Homeopathy Remedy Chelidonium

Temples.- Twitches in l. Sticking in r. in bed, (>) lying on affected side, reappearing when he turns on other side; S. in l., with jerking pain; in l. after a sensation as if blood suddenly stagnated; twitching. Tearing; in r., (<) touch; in r., then l.; in r. and in eye, then in l. eye extending to l. temple. Neuralgic pain in r. Pain; in evening; in bone behind ear (Caps.); in posterior part of r. bone; in squamous part of l.; in r., r. parietal bone, then over r. eye; (<) l.; in r., with stoppage of r. nostril; in r., extending into r. half of forehead; in r., extending to vertex; extending upward; throbbing, drawing, in l.; drawing, so that the whole head is confused. Drawing. Tension in r., extending into r. half of forehead. Compression. Throbbing; in arteries, with headache; synchronous with pulse at night in bed before sleep, with sensation as if blood were rushing to throat and top of chest.

Vertex.- Jerks in a spot, with sticking and pain on touch. Sticking, with boring and with twitching of lids; intermittent S. in l.; paroxysmal, (<) rapid walking. Tearing transversely across. Pain; anteriorly in bone after supper; extending back and forth to neck; whereby the shoulder are drawn upward; so severe that she could not-think, and in l. temple. Drawing pain to r. temple; occasionally to nape, with involuntary shrugging of shoulders, closure of eyes and when walking necessity to tread softly. Bruised sensation, and in occiput. Confusion. Pressure upon; extending to r. side of forehead and to l. side of occiput. Dizzy heaviness in morning and sensation of a band around head; tensive H. in upper half of head, extending to occipital protuberance, with sensation as of a band about head. Vertigo in upper part of head, (<) vertex, (<) reflecting, with tension and with soreness to touch on vertex.

Parietal Bones.- Sticking in r.; in.; in upper part of l. in afternoon; paralytic, in l. Drawing pressure in l.

Occiput.- Sticking in r. side; drawing, extending from l. side to forehead; pinching, in r.; pinching, externally in l. Tearing in r., with stitches extending forward; close to l. ear, extending forward. Pain; from morning till noon; at 11 P.M.; at night; at night, waking her, with chilliness; at 6 P.M. extending around to forehead; in upper part; with sensation as if head would be drawn backward; with drawing pain in muscles of l. side of occiput, extending towards neck. Pain in evening on touch as if broken loose from skull. Drawing pain; with anxiety in chest, without appetite for dinner; on l. side and above l. mastoid process; in r. side. Drawing through l. Rheumatic symptoms when lying in bed with forehead raised. Tension in r. side. Heaviness; with drawings downward in nape (Bryonia); at night, as if it could not be raised from pillow. Congestion of blood.

Scalp.- Hair falls out; on occiput. Hair matted and dry for four inches above r. ear. Pain in roots of hair; as if ulcerating, on combing. Sensitiveness; of vertex. Soreness of upper part, with heat on top. Sensation above forehead and on occiput as if hair stoop up. Crawling on r. side; (>) rubbing; in upper part of l. at 2 P.M., not (>) scratching; (>) scratching. Itching on occiput; scratching, returning at 1 P.M.; on r. side of occiput at 5 P.M., (>) scratching.

Clinical The vertigo is very marked, associated with jaundice or with hepatic and gastric disturbances. With the vertigo inclination to fall forward. Right-sided headaches extending down behind in the ears and generally to the r. shoulder-blade where it becomes seated. Violent neuralgia in r. side of head and especially over r. ear or r. cheek-bone, as a rule more or less associated with hepatic symptoms; with the neuralgic over the r. eye there is frequently profuse lachrymation; pains are cutting and extend upward and downward and may involve the r. ear, etc.


      Swelling in morning on waking, with agglutination of lids. Sticking in r.; suddenly in l., with sensation as if eye were torn out. Tearing in l.; and above it; intermittent, in l. and in l. temple. Sensation of sand in them; in forenoon; with lachrymation; at 7 P.M.; (>) closing eyes. Pain (<) lamplight. Spasmodic pain in r. Burning pain in l. in morning on waking, (>) on rising. Pain as if lids were forced downward. Pressure; in l.; in r., then l.; (<) moving eyes, and in orbits, with sleepiness. Heaviness. Burning; in morning on waking, and in cheeks; on closing them; in r.; in l., with sticking in inner canthus. Itching; of r. at 5 P.M., (>) rubbing; in l., (>) rubbing; as after drinking liquor. Lachrymation; in open air.

Dirty yellow color of whites (China). Balls painful; on moving eyes (Eup-per. Baptisia); in middle of l., (>) evening on closing lids, with sensation as if so large that the upper lid could not cover it; in upper part, as they would be pressed inward, (<) l., (>) closing eyes; sore sensation in looking up; (tickling-itching). Pupils contracted.

Lids.- Redness; of margins; of conjunctiva of lower; of margin of lower, with swelling. Dry mucus on r. Agglutination; in morning, (<) l.; in morning, with foggy vision. Blinking. Trembling of r. upper. Twitching; of l. Clonic spasms, forcible closure on attempting to hold them open. Closing when writing. Sticking l.; inner side of l. lower; in inner side of r.; sudden, in r. upper; in l. inner canthus, and burning, as from sand, with redness and inflammation, then weakness and lachrymation; itching, in l. inner canthus, and burning, as from sand, with redness and inflammation, then weakness and lachrymation; itching, in l. inner canthus; jerking, in r. inner canthus, (>) rubbing. Pressure; in l. upper; in upper in morning at night on waking. Rubbing against ball; of upper in morning on moving lid or ball. Swollen sensation. Difficulty in opening; as if upper were drawn downward, lasting till towards noon. Inclination to close; and to lie down, as after intoxicating drinks. Heaviness. Burning; in lower; in l. upper; in margin of l. upper; in morning after rising, (<) l., with pain in balls as it they would be pressed into head; after slight rubbing, and about eyes; in l., lasting till sleep; sticking, in l. outer canthus. Itching of margins; of l. inner canthus; of l. upper, (>) scratching; burning, in morning on waking.

Orbits painful just above l. lid; P. (<) moving eyes; pain above l. eye which seems to press down upper lid; stupefying pressure in r., extending inward.

Vision dim; in morning on waking, (<) r. eye; when writing; with illusions. Letters run together when writing; and can be seen more easily at a great distance; when reading. Flickering; before diarrhoea; with vertigo; in a bright point during anxiety. Glare before r. eye so that she can hardly read. Glittering points, then blackness. Blinding spot before eyes, and if he looks at it lachrymation. Blackness before eyes, with sensation as if she would faint.


      Whitish wax, little mush. Sticking; in r. external; in l.; in l. meatus; in r. meatus; in r. meatus and in upper part of forehead; in r. external meatus; in l., with noise in it; in l., with difficult hearing; in l., in extending to throat; in r., extending to vertex, then into l. ear. Tearing in l.; behind r., in r. meatus and in temporal bones; in r. inner meatus; below l. lobule; above r. in evening; down behind r.; in middle, then on boring in with finger ringing; from r. into r. teeth in afternoon; intermittent, in r. inner meatus. Boring in r.

Pain; behind r.; above, (<) r.; above and beneath r.; in l. meatus in r. meatus; in r. meatus; above l.; extending through l. upper back teeth. Painful pressing out of r., with tickling in it. Bruised pain behind l.; in lobule of l., then burning in r. lobule. Drawing pain from l. into l. upper teeth; behind and above l. when in bed. Drawing in l. and in l. back teeth; in l. meatus; from l. meatus into l. temple. Hammering sensation. Feeling as if too full. Stopped sensation; l.; with ringing before them. Sensation as if a wind were streaming out of them, (>) putting finger into ear. Heat in r. meatus. Itching in l.; now in one, now in other meatus.

Hearing vanishes when coughing, as if a hand were held over r. ear. Noises. Ringing; in r.; before l.; in l.; in l. when walking; with burning in cheeks. Singing on closing eyes, with ringing. Whistling before ears. Buzzing. Humming. Sounds as of distant cannonading. Roaring; in r.; with difficult hearing; as of a distant wind; before ears, as of a wind; before l. like a wind, from 8 P.M. till going to bed.


      Tip swollen and red. Tip trembling and twitching. Sticking in tip. Tearing in nostrils. (<) l. Pain in bones; in tip; in cartilage; in root. Soreness in nose. Tension in r. side in afternoon. Beating near nose, as if a tooth would ulcerate (she formerly had an ulcerated tooth in this place). Stoppage; of l. nostril. Dryness; in l. nostril, with itching. Sensation as of a cold wind through it on inspiration. Burning in nostrils; in l.; in mucous membrane towards tips, as in catarrh. Crawling in tip. Itching of tip; I. in l. side, (>) scratching; in r. nostril, (>) scratching, then in l. nostril and zygomatic arch and across l. temples, (>) scratching. Sensation of catarrh.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.