirds of palmar surface of forearm. Sensibility diminished; to temperature in r. Insensibility; with formication and weakness, then paralysis; in r., and in I. hand, diminished sensibility of rest of l. upper limb.

On attempting to move them contraction only in fibres of deltoid. Extensors do not contract under electricity. Motor power of r. diminished, and posterior muscles of forearm wasted. Incoordinate movements, with analgesia. Want of power of motory coordination, (<) l., when his eyes are shut he cannot touch any particular spot on his face without feeling for it, analgesia to pricking and pinching in arms, (<) l. Paralysis; of extensors; P. and atrophy of extensor digitorum communis indicator, extensors digit quinti et pollicis, extensor carpi (except l. extensor carpi ulnaris), abductor pollicis longus and brevis, interosseous muscle, deltoids, biceps, brachiales interni and supinators.

Shoulder. Depressed. Emaciation; of r. S. and arm, fingers flexed, tremors after attempting to use them, no power to raise arms, which hung useless by his sides, tenderness when they were moved. Sticking; inward in r.; beneath t., extending outward at S.; burning, on r. Acute pain, (<) l. and along extensor surface of forearm, on moving upper limp, pain on pressure on deltoid, (<) l., tremor on stretching arm. Pain; in region; in r.; r. on movement; (<) deltoids, which were paralyzed; extending to elbows, (<) over deltoids; in joints and flexors of upper arm so that he could not raise arm. Weight, and in finger-tips; W., more in elbows and most of all in hands; more in elbows and most of all wrist of all in wrist, the pain (<) exposure of the parts to cold, with internal and external coldness of thee limb, (<) dorsum of hand. Raising difficult; impossible. Numbness. Paralysis of joint and elbow, temperature in morning 39.4* C., in evening 41* C., puls 126, respiration 28.

Arm. Emaciation; (<) l., and (<) hypothenar eminences. Moniliform dilatation of veins, and on back of hands, chiefly corresponding to union of veins, (<) muscular exertion, and dilated veins on calves only slightly filled, but on compressing deep veins of upper arm they were swollen and had olive-shaped dilatations. Fixed in pronation. Always semi-flexed at elbow; A. and hand held midway between pronation and supination. Hanging down by his side, unable to raise them; hanging down as if fastened to his sides, when raised and let go they fall like inert bodies. L. laid against chest, it cannot be raised by action of deltoid, other movement natural; r. applied to chest, unable to raise it, its other movements natural, with pain in r. side of neck, r. shoulder, inner part of r. arm, bend of r. elbow, palmar surface of r. forearm and wrist, (<) movement, worse by paroxysms, during which they burn and between which they are contusive, skin of these parts insensible. Trembling; of r.; of r. during voluntary motion; (<) r., with a regular to-and-for motion; (<) towards evening, (<) hands and forearms, but extending to upper arms on strong exertion. Convulsive movements. Clonic convulsions on arm fixed to his side every day up to 10 or 11 A.M., grasping power lessened. Tearing in r.; deeply-seated T., sharp one moment, dull the next, with trembling and occasional cramps. Pain; in joints of A. and hand; in r.; with formication; r., with sensitiveness to pressure, and with Lancinations from shoulder to bend of elbow. Weakness; of extensors and flexors of A. and hands, (<) r.; (<) towards evening, with numbness, then trembling; (<) r., with numbness and alternately increasing and decreasing trembling, the latter (<) fatiguing work; with weight at posterior surface of middle part of A. and forearm. Numbness; from middle third down to finger-tips; (<) r., with analgesia. Sometimes held against the hottest parts of the stove, sometimes he wants them sprinkled with cold water. Paralysis; of extensors; painful; of l., he could flex and extend it but slightly, still he the grasp was unaffected; of extensors, when he pronates the hands the wrist drops at right angles to arm and he cannot straighten it beginning in extensors, gradually extending to flexors, (<) deltoid, hand remained midway between pronation and supination, with tearing in arm, (<) pressure and at night, heaviness in wrists and fingers, finally cold felling in limbs.

Upper Arm. Atrophy of deltoids. Veins large and knotted, varicose at points to union, but veins on extensor surface of forearm scarcely visible after compression of venous trunk. Twitching above l. elbow. Tearing beneath r. shoulder; in middle of t.; in lower part in morning; on inner surface of l. in forenoon; posterior surface of l., which on rubbing went into elbow. Sudden pain in A. and hands, then inability to use hands. Bruised pain in deltoid. Acute drawing in r. humerus; and in bones of hands and fingers. Diminished sensibility in r. Insensibility of external and anterior surface of region of l. deltoid. Deltoids did not contract under electricity. Unable to extend it laterally or raise it. Unable to raise elbow to the level of his shoulder. Immobility of deltoid while the surrounding fleshy parts are moving in different directions, all other movement of upper limbs slow, feeble and difficult.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.