Homeopathy Remedy Chelidonium

Itching of vulva. Burning in vagina. Leucorrhoea; slimy; staining linen yellow; tenacious, slimy, whitish; staining linen yellow, after menses. Menses profuse; and too early; and too late, continually increasing for three days, with pain.

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx. Spasmodic movements of glottis before sleep, without cough. Sticking; through, extending outward and inward into throat. Pain; in region towards evening; on coughing; in cartilage, with sensation as if throat were swollen externally in region of larynx; burning. Constriction. Sensation as if pressed from without against oesophagus, impeding swallowing but not breathing. Swollen feeling; (<) r. side; at night, and in trachea, with tickling in larynx and short dry cough after waking; with oppression in larynx and trachea; and feeling as if the swelling hindered breathing; and choking gurgling in it.

Hoarseness; in morning; with dry cough and expectoration of lumps of mucus. Bronchial catarrh returned in evening. Heat in bronchi.

Cough; after waking and on rising, with sensation of dust under sternum; from tickling in larynx; from irritation in larynx. Paroxysmal; towards evening; from scraping in larynx, (<) night, with pain behind sternum (Sanguinaria); (<) open air, with spasm of glottis during expiration; without expectoration and without previous irritation; as in incipient whooping cough; and short. Racking, as in consumption, (<) morning, with much expectoration from deep in lungs, difficult to loosen, the rattling in chest (<) changing position after waking. Hollow. Dry; in paroxysm at 4 P.M., and short, and short, from irritation in larynx. Short; at night waking her, also with pain in back and itching on occiput. With expectoration; of mucus. Irritation to cough in evening, causing lachrymation; with dry cough, with relieved the spasmodic attacks; in short paroxysms. Expectoration of mucus.

Asthmatic attack at 11 P.M. when urinating, then nausea, (>) empty eructations, with difficult breathing even in bed. Dyspnoea; at 2 O’clock; at 6.30 P.M., with full pulse. Breath short; and difficult, with oppression and anxiety of chest (Phosphorus); with constriction of chest; during fever, and rapid. Heavy. Difficult; after dinner, with sticking in l. pectoral region extending backward; (<) walking. Rapid, (>) eructations. Obstructed as by a foreign body in bronchi. Necessity to breath deeply. Longing for fresh air in order to breathe more easily. Inability to breathe deeply on account of stitches.

Clinical Cough loose and rattling, the expectoration raised with difficulty (Tartar-emetic). Frequently useful in the bronchitis of children, with dusky red face, oppressed breathing; etc. Cough, with pain in r. side of thorax, either with severe bronchitis or with pneumonia. Numerous cases of pneumonia in r. lung have been cured when associated with symptoms of hepatic derangement, distressing pain under r. scapula. (R-sided pneumonia, also Lycopodium, Sanguinaria, Iodium)


      Yellow color of skin. Stitches; here and there; beneath r. ribs; in r. ribs; in r. side behind ribs; along margins of l. ribs; in borders of ribs about praecordial region; below heart; in l.; l., then r.; r.; l. nipple; upper part; in l. clavicle; below clavicle; in upper part of sternum; in lower part of l. lung; in l. at 4 A.M.; in side at 4 A.M., preventing deep breathing; in r. lower side at 2 P.M. on inspiration, (<) motion and cough; in r. from 2 to 6 P.M., (<) inspiration, obliging her to speak softly; in r. ribs on inspiration; in region of r. nipple when sitting, not (<) breathing, then in l. side; in l. when sitting; in r., (<) deep breathing with stoppage of breath; in r. side beneath breast, then extending into praecordial region; anteriorly in lower part extending into intestines below umbilicus; l. extending to back, with burning; in l., extending towards scapula; externally from l. to r. side, on inspiration; jerking, in l. clavicle.

Sticking jerking pain to r. of lower part of sternum, extending straight through to back, (<) motion and inspiration, the pain in back (<) bending backward, in chest (<) bending forward and (>) eructations, with restlessness. Jerking in sternum; in l. clavicle.

Pain; and in back; in l.; in l. ribs; r.; r., then l.; forepart; in upper part; in sternum; just above pit of stomach; between ribs and l. hypochondrium; in morning, (<) till 9 A.M.; in morning, obliging her to sit upright, (<) motion; in morning, (>) short and rapid breathing, and in back; in forepart in morning, preventing deep inspiration; in afternoon in inspiration, (<) motion; between r. sixth and seventh ribs on bending to l.; in sternum on every inspiration; on inspiration, (<) short, dry cough; in ribs of r. and l. sides on bending to that side; when walking, but not (<) thereby; in r. side, in region of seventh and eighth ribs after sudden cessation of headache, (<) inspiration and motion, then pressure in brain again; behind sternum, (<) inspiration; deep- seated in r. and in r. shoulder, (<) at axilla and beneath scapula, not much ( by moving arms, preventing deep breathing, at times with throbbing in chest; (>) eructations; in ribs, (>) supper; in lower part of r. wall, extending into side, (<) inspiration; and in back, extending to between shoulders; in l., extending to back, (<) motion; sudden, in r.; wandering, and in limbs, wave like, in l.; intermittent, beneath l. ribs, then below r.

Pain as from an abscess deep-seated in r. at 1.30 P.M.; P. as if ulcerated in ribs, preventing deep breathing. Bruised pain in l., (<) motion, and in l. hypochondrium. Burning pain in sternal region, then a red spot, as of herpes. Drawing pain in afternoon; D. pain, and in pit of stomach; in muscles of C. and back; in forepart, waking at midnight, with dyspnoea; in sides, extending into abdomen; in forepart, extending to umbilicus; in lower part of sternum, extending towards r. side of spine; through muscles, extending to umbilical region, now more, now less severe; intermittent, in l. and in back. Drawing; in lower part, with difficult breathing and compression of chest; downward in r.

Soreness in r. lowest ribs; in l. lung; behind sternum; behind upper part of sternum on coughing; r. ribs on touch; seventh and eighth ribs on tough, (<) r., with injured feeling on inspiration; ribs on touch, (<) afternoon, when the cold sensation, pressure in stomach and difficult breathing return; r. lower half, (<) touch of clothes; l. lung, (<) coughing and sneezing. Anxiety. Uneasiness, making breathing difficult.

Oppression; of l. (Phosphorus); 4 A.M.; 6 P.M., with cough and expectoration; evening in bed; waking after midnight, with dyspnoea; on expiration; when walking; as if clothes were too tight. Constriction, as from a coat of mail; C. below arms. Compression in region of bodies of vertebrae, (<) stooping, not affecting respiration, afterwards felt after rapid walking, violent blowing of nose, sneezing or when stooping, and is more externally along spinous processes of dorsal vertebrae. Pressure upon l.; on sternum; over forepart in morning, with difficult breathing; P. in morning on waking, cannot get air enough on inspiration, (>) several deep inspiration; upon sternum on waking at 4 A.M., (>) sweat; on inspiration after dinner; beneath l. clavicle, extending into throat; spasmodic; in a spot behind sternum, waking at night, extending into bronchi, with constriction in them. Tension; in sides; on forepart; about base of inner side on deep breathing; intermittent, in evening; in muscles from upper part of l. towards throat. Burning in lower part; heat rising into larynx. Rush of blood; sensation of. Pulsation at base of r. lung and in liver; under top of sternum at 1.30 P.M., isochronous with pulse. Numbness in r.


      Sticking in praecordial region, with dry cough; in praecordial region, with palpitation, anxiety and uneasiness; in region of heart, obliging short and quick inspirations. Action imperceptible, also pulse. Beats loud and strong. Palpitation; afternoon, with anxiety; towards evening after sitting, during fatigue from unusual exertion; when walking in street and in evening in bed; periodic; at 11 P.M.


      Feverish. Rapid; in evening; and dull; and small, compressible. Large, full. Hard. Slow; and irregular.


      Swelling of l. side and of l. cheek, painful on touch. Cracking in vertebrae on motion, with pain in muscles of nape. Sticking in nape. Sensation as if bones of N. and scapulae would be torn from their places. Broken feeling on motion. Pain; in r. muscles and in region of r. clavicle, in l. muscles of nape; in upper vertebrae in afternoon on turning head; in r. muscles on moving head; in nape, (<) afternoon, and in l. shoulder and l. arm; in first cervical vertebra, (<) motion of head and pressure; (<) turning head to one side or bending it backward; at night in upper vertebrae, (<) motion, extending to vertex in a spot in which are jerks and sticking. Throbbing pain extending to forehead and occiput.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.