Homeopathy Remedy Plumbum


      Yellow. Surrounded by blue rings; and rest of face dingy yellow. Large and red. Inflammation. Swollen, painful. Rush of blood. Livid, inner canthus. Protruding; and glistening. Staring. Wild; and rolling; and shining. Sunken; and dim. Squinting. Strabismus, one turned towards nose and he could not turn it out, paralysis of external muscles, vision double when he looked with both eyes. Twitching. Distortions. White, watery discharge in morning, without other complaints in eyes, soon becoming thicker and agglutinating lids. Neuritis, papilla swollen, post mortem showed interstitial hyperplasia of connective tissue, sheaths of optic nerve distended by fluid, cerebrospinal fluid increased, brain substance anaemic and the gray part yellowish; N., with normal field, dim vision, central scotoma and flickering. Sticking; in l. Contraction, (<) lids. Heaviness on moving them, with pain in internal muscle extending backward. Burning in r. as if tobacco were in it. Fatigue.

Lachrymation; acrid, contracting skin. Hypopyon. Disc prominent, opaque-white, its outline hazy, sclerotic ring invisible, vessels diminished in calibre. Sclerotics yellow. Sclerotics lead- colored. Sclera dirty bluish-gray. Funds black. Varicose bloodvessels in cornea extending like a thick network to centre and obscuring it. Spasms of r. ball. Shooting through balls on closing lids firmly; S. beneath l. ball at 2 P.M., with burning. Jerking tearing in l. ball in forenoon. Pupils dilated; but different degrees, also unequally in their respective circumferences. Pupils uneven, (<) l. Pupils spasmodically contracted, later dilated and insensible. Pupils insensible; and dilated; and contracted.

Lids. Red. Swollen and sensitive. Dropping of upper. Violent closure. Agglutination in morning and evening, with a cloud before l.; A., with thick yellow mucus. Twitching of r. upper. Ciliary neuralgia of r., then dull vision. Tearing in morning after soup, with sleepiness. Sensation as if something were under them and as if balls were too large. Heaviness.. Paralysis and insensibility. Itching of l. upper, (>) scratching; I of l. canthus and pain on rubbing it.

Conjunctiva yellow; and livid; dingy yellow; dingy yellow, with a shade of blue; C. suffused with blood; pale; oedematous; dry. Much hair falls from brows. Fulness in orbits, with weight and excruciating pain.

Vision. Dim; (<) r. eye; and confused; with frequent necessity to wipe eyes; several times a day, beginning with weakness in all limbs, with roaring in ears and vision of falling snow or showers of fire, he almost loses consciousness and has to lean against something. Weak Diminished, the ophthalmoscope showed congestion, with sinuosities of vessels. Increased of nearsightedness; nearsighted in r. eye, perception of color feeble, field limited, vision of l. normal, dilated veins in fundus of l. V. ad hearing better on r. side. Diplopia; except when close to objects; of r. eye, which is affected by strabismus. As if everything trembled and turned in a circle. Yellow; spots before l. eye covering what is looked at, and at a certain distance things seem to jump. Dazzling. Eclampsia consequent upon uraemic poisoning with albuminous urine. Lost; suddenly; suddenly after an attack of headache and colic; suddenly, then sudden paralytic spasm, with unconsciousness; almost, in l. eye, which looks sound. Sees only one-half of an object.

Clinical Paralysis of the optic nerve, with greater or less cloudiness of vision. Hypopyon, with nightly pain.


      Sticking in lobule of r.; in r. in forenoon when standing. Tearing in region of r. after dinner; deep in; sticking, in r. extending to concha. Boring in r. after dinner. Pain in l. ear and meatus. Tension in region of r. and in r. cervical muscles. Scratching in r. as from a spear of grain. Ringing. Whizzing and humming. Roaring; every evening, causing cult; frequently in evening; after exposure to cold; with numbness; H. lost.


      Erysipelatous inflammation. Tearing in r. side of septum,. Pain in tip; sharp drawing, in r. wing and in upper lip. Mucous membrane dry. Stoppage. Itching in l. nostril in afternoon, (>) scratching. Irritation and ineffectual sneezing. Sneezing. Fluent coryza; in afternoon; with watery mucus. Running out of water during dinner. Tenacious mucus which he must draw through posterior nares, where most of it accumulates. Bleeding; during convulsions; with the second attack of spitting of blood. Horrible smell; (<) l. nostril. Smell diminished, (<) r. nostril. Smell lost.


      Sallow. Pale; and covered with sweat; and anaemic; puffy, and dark under eyes; and cachectic, lips dry, with sordes, mucous membrane pale; Yellow (<) night; Y. in spots; and haggard; grayish; dirty; livid; like wax. Lemon color. Dirty gray. Yellowish-gray and puffy. Livid. Red; with a shade of yellow; and warm, moist; cheeks, which were covered with sweat. Dusky. Swollen; (<) about eyes and lids; r. half, with earache, (<) swallowing saliva; and purple; with violent pulsation in carotid (apparently the result of retching); but anemic. Oedematous. Cachectic. Emaciated. Sunken; cheeks. Long, shrivelled. Sharp, pinched. Wrinkled. Shining as if oily, and feeling oily. skin changed in texture and appearance. Pasty. lustreless.

Expression anxious; and suffering; E. sad; as if silently imploring pity; fatigued; wild; of pain; as if the child suffered from pressure on brain; sardonic smiling; stupid; astonished; astonished, with thoughtful appearance, which was not borne out by his answers; indescribable; altered. Drawn; to l. side. Trembling; of r. side, then of l., and mouth drawn to r. Spasmodic contraction before the paroxysms of colic. Conclusion. Choreic. Almost immovable; except during paroxysms of colic, then expression of acute suffering. L. side fixed and devoid of expression.

Sticking in r. malar-bone; (<) cheeks, extending into ears, (<) movement, Pain. Hypalgesia of r. side. Diminished sensibility; r. side. Anaesthesia of side; l. cheek. Paralysis of r. side. Paresis of nerves, when talking all facial muscles twitch.

Jaws. Loud movement, with grating of teeth. Contractions. Trismus. Tearing in r. upper; in lower and in lower teeth; near chin and in corresponding tooth; in r. side of lower, with sticking; in l. lower, extending towards l. ear, (>) rubbing, when rubbing a beating in l. side of occiput. Boring in r. angle of lower; in l. lower and in three corresponding teeth.

Lips. Bluish. Pale; mucous membrane of lips and throat. Desquamation. Covered with thick fissured scabs, and teeth and tongue. Covered with brown scabs. Dry and fissured. Moved as if smoking a pipe. Hair falls form moustache. Sharp drawing beneath. r. wine of nose.


      Teeth. Black; at their necks; (<) incisors and canines; yellowish. Brown; at base, yellow at tip; dark; greenish, (<) at their necks. Dirty gray. Bluish-gray, and gums. Yellowish. Covered with yellowish mucus; yellowish coat at root and a slatecolored border around several. Tartar, Sordes. Covered with dark incrustation. Covered with sulphate of lead, and gums. Decayed; and loose, edges of gums red and ragged, often bleeding, and a blue line; has an offensive odor and breaks off. Loose. Fell out. Chattering. Grinding; at night, with frequent waking. Tearing in in two r. lower molars. Jerking pain in r. lower molars in morning, (<) cold. Aching in sound ones as after eating sour fruit.

Gums. Blue; along margins; between teeth; a line along incisors; margins of upper incisors; line near a lower canine tooth; line opposite bicuspids; crescent over upper molars, towards roof of mouth; and bloodless; bordering on teeth, the rest light bluish- red; reddish, beneath l. lower canine, then beneath all lower incisors and canine; grayish, on slightest touch. Bluish-gray. Ashy – ray margins. Black. Dirty brownish-gray. Violet-red, then slate-colored. Pale. White and tense. Discolored and either thin or dwindled in extend, in the latter case the interdental partitions gradually disappear and the concavity of the gums is increased in consequence of molecular absorption, and teeth are laid bare, the gums thus form a projecting pad, sometimes marked by vertical incisions, the discoloration often disappears in proportion to the shrinking, gums more affected anteriorly, and lower more than upper, sometimes gum of only two or three teeth affected. Inflammation. Abscesses on r. Ulceration of superior alveolar border of both jaws, with discoloration of most of buccal membrane. A painful and hard pimple. Congestion, with bleeding on touch. Swollen. at roots of teeth. Soft. Spongy; and tender, and between teeth lead-colored elevations. Retracted; and covered with tenacious mucus. Tender.

Tongue. Red; on margins; on margin, brown coat down centre; and coated white; and rather white on edge; on sides, whitish in middle; and dry, rather pale and moist at edges; and pointed; Bluish line on margin. T. and mouth slate-coloured except a few scattered red points. Brownish. End covered with bluish-black spots, upper surface covered with ulcers as from Mercury, with pain in R. and lips and offensive salivation. Pale. White; and dry yellowish; but moist. Inflammation. Flat and broad. Swollen; with saburral coat; with saburral coat in middle; and yellow; and whitish, moist. Flabby. Coated; brown; brownish down centre, edge red, indented, speckled, with enlarged red papillae; brown in centre; whitish brown, clearing off towards edges, and moist; with black crust; covered with frothy saliva. Coated white; and moist; and swollen, margins and tip red; brownish. Coated yellowish-white in middle; about base, with partial paralysis on r. side; saburral, partly dry, edges of T. red and rough, with projecting papillae. Yellow coat; in centre; posteriorly; on l. edge in morning, and mouth slimy; and greenish; brownish; dirty; dirty, and flabby, indented. Light yellow crust. Clammy. Blisters on fraenum. Suddenly burning pimples on tip, painful, (<) talking, from 6 till 10 P.M.. Dry; with dark streak in centre; and brown, cracked. Trembling; and lower lip; but no hesitancy in speech. Drawn forcibly to l. side and folded in the same direction. Burning in morning and mouth; in tip as if he had bitten it, about 2 P.M. Heaviness. Partial paralysis, and of other parts. Cannot be put out. Insensibility of r. side. Articulation imperfect, sometimes only confused sounds. Speech slow; difficult; panting and puffing, as in diaphragmatic pleurisy; stammering; stammering, broken, shaking; hurried and abrupt; suddenly lost, with short, rapid respiration, Inability to talk.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.