Homeopathy Remedy Chininum Sulfuricum

Hypochondrium. – Sticking in l. side below short ribs; from region of gall-bladder to r. rectus muscle; moving from edge of liver to outside of and below r. nipple, in evening on entering house; subcutaneous cutting S. in l. hypochondrium in afternoon. Suppurative sensation in region of liver. Pain in region of spleen; (>) pressure; in liver region before going to bed; in liver region in morning, (>) pressure of hand. Crampy feeling in l. rectus; in l. border of l. upper rectus at 1 A.M. when walking, (<) sitting; in l. border of upper l. rectus in evening.

Cutting in upper; (<) pressure of hand; transversely across upper and umbilical regions, with twisting. Discomfort in upper after 2 P.M., with tension and distention of abdomen towards evening, with pain on pressure, and oppression of chest. Pain to l. of and above umbilicus in afternoon when sitting, extending to sigmoid flexure and rectum. Cramp to l. of and above umbilicus when sitting in street-car. Rasping pain from umbilicus up to chest before copious menstruation, with dragging towards genitals. Pain in l. side in evening when sitting bent to l. Wandering pain in small intestines, with cutting, then diarrhoea. Warmth in duodenum.

Hypogastrium. – Subcutaneous cutting stitch in l. outer groin in afternoon when sitting. Cramp in l. inguinal region in morning when standing. Dragging towards genitals.

Colon. – Commotion in l. in evening, including l. lumbar region. Sticking n transverse, in evening. Pinching in transverse and in l. in afternoon when walking in the house and when in street-car. Pain in transverse in afternoon, going to rectum as if for stool; in r. superior angle in evening when writing; in transverse and sigmoid in evening, (>) emission of flatus; in transverse when sitting. Grumbling; colicky, in l. at noon when sitting after motion.


      Commotion in evening; when sitting. Itching. Tenesmus; with griping in abdomen; with a difficult, small, soft stool; ineffectual.


      Haemorrhoidal trouble increased. Discharge of bright blood. Sticking in l. side of inner sphincter in afternoon; to r. of anus in evening when walking, with itching; sudden crampy or cutting stitch in inner sphincter when standing. Uneasiness (>) by gently forcing down rectum. Itching in perineum.


      Liquid, frequent. Dissolved, dark brown. Pappy, frothy, frequent, with much wind. First half jelly like, with much wind. Diarrhoea; with pain across abdomen; with drawing and cutting in abdomen; light-colored; slow in coming away, with much wind. Soft, but impeded by painful contraction of inner sphincter, which feels like a firm rim. Mushy at first, then like diarrhoea, preceded by offensive flatus. With yellow, clear mucus. Constipation. Hard; and crumbling; at first, then liquid; at first, then thin. Profuse; rather hard. Scanty after postponement. Sluggish and scanty. Difficult; and painful; but not hard, with a peculiar sensation from r. hand to shoulder. Omitted; and abdomen distended.

Urinary Organs

      Haemorrhage. Catarrhal inflammation of bladder. Flow of residue of urine after replacement of clothing. Micturition slow, with turbid urine. Urging to urinate; early in morning; in afternoon when walking about the room, with colic in transverse colon; frequent, without increased secretion. Constrictive biting in orifice of urethra at 9 P.M. after urinating.

Urine. – Copious; preceded by distention of upper and lower abdomen and by oppressed respiration; and pale; and bloody; and bright-colored; and high colored, turbid. Scanty, cloudy, contained urates. Jumentous. Frothy. Dark; of strong odor and acid; and scanty, with sediment; with sediment of yellowish-red crystals; with powdery yellowish-white sediment. Of strong odor. Watery, does not redden litmus-paper. As clear as water, containing four-sided prisms, with four-sided pointed ends, the crystals enveloped in tough mucus. Turbid; with chocolate-colored sediment. Uric acid decreased. Phosphoric acid increased.

Sediment. – Light-colored, mealy. Yellowish-white, adherent, of strong odor. Red. Gravel. Brick-dust. Fatty, with slimy flakes in urine. Straw-yellow, granular, with glittering transparent colorless crystals. Like candied sugar, consisting of urate and purpurate of ammonia, with phosphates. Of brown granules; kidney- shaped, one of which showed bright concentric layers. Of crystals; orange-colored; orange-colored, right-angled prisms, with rhomboidal fragments; brown, starlike; rhomboidal and pillar-like; prisms and fragments of three-sided pointed pyramids; sediment rose-red, of rhomboidal flat crystals, with here and there double pyramids, with only traces of uric acid, consisting almost wholly of phosphates.

Sexual Organs

      Eruption. Itching on l. side of scrotum in afternoon. Aching in r. spermatic cord in afternoon, with relaxation of scrotum. relaxation of r. testis in evening, with aching. Function decreased; lost. Emission in morning without sensation; at night without waking. Uterine haemorrhage. Abortion. Labor pains.

Respiratory Organs

      Contractive feeling in a weak spot on l. side of hyolaryngeal space in morning. Scraping soreness in larynx and trachea when swallowing in morning on rising, (>) coughing up mucus, which caused rawness in l. bronchus and l. lung, afterwards the cough caused rending in fauces. Tickling in larynx; in evening, with cough and expectoration of mucus; after midnight; at bifurcation of trachea in evening, with cough and raising and swallowing of mucus. Hoarseness at 4 P.M.; H. (>) swallowing mucus. Loss of voice.

Cough towards morning, caused by a painful spot in throat; at 12.30 A.M., with tickling in windpipe; in evening when dressing, with sticking in l. upper lung (?) and rheumatic pain in l. trapezius, near posterior edge of scapula; when in open air without overcoat; when sitting in street-car, (<) towards morning, once the mucus struck the roof of the mouth; in forenoon; in afternoon when walking in open air; in evening when standing in open air, with threatened irritability in l. bronchi; at night, with necessity to sit up in bed to get his breath; after midnight, with swallowing of mucus; when walking in open air; cough (>) expectoration from very low down; cough, with gelatinous expectoration from lowest part of bronchi. Loose cough. Short cough in afternoon, with swallowing of mucus.

Expectoration of mucus from r. side of glottis in morning, afterwards from posterior part; E. in forenoon of opaque, white globose mass of mucus, another of exfoliated epithelium, these surrounded by three times their quantity of transparent secretion stretching out between fingers to more than an inch; of lumps of thick sea-green mucus, which sank in water, in morning on rising, then soreness of chest.

Respiration increased. Oppressed in steam-cars; in O. as from a loop about the chest. Short. Superficial and irregular. Slow; and irregular. Sighing. Long weary inspiration in evening, when eating, then loud sighing, heaving, groaning expiration. Arrested by contraction of throat on rising suddenly from a seat and attempting to swallow at the same time.


      Haemorrhage from lungs (probably). Sticking in l.; in r. half in afternoon, extending to shoulder, impeding respiration, (>) being forward; in l., preventing deep respiration. Pain below sternum, almost stickling, (<) deep breathing or sudden motion. Pain in r.; in morning on rising, (>) noon; in l. half at 7 P.M., extending to back, (<) deep inspiration and forcibly throwing l. arm backward, (>) leaning upon l. forearm with body bent forward (as when writing); on rising; in l. clavicle; transversely through chest at night, from racking cough. Crampy feeling at ends of r. false ribs in morning on bending forward to urinate; at angles of r. true ribs in afternoon; outside of the below r. nipple when in street-car. Oppression. Feeling behind middle of sternum (oesophagus?) as if food stuck; feeling as of something indigestible behind lower sternum in evening, (>) eructations; feeling to l. of sternum in morning as of spasmodic condition of oesophagus from indigestion. Tickling in l. evening.

Clinical Pneumonia, with great oppression, weakness, deafness and whizzing in ears, or rushing like a storm in ears, or ringing of bells, must lie on back (Sanguinaria).


      Sticking in region of apex. Pressure in praecordial region, with passage of flatus. Tension in praecordial region, (<) l. side below short ribs, with necessity to loosen bands of clothing. Praecordial anxiety. Praecordial uneasiness. Palpitation; in morning on waking, lying on l. side, (>) lying on heart; in morning caused by indigestion, (>) lying on heart; in afternoon; when roused suddenly, had to lie on heart and support it with the hand; when lying on heart; and support it with the hand; when lying on r. side, (>) lying on abdomen. Action accelerated in forenoon. Strong beating at 10 A.M., after excitement. Action subjectly perceptible in forenoon when sitting partially doubled up; in l. chest and abdomen in forenoon after straining at stool; in l. chest in afternoon after going up-stairs; through much of chest on being awakened from a nap, (>) lying still; in forenoon when sitting after an incomplete stool, extending to head; after breakfast, sitting at stool with elbows on knees, felt through chest, down back to sacrum and through abdomen. Feeble movements.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.