Homeopathy Remedy Chininum Sulfuricum

Vision lost; with pain in forehead as if head would burst; dim. Photophobia, with lachrymation in full glare. Bright lights and sparks.

Clinical Intermittent strabismus.


      Sticking in l. in forenoon; r. at noon; r. in evening; l. on retracting chin, involving throat; in l. meatus in afternoon after going down-stairs. Pain above r. ear and mastoid process in evening; in r. between 1 and 2 A.M.; suddenly in l. when walking; in open air. Tension in parotids, with flow of saliva; in afternoon; in r. when walking after supper, after a jar; in r. at 11.30 P.M., also in r. submaxillary, then in l. glands. Tingling. Feeling as if stuffed with cotton.

Ringing, (<) l.; with sensation as if plugged up; intermittent; sudden, in r. like a bell in E., when walking in open air; causing deafness. Hissing. Buzzing; in r. extending over head, after coffee; intermittent. Resonance in r. in morning. Roaring; causing deafness. Sensation as if a horse railroad had its course through the brain (<) on alternate days. Deafness; in l. Hearing lost. Hearing difficult. Intolerance of noise.


      Sore pimple on r. side, at end of nasal bone. Twitching in afternoon. Neuralgia at end of l. bone in evening (head held obliquely down in writing). Tingling anteriorly in nostrils in evening when sitting; in l. side after supper on going from one room to another, with sneezing and flow from r. side. Titillation in r. upper nostril in afternoon, then sneezing, then snuffling and flow of water. Sensation of coryza, with sneezing. Stoppage when in a green house after riding in wind. Moisture in evening, (<) r. side. Fluent coryza in r. side.

Sneezing in morning when dressing, with discharge of mucus; at noon when wait on doorsteps; afternoon on entering house; at 2 P.M. when standing in a cool shady alley, then blowing of mucus from r. nostril; in evening when sitting in shirt-sleeves; at night when resting back against cool wall; on walking in open air; (<) getting feet cold. Haemorrhage.


      Pale; and suffering. Red. Earthy color. Sickly expression; and hollow-eyed. OEdema; and of limbs, with erythematous rash, and feeling as if arms would burst. Twitching of l. zygomatic muscles. Pain below l. zygoma between 1 and 2 A.M., about l. malar-bone in evening; in l. infraorbital and superior maxillary nerves, (<) cold air, with boring, at times involving eye, swelling adjacent to upper molars; suddenly above l. zygoma when writing, with head bent to l., also at temporal ridge; varying from l. supra-zygomatic region to ear, throat, upper molars, in evening when riding in street-car, with head inclined reading, (>) holding head up. Rheumatic (or neuralgic) pain in zygoma, malar and nasal bones, extending to side of head, in afternoon, from cool wind on r. side of face, with tingling in nose, as before sneezing. Dull twinge above root of r. zygoma in afternoon.

Cracking in joints of jaw; every time mouth is opened. Cutting in l. lower jaw in night. Neuralgia in r. joint of jaw in morning; in l. lower jaw in a cool room. Lips livid; and cool. Eruption on lower lip, l., the r., side.


      Teeth. Clenched after midnight. Tartar increased; soft T. on upper front, after removal of which soreness of gum on touch of lip; the secretion about upper molars seems to putresce and irritate. Sticking in incisors in afternoon, (<) l.; in l. upper second and third molars in evening. Cutting downward and outward from l. lower amalgam-filled molar. Neuralgia in last l. upper molars in afternoon, extending to zygoma; in molars in afternoon, extending into l. jaw, (<) in lower and in ear; in l. molars filled with amalgam, in afternoon, then n middle upper and lower molars. Aching; between amalgam-filled molars, (<) cold air, (>) application of warm hand. Pressure as form a knife-blade, in first l. lower molar, downward and forward into l. jaw, in afternoon. Rough feeling in morning. Soreness of sockets, with inflammation of gums.

Tongue. – Coated yellow; and dry; at root; except tip, which is red; with slimy yellowish froth; with slimy fur, yellow posteriorly; yellowish white; coated with white mucus. White; in centre, pale on margins; with yellow coat at root. Pale, covered with tenacious mucus. Flabby in morning, and whitish. Twitching of middle of r. lingualis muscle in afternoon; of end of l. lingualis in afternoon when writing. Articulation impaired. Speech difficult; lost.

Mouth. – Cavity pale. Full of mucus at night, with hunger; tenacious coat of mucus on back part of palate in afternoon, causing efforts to swallow it. Dry. Salivation. Offensive breath. Expired air cool. Taste bitter; to bread; bad on rising, with bad breath; pasty; brassy after breakfast; acrid, (>) motion of tongue.


      Swelling, impeding respiration and causing hoarseness. Sudden starting from sleep at 2 A.M., throat swollen, inspiration difficult, necessity to rise, difficult coughing up of mucus, respiration (>) coughing, with sweat, (<) back and legs, general heat, respiration became rattling and gasping. Catarrhal clogging of upper pharynx in morning; of upper part in afternoon, the mucus detached by repeated swallowing. Tough mucus; at night, waking and obliging him to cough it up. Pain (<) swallowing; (<) moving neck; (>) evening; till night, with rough voice; in both sides, afterwards extending into larynx, (>) towards evening, with sensitiveness to pressure. Constriction. Sensation as if something had lodged. Scraping in afternoon, with irritation to cough and slimy expectoration difficult to loosen. Dryness. Irritation to cough. Tickling. Itching of r. side of velum palati in afternoon.


      Appetite great; at 9 A.M. after eating; in afternoon; at 2 P.M. with eructations; at 2 P.M., with drowsiness when in street-car; in evening; after supper, then nausea; for acid food; ravenous at night; ravenous after eating, changing to nausea; canine, satiated by a small quantity of food, which took away all appetite for the next meal. Diminished. More frequent desire to eat though the appetite was not increased. Lost; with sensation of fasting; lost for breakfast, with increased hunger; lost, but drawing in stomach as from need of food; lost, but sensation indicating that one has some loss to make up, (<) retracting stomach. Aversion to food; to beer and tobacco, which act as if used for the first time. Thirst; in afternoon; in evening; (<) morning; (<) night.

Eructations; bitter; tasting of food; tasting of breakfast; tasting of tea taken at supper; tasting of supper; at midnight when sitting, tasting of supper; at 1.30 A.M. when crouching, tasting of supper, with flatus and yawning; tasting of supper, with fulness and uneasiness in stomach; E. of ingesta in evening when sitting bent; of half-digested matters at 1 A.M. when sitting, causing me to loosen the clothes, pyrosis; like hiccough, at 1 A.M. on starting out of the room, with sticking in r. lumbar region. Hiccough and retching.

Nausea; in morning, (>) eructation; during a meal, with vomiting; with weakness and shivering; sudden, forcing her to bed; sudden, after moderate eating of pork and vegetables, with vomiting, heartburn, constriction of stomach and distention of abdomen; threatening, when walking after eating, (>) loosening waistband. Vomiting; of insipid taste in afternoon.

Pain; in epigastric region, extending towards umbilicus, (<) pressure. Pressure after eating, then cutting in upper and middle abdomen; P. from the slightest food, with return of the usual symptoms. fulness; in afternoon; (>) eructations; in epigastrium. Oppression when sitting, (>) evening by loosening waist-bands and eructations; in epigastrium, waking towards morning, (>) turning over; in epigastrium and hypochondrium, (<) l. side, with emissions of offensive flatus. Pulling, and in oesophagus. All the symptoms of a continue fast. Emptiness, (>) drinking cold water and eating, with drowsiness.

Sudden gnawing at 10.30 P.M., before supper, on ascending stairs, then crampy gastralgia, (>) standing up straight, then shuddering of head, (>) eructations. Cardialgia. Pyrosis in evening. Heat; starting from cardiac orifice and extending to abdomen and sometimes to chest. Heartburn; at midnight when standing bent over table, after eating dry bread. Coldness after ice-cream, (>) loosening clothes, with uneasiness. Indigestion from eating two apples late at night. Acidity, with distress in epigastrium. Trembling. Gastric catarrh.


      Distention; in afternoon; before diarrhoea. Tense. Rumbling; with tension, sensitiveness to pressure and discharge of flatus. Commotion as before diarrhoea, then emission of flatus. Emission of flatus; on rising, then irritability around anus; offensive; offensive, in evening; offensive, on moving about after midnight; offensive, after micturition. Flatus goes into rectum with a shock, when leaning back in chair, then presses on anus and escapes, then similar movements in l. colon and intermittent twinges of colic, the colic (>) emission of flatus. Tearing. Pain during the day; on rising, (>) stool of cadaverous odor, at first mushy; at noon, (<) sudden standing up, (>) emission of offensive flatus; with diarrhoea; sudden, at 2 P.M., with emission of flatus.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.