Homeopathy Remedy Chelidonium

Chelidonium homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Chelidonium …

      A tincture is prepared from the fresh plant of Chelidonium Majus, Linn.

General Action

      The most prominent action of Chelidonium is upon the liver. Symptoms of inflammation, of jaundice, of disturbed function of the bowels and kidneys and sympathetic affections of the right lung are numerous and well marked. See also the symptoms in joints, skin, etc.

Allies.- Caulophyll., Podophyll., Mercur., Bryonia, China., Mag-c., Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla


      Emaciation. Reeling as if she would fall forward, without vertigo. Trembling of whole body. Stretching. Twitching; now and then on various spots; in head, clavicle and limbs; of arms and legs, and in head on moving arm; on inner side of thigh, in feet and in back. Rising in anxiety and tearing clothing from neck and chest. Crying as soon as l. leg is moved or l. side is touched.

Stitches here and there; in afternoon; in pit of stomach, then in back, then in l. cheek-bone, then r., extending to temple; beneath r. scapula, then in perineum and testicles, and again in r. shoulder. Tearing and sticking here and there, extending downward, (<) in r. leg. Pain (<) afternoon, when it is spasmodic. Wandering pains in all parts; in upper limbs, in forehead, sides of nose and in upper jaw. Burning pain in spots on shoulders, trunk and arms. Bruised pain on moving about; B. as after a long march. Rheumatic or bruised pain in morning on waking; ar nape and anterior part of neck. in shoulders and arms; R. pain now in r., now in l. upper part of body; drawing R. pain now here, now there, and in r. upper half of body, in shoulders, arms and wrists. Drawing pain from l. upper jaw to l. nostril, l. eye, l. meatus, l. temple, l. half of neck, l. scapula and l. ankle; in whole body, with fluent coryza. Drawing through whole body; towards noon; in head, teeth jaws and shoulders.

General sick feeling. Affections as after a severe illness. General sensation as in influenza. Discomfort; without knowing what is the matter, necessity to lie down, inability to sleep and discontentment with everything. Excitement of whole body; from 10 to 11.30 P.M. Internal uneasiness; muscular U. in evening, alternating with pains in head and chest. Must be carried constantly.

Horror of movement. Inclination to lie down (China). Weakness (China), in morning; in morning after uneasy sleep; in morning on waking, also with sleepiness; in afternoon; at 2 P.M., with indolence and yawning; at night, with pain in kidneys; after dinner; when walking; when walking in open air; when sitting, with sleepiness; with inability to sleep. Indolence, (>) open air, with prostration and sleepiness; I., with sleepiness without yawning; of whole body, with uneasiness. Faintness; in evening on undressing, with anxiety in chest, trembling and short cough; on rising from bed. Heaviness; after eating, with disinclination for work and sleepiness. Numbness, with drowsiness; N. in muscles of hepatic region and in r. side of neck, face and head; (and insensibility, as from apoplexy, with trembling). Symptoms generally return at noon after eating (except the chill, instead of which there was internal heat, with internal heat, with internal burning between chest and shoulders). Amelioration from eructations; from a light-colored, pasty stool.

Clinical Great lethargy, debility, weariness and indisposition to make any effort (China).


      Weeping mood; about the present and future; crying at night when taken up and carried; crying all night, (<) when taken hold of. Hypochondriac mood. Sadness; thinks she has ruined her health by the proving. Fear at slightest noise, as if he had not a good conscience, or fear that pneumonia is coming. Fretfulness; in afternoon; on waking, with red spots alternately on both cheeks; about every trifle; without knowing what is the matter. Dissatisfaction.

Anxiety; in morning, with uneasiness; on waking at 4 A.M.; at 6 P.M., with trembling of limbs; in evening; at night, with fear of death, and with ineffectual desire to eructate; at night about death and being a soldier; after rising; till evening;(>) open air, with trembling, vertigo and heat of head; at every slight noise; with trembling of hands; with twitching of limbs; with uneasiness and palpitation; with oppression; with constriction of chest; trembling; sudden, with palpitation; in attacks, with nausea and retching; in attacks in room, with sensation as if sweat would break out on forehead; as if she had committed a crime, on account of which she must run away. Uneasiness; with willingness to die.

Anger; outbreaks of, feeling as if she could beat the children, and trembling from rage because she has no reason for doing it. Quarrelsome mood. Obstinacy. Silent mood. Inclination to talk too much. Excitement. Apathy. Absence of mind. Forgetful as to what she had done or was to do. Stupefaction; at night; with vertigo. Difficulty in thinking; at night; with vertigo. Difficulty in thinking; and it seemed as if she would loose her reason. Confusion of ideas, as when half asleep, (>) towards 3 O’clock, then pain in lumbar region till night. Unconsciousness at night on frequent waking, with heaviness of occiput, which seems fastened to pillow if she attempts to rise; (>) rubbing soles.

Clinical Low from of delirium, quiet in character, with the peculiar pneumonia of the drug. Then have, been some cures of melancholia associated with enlarged liver and jaundice. The mental condition is generally heavy, lethargic, disinclined to mental effort; convulsions associated with disturbances of digestion. Patients often feel as if they had committed a crime, or that they will go crazy, or they becomes very forgetful, etc.


      Trembling. Inability to raise it in evening on lying down, and necessity to lift it with the hands. Sticking; when coughing. Tearing; sticking, here and there. Aching; on waking after 4 A.M.; on rising, also (>) breakfast; in forenoon on entering house; towards; on evening; at night, with pain in l. temple; on rising; (<) afternoon, and extending to occiput; (>) evening by a nap; (>) closing eyes; (>) rubbing soles; with throbbing in temples; with throbbing in r. temple synchronous with pulse, as if over- distended with blood; with twitches here and there in it; as after intoxication; contractive; rheumatic. Pressure towards middle; P. in brain after breakfast; blowing nose or stooping, but not while eating. Feeling in morning as if surrounded by a band, with internal heaviness.

Dullness from 3 to 3.30 P.M., with rapid pulse. Confusion; in afternoon; in afternoon, with vertigo; on waking from nap after dinner, with heat in head; (<) towards evening, with sensation of a lump in brain; (<) l. side of forehead, extending to occipital protuberance; (>) after shivering; with heavy pain about forehead; as after alcoholic stimulants. Heaviness; in morning; on waking; in brain; in middle; extending to r. side of head, whence rheumatic drawing extends into r. side of neck, then through arm into wrist, affecting injured fingers, and rheumatic drawing in fresh of r. side of chest; as if tightly bound; confused, in morning.

Violent throbbing in arteries, with pain extending over head from one ear to other and photophobia. Rush of blood; and to throat and upper part of chest. Intoxication. Vertigo; in morning after rising, with confusion; at 6.30 P.M., after dinner; on sitting up in bed (Bryonia); on rising, with nausea and salivation; before menses; with nausea; with faintness; even to falling forwards on rising from bed; as of everything were turning in a circle on closing eyes; as if turning in a circle, with shivering in upper part of body and unconsciousness; and from drunkenness, from 6 to 9 P.M., with nausea, warm sweat on face and internal and external heat of throat and chest; as if the moved forward while the occiput remained lying held firmly by the neck, when raising head in night on waking. Waving sensation in brain; after drinking white beer, with heaviness in forehead and top of head extending to temples; (<) moving eyes.

Forehead.- Sticking, in middle; in r.; above l. eye; in bone above l. eye, then in l. side of occiput; above l. eye, with twitching of lids; under skin; itching, in middle; transversely across; between eyebrows, extending into r. eye and l. temple and above l. ear; tearing, in l. eminence. Tearing in afternoon; T. above r. eye; above l. eye; above l. eye, extending into eye and lid and root of nose; between brows, which tends to press lids together, (>) eating; suddenly over l. eyebrow, extending over r.; in middle, extending over vertex, at non after dinner, (>) pressure. Neuralgic pain above eye (Natrum mur.), reading in evening by artificial light; N. pain over l. eyebrow. Aching; in morning, (<) root of nose; at 4 A.M., and in occiput; towards evening, and in occiput; towards evening, with sticking in l. side of forehead; in r. side; over r. eye (Cedron); over l. eye (Bryonia); in l. side from afternoon till going to sleep in evening; in upper part of bone; in direction of parietal bone in evening; in sinciput; (>) walking in open air; extending to orbits, which on moving eyes are painful a if sore; extending into nasal bones; over r. eye, extending to occiput; in l. side extending to l. temple; extending towards both temples, then to occiput also; and in temples, extending to neck. Pain as from a hard stool. Pain in r. side as from a blow. Pain as if brain would fall out in afternoon on stooping. Sensation as if screwed together from both sides. Pain as from a band (Carbol-ac.); after rising till towards noon; (>) closing eyes; lasting till noon, returning at 7 P.M., and in temples; above eyes; about anterior lobes of cerebrum. Drawing in cerebrum as if there were not room enough for it in the skull and it would press out through the ear, in which there is a noise as of a distant waterfall. Confusion. Heaviness; about 4.30 P.M.; periodical; dizzy; as if brain would fall out there.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.