Homeopathy Remedy Chininum Sulfuricum


      Rapid; and full; and irregular and intermittent; and small and irritable. Slow; in morning and afternoon; and strong, afterwards rapid and weak; and scarcely perceptible. Small, almost imperceptible.


      Swelling along r. sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle. Sprained feeling in upper r. sterno-mastoid muscle in afternoon in street-car on suddenly turning head to r., with sticking in r. ear. Crampy feeling in l. sterno-mastoid muscle in morning, then in l. levator anguli scapulae. Rheumatic feeling from cool wind, extending to l. ear.


      Pain. Sensitiveness of last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae to pressure; of dorsal vertebrae; first and second dorsal vertebrae; third dorsal vertebrae pain on touch, with oppression of chest (Phosphorus); pain in second and (<) first, on pressure in afternoon; dorsal vertebrae more painful to pressure during chill than the cervical or lumbar vertebrae. Sticking around lower angle or r. scapula. Rheumatic feeling at inner border of l. scapula; in l. upper and inner scapular muscles in afternoon after sitting in a draught; at l. inner scapular border at midnight when writing, (>) supporting arm. Crampy feeling at inner border of r. scapula in afternoon.

Lumbar Region. – Pleurosthotonic cramp in l. on exertion. Subcutaneous sticking in r. when walking, later when straightening himself, running up l. side. Pain; in middle of l. costo-pelvic muscular region in afternoon; in afternoon when walking, after raw, condimented oysters; in l. in afternoon when walking, then in r., then when sitting in l. again; in l. kidney region in afternoon when sitting bent to r. side; in l. in evening in l. lower in evening when writing; in l. about lower end of kidney after dinner when sitting bent forward in street- car, then indications of pain on r. side; when sitting bent up in street-car; in l. kidney on bending over table; in l. when walking; in l. kidney, (<) by positions, etc., which cause compression. Crampy pain in l. renal region in evening. Crampy lumbago when standing in street without overcoat, (>) external support and adjusting position. Uneasiness in l. Feeling in forenoon, not having defecated, as if a firm mass pressed against sacrum, hips and lower lumbar region.

Clinical In spinal irritation, with great sensitiveness of the spine in the region of the first dorsal vertebrae, the pain extending towards the head and apt to recur periodically.


      Livid and cool. Trembling; and control over them much hampered; even on slight exertion, with numbness; with coldness. Tearings and drawings in hands and feet. Neuralgic twinges in r. index and r. little toe in afternoon on using them. Bruised feeling. Weakness; of arms and legs.

Upper Extremities

      Sticking in r. axillary folds. (Rheumatico-neuralgic ache in r. posterior axillary fold in afternoon when pressing scapulae against chair.)

Shoulder – Cracking of joints on raising arms. Cramp in anterior half of l. deltoid after 1 A.M., before going to bed, on some motions of arms. Sticking above r. external condyle of humerus in evening. Pain. Rheumatism in r. acromion in cool wind, with false position; in l. deltoid region, near acromion, in cool, humid, windy day, (>) warmth. Rheumatic feeling in r. deltoid at 2.20 A.M. (after sleeping); (>) change of position; in tendons of both deltoids and of l. biceps in afternoon, from muscular effort; in one or other deltoid when arm was in malposition, extending half way down outer arm. Rheumatic pain in l. at noon.

Arm. – Swollen and covered with pustules, also hands. Neuralgia in tendon of l. biceps at noon on holding forearm flexed and pronated, hand on edge of table. Rheumatic pain in r. (outer origin of brachialis anticus); rheumatic threatening in r. arm when sitting with arm in malposition in afternoon, then in course of musculo-spiral nerve to back of forearm and hand when resting palm on car-seat, and in ulnar nerve adjoining pisiform bone. Pain in middle third of ulnar nerve from below l. axilla to below elbow, in afternoon when writing. Bruised feeling. Lack of control over muscles in afternoon.

Upper Arm. – Twinge in superficial nerves, in inner and outer aspects in evening when writing. Pain in r. outer in evening.

Elbow- Pain in front of, in afternoon when pulling a door. Sprained feeling at biceps tendon on forcibly flexing r. forearm.

Forearm. – Twitching of l. ulnar flexor; of tendons in front of r. ulna. Cramp in flexors of l. in morning on feeling for levator anguli scapulae. Sticking in dorsum of r. lower, in nerves; in dorsum of r. at noon on putting hand behind me; in dorsum of r. in afternoon when holding a weight; in dorsum of r. in evening when sitting. Neuralgia in dorsum of r., ulna in morning when writing; in afternoon in dorsal branches of radial nerves, then suddenly in digital nerves of adjacent sides of middle phalanges of first and second l. fingers. Neuralgico-rheumatic sensations in dorsum of r. in afternoon when walking, extending as a hard ache to middle of ulna. Rheumatic pain in r. ulna in morning on waking, the arm being uncovered, (>) warm sponge-bath; in extensor tendons of r. in afternoon when riding in cool wind, – motion. Carrying medicine-case in r. hand in afternoon, compression of ulnar nerve against body, pain to termini of nerve in little finger; pain in lower end of l. ulna in evening when holding paper to write on; pain on inner edge of r., ulna when writing, then in its upper dorsum, then anteriorly in same, (<) when ulnar nerve is on the stretch, (>) relaxing it or removing compression.

Wrist. – Sticking in dorsum of r. in forenoon when writing. Rheumatic pain around r. carpus in afternoon after writing.

Hand. – Fulness of veins in evening. Seem puffy when closing them. Sticking in l. between bases of first and second metacarpal bones in forenoon after vigorous use of hands; in r. palm between first and second metacarpus in evening. Neuralgia in space between first and second r. metacarpus after midnight, extending along digital nerve, inner aspect of first phalanx of first finger. Crampy, then rheumatic pain in r. third knuckle and above it, in afternoon when writing. Sensation in r. during every stool as if drops of fluids passed thence to the shoulder. Refused their service, also the arms.

Fingers. – Livid. Nails unusually tough. After morning sponge- bath, inflammation of l. index (on which there is a slight cut). Neuralgia in inner digital nerve of l. second; in ball of r. thumb in evening; in l. index when holding papers in l. hand and writing on them. Pain in r. finger and thumb. Soreness of last joint of r. little to pressure, with swelling and redness; proximal palmar portion of last phalanx of r. thumb sensitive to pressure, as in incipient felon.

Lower Extremities

      When walking the tendons seem to catch and pain. “Wooden feeling: in evening when walking. Inability to walk. Disposition to aid walking by gravitation in afternoon, walking bent forward to supplement muscular inertia, especially in calves.

Thigh. – Sticking behind l. trochanter in afternoon on walking; in r. gluteus medius on walking. Stitchlike catching in anterior superior part of l. gluteus maximus in afternoon on walking. Cutting across lower half of l. rectus femoris at every step in afternoon after jumping from car; transversely in inner and lower part of r. rectus femoris in forenoon when at stool; crampy, across, in afternoon on entering house and in lower half of rectus muscle, then on walking out in l. thigh on same level. Crampy pain in lower border of r. gluteus maximus in evening. Neuralgic twinge behind r. gluteus maximus in evening. Neuralgic twinge behind r. trochanter, afterwards felt when walking. Rheumatic twinge behind r. trochanter in evening when walking. Rheumatic pain in exterior of l. thigh and upper fibula in afternoon when sitting with limb suddenly doubled up, by leaning far forward; along inner border of l. rectus femoris when walking. Rheumatic feeling behind r. trochanter in afternoon when walking; in lower half of r. vastus externus in afternoon when walking; in part of l. gluteus maximus on standing bent over. Myalgia along exterior aspect of r. rectus femoris, on standing bent forward with r. foot advanced. tEnsion in rectus muscles in evening on walking, (>) standing still. Rigid feeling in rectus muscles on walking, then similar sensation posteriorly. Hips feel old, inert and stiff in morning on walking. Tired feeling in upper front, in afternoon on walking; in l. rectus femoris in evening when sitting; when walking, and knees are ready to give way; in hips before going to bed, (<) l., almost a stiff feeling. Loss of power.

Knee. – Trembling. Sticking in upper part of l. in evening. Feeling as if bones at inner half of r. did not fit when walking, increasing to a drawing at inner part of popliteal space and up inner half of r. did not fit when walking, increasing to a drawing at inner part of popliteal space and up inner hamstring muscles, with awkward gait, he shook the limb to relieve the tension. Contractive sensation down inner side of r. in afternoon. Weakness; in afternoon on walking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.