Homeopathy Remedy Chininum Sulfuricum

Leg. – The disease at first confined to neck, face and arms, afterwards covered the legs, one of which was swollen and covered with a scaly eruption, like a kind of elephantiasis. Neuralgia in lower half of l., in course of anterior tibial nerve, in morning; in front of lower end of r. fibula in evening. Twinges in middle of r. tibial nerve, anteriorly, in evening, Rheumatic feeling about lower head of r. fibula in afternoon on rising from a seat. Aching over lower inner part of r. tibia in evening. Pricking in r. inner calf in afternoon when resting l. knee on r.

Ankle. – Sticking in l. posterior tibial artery, near malleolus, in forenoon; below r. inner malleolus in morning on rising; below r. inner malleolus when walking. Feeling as f injured. Sprained feeling about l.; in front of l. in afternoon during forced flexion when sitting, then in both sides of astragalus down to attachments of internal lateral ligament when walking, then under inside of l. instep; of flexor tendons under l. inner, when standing, the same in front of malleolus when walking; intermittent, under and about l. inner malleolus when walking, and in tendoachillis.

Foot. – Trembling, with aching in malleoli. Vertical stitch back of r. heel. Cramp in outer part of hollow of r. Crampy feeling in hollow of l., inside. Crampy aching in hollow of l., in inner muscles, (<) sitting, (>) standing; in outer muscles of r. sole in morning when sitting; in muscles of outer part of r. sole in evening when resting it on its inner side. Pain at l. inner calcaneal spaces in afternoon when walking, then in r. when standing. Strained pain in hollow of r. in afternoon; in inner part of hollow of r. in afternoon, in street-car. Dull twinge at inner side of l. instep. Soreness like a “stone-bruise” anteriorly in ball of l., causing limping. Insteps hurt by boots at 10 P.M. Swollen feeling in r. in evening when putting on boots. Weakness; on walking, with numbness.

Toes. – Sprained feeling in l. middle on rising from bed and standing. Gouty (?) pain in r. great joint on pressing foot to floor. Rending pain in joint of r. great, when walking indoors, on pressing foot to floor. Twinge in corn on l. little in evening from pressure of slipper, (>) changing its position.


      Soft. Retains the folds when pinched. Eruptions; purpuric. Wheals, with local redness over neck, chest and arms. Erythema of face and limbs, with swelling of r. arm. Rash, with oedema, then desquamation; R. as vivid as scarlatina, with itching, then exfoliation. Urticaria over whole body U., with puffiness of eyelids face and sometimes of limbs, which does not appear to be dropsical. Flat, lymphy, itching papules in patches on dorsa of hands, (<) radial side. Sore pimple to l. of bridge of nose; in beard on r. upper part of chin, with watery discharge. Pimples over whole body, with a discharge thicker than serum, but thinner than pus, with itching, then squamous scabs. Pustules resembling an itchlike crust. Offensive suppuration. Furuncle on r. upper lid.

Vesicular exanthema, with itching, redness and swelling of skin, first on genitals and thighs, then on face, hands and arms, moist but usual drying with a fine crust, sometimes causing cracks and ending in desquamation of thick scales, with febrile symptoms and gastric disturbances.

Pricking at night, then sweat, (<) of face; sudden pricking on back, chest and thighs in evening when walking in open air, then sweat on chest and back. Itching on chest, back and arms;p in sides of chin and on head, etc., in morning; of r. alae crease of nose in afternoon; of anterior wall of concha of l. ear in evening, (>) scratching, which yields whitish scales; in external meatus of each ear, with crawling; on r. side of back about midnight, voluntary friction by clothing caused chilly creeping round from back to sides and front of chest.


      Yawning; towards evening; in evening in the street. Sleepiness; during the day; in forenoon when standing; at noon when sitting, with downward pressure in forehead extending to upper eyelid; in afternoon when conversing, the lids seem to contract spasmodically, (<) glare on white wall; in afternoon in car and church; in evening in close railroad car; in street-car, and after getting out laggy gait; in warm rooms when conversing; during conversation before and after dinner; like a warmth about eyes and down to throat in afternoon when sitting. Dozing in chair before dinner. Sleep profound but unrefreshing. Difficult waking.

Sleeplessness; from heat and thirst; except for a few hours in the morning. Frequent waking; towards daylight, sleep almost semi-conscious. Early waking from an uneasy sleep. Restless sleep; with much cough; full of dreams; interrupted by wonderful dreams. Crying in sleep at midnight, waking him, with necessity to get out of bed.

Dreams; frightful, with restless sleep; indistinct, in morning; vivid towards morning.


      Chill; in forenoon; at 11 A.M., with pallor of face, pain in forehead and temples and ringing in ears; in afternoon; in afternoon when at work; towards evening, with rapid pulse, dry mouth and thirst; with accelerated pulse. Shaking; then fever; at 3 P.M., then heat of face from 6.30 to 9 P.M., chill with trembling of limbs, then in bed heat with yawning and sneezing, then sweat. Alternating with effervescence of blood causing pulsation.

Chill from occiput over trapezius muscle and to upper arms in afternoon in open air; creeping, in r., side of occiput in afternoon, then in l. Creeping over trapezius in forenoon, then from spines of scapulae to shoulders, then on taking off hat in the house form trapezius over occiput to vertex and behind ears; creeping over trapezius in afternoon, with soreness in r. lower bicuspid. In back, with pain in one of the middle dorsal vertebrae; in scapular and mammary regions; in sacrum on lying down before breakfast, and in l. leg. In limbs; in afternoon, and in hands, feet, chin, nose and ears. Creeping over l. shoulder, scapula and l. side of neck on moving arms, then after sitting down in a warm room warmth about face, shoulders and downward and backward, becoming general, with throbbing of heart and of arteries to feet and hands. Of l. arm in evening when writing in shirt-sleeves, with sneezing, tingling of nose and snuffling, stoppage alternating with sneezing. Of l. hand in afternoon when writing; of backs of hands and fingers in afternoon. Of fingers in morning, and of toes and soles. Of knees; in forenoon in draught of air, with sneezing; l. in forenoon when sitting; l. at noon; at noon when sitting, (<) l.; l. in afternoon, with flushing; in afternoon, and of hands, (<) l. foot and tendo-achillis; in afternoon when writing; in afternoon, then of knees and above boots, (<) l. Of soles, (<) l., with sneezing, then of anterior half of foot.

Heat; in afternoon, (<) forehead, then in face; towards evening when quiet, then sweat; when walking, with tingling or stinging on front of thighs. Dry, during a sleepless night. Of skin; towards evening. Intermittent fever in the cycle of an ordinary tertian. Symptoms resembling scarlet fever, chill, with praecordial anxiety, nausea, vomiting, headache, fever, then erythema of face, spreading over body, with burning, itching and with oedema of face, injection of conjunctiva, the color (>) for a moment by pressure, angina in posterior wall of pharynx, prostration, then desquamation.

Heat in head; then sweat; with a strong rapid pulse, then sweat; of forehead, with pain in it. Of face; down l. side of face in afternoon; towards evening; towards evening when writing; at 4 P.M. in flushes, with thirst; as after coffee; dry H. of face and hands at 1.30 A.M. when writing. Extending down to external chest, subjectively, in afternoon. Feeling as if sweat would break out abut neck and face in evening; from r. scapula to l. face and hand, forehead and nape and down back in evening, with general sweat. Of hands in forenoon when sitting writing.

Sweat; in morning; sleep; in evening when in a crowd; in evening on parts pressed by the clothing, as dorsal, axillary and perineal regions; in sleep.

Clinical Intermittent fever, the paroxysms recurring with great regularity at the same hour, especially indicated by the extreme sensitiveness of the dorsal vertebrae, with pain on pressure in other respects very much like China. Intermittent fever is some- times certainly cured completely and permanently by this drug, but only a small proportion of the cases are thus cured. Quinine possesses the curious property of preventing in a measure the development of marsh-malarial poisoning in the system in a way similar to that in which mercury prevents the development of syphilis, but when once developed China will only occasionally cure the disease.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.