Homeopathy Remedy Chelidonium

Drawing pain in nape; intermittent, in neck, over shoulder into wrist, (<) using arm, especially in writing; rheumatic, in nape, (<) turning head to r. or l. Drawing in muscles; D. in l. side and in l. meatus auditorius; in nape; in nape down back; paralytic; paralytic, in nape. Tension in r. side, as if tendons, extending towards shoulder, in afternoon when sitting. Constriction of muscles as by a band; C. in muscles as if head were drawn backward. Heaviness in nape; in muscles of nape; with tension, and in occiput. Stiffness; of nape; of l. side; of r. muscles on waking; on moving head, with pain on deep breathing; with cracking of vertebrae on moving neck; with paralyzed pain. Paralyzed feeling in sides.


      Pain; afternoon, and in small of back; (<) rising from a seat and from stooping; when sitting bent, extending to shoulders, (>) becoming erect; wandering, as far as between shoulders; pain as after immoderate exertion, in morning when tuning in bed. Bruised pain on motion. Drawing pain; afternoon; extending into sides of chest; into forepart of chest and thence into walls of abdomen as far as navel. Drawing; on waking after 4 A.M.; evening; as nights, preventing sleep, with headache. Oppression extending around to ribs. Tension, (<) stopping, with pain and with drawing around to chest. Stiffness, and between shoulders.

Scapulae.- Sticking beneath r.; below l.; between; between in afternoon when sitting; below r. on every inspiration; from lower angle of l. through chest. Pinching cramplike pain on inner margin of r., preventing motion of arm. Pain beneath r.; in l.; below l., in l. near lower angle; on outer margin of l.; in spine between; in r. on waking at 4 A.M., (<) inspiration and motion of r. arm, extending after rising around r. side of chest and causing oppression of chest, the pains (>) after dinner till 2 P.M., then (<) till evening; about lower angle in morning on every inspiration; in l. in evening; below l. on motion, and in l. side of ribs; in r. extending through chest to sternum, with oppression; in r. suddenly extending into shoulder-joint, with inability to move arm because it causes a sensation as if the arm were broken, the pain extending to wrist, (>) in forenoon, with coldness and stiffness of arm; sudden pain in lower angle of l. at 9 A.M., (<) touch. Sprained sensation, preventing motion. Bruised pain extending from r. down back. Drawing pain in l.; on outer margin of l.; in l. extending into l. chest; from l. into upper arm, then painful drawing in dorsum of l. hand; between, extending to small of back. Drawing on outer margin of l.; between, in afternoon; between, towards evening, (<) in r., and extending to r. side with pressure. Oppression between. Tensive pressure below l.

Sticking in middle, near spine. Pain in vertebrae; as if sore, (<) motion and pressure on spinal processes. Pain as from a blow on l. side of spine where ribs cease, then on r. side of spine, then in r. tuber ischii.

Lumbar Region.- Sticking in l., (<) towards back; in region of kidneys in morning on rising; in l. kidney on deep breathing; (<) l. side, (<) walking; in region of kidneys, (<) motion. Tearing in lowest vertebrae, as if they would be separated, on bending forward, or if he bent backward, extending forward to near ilium, even felt on walking. Pain in last vertebrae, as if they would be broken; in vertebrae on motion. Labor pains in vertebrae, extending over hips and into abdomen. Pain; in sacrum; in vertebrae; in last vertebrae; in kidneys; in morning on motion; in last vertebrae at 8 P.M.; in last vertebrae in evening, on motion in bed; in l., waking at night; in kidney region from bands of clothes; in lowest vertebrae on pressure; and in scapulae; in sacrum, (<) motion; in kidneys, (<) lying on back, (>) lying on stomach; (>) bending forward; in sacrum and region of kidneys, with sensitiveness to pressure; in a spot in liver and along bend of ribs, in linea mammalis; in vertebrae in morning, extending into chest; in sacrum, from 6 to 10 P.M., extending to below scapulae; spasmodic, in r. kidney and in liver, (<) 4 to 9 P.M., with sweat on forehead and hands; in last vertebrae, (<) motion, alternating with pain in scapulae; in kidneys, at times pulsating. Sore pain in vertebrae; in lumbar and five lower vertebrae, (<) pressure and motion, some pain extending into the five lower r. ribs towards evening. Bruised pain on motion. Drawing in pain in vertebrae, extending across hips down abdomen. Pulsations. Weakness, she cannot stand upright.


      Trembling. Jerkings in arms and legs. Sticking, now in arms, now in legs; S. and drawing in l. index, on lower side of l. great toe, and places as if burnt; rheumatic S. till 10 P.M. in l. hip, l. knee and r. elbow. Uneasiness. Lameness. Weakness; after rising; with bruised sensation. Paralytic sensation; in arms and legs. Paralytic drawing in joints of knees, hands and feet.

Clinical Rheumatic symptoms in upper limbs; pain in shoulders, arms, tips of fingers, the whole flesh is sore to touch; sweat without relief; all symptoms associated with hepatic derangements. Rheumatic pains in hips, the thighs, etc., (<) r. side and r. knee, and oedema of ankles, with stiffness, feeling as if r. leg were paralyzed. Rheumatic and neuralgic pain in lower extremities. (Compare Caulophyllum).

Upper Extremities

      Trembling. Sticking in l. axilla when sitting. Tearing in l. axilla and farther forward nipple.

Shoulder.- Jerking in r. Sticking; in r.; in r. joint in afternoon during rest; in l. joint; in r. extending into neck. Tearing; in r.; in r. in afternoon. Pain in l. as if it would be broken or strained. Pain; in r.; in l.; in r. on moving arm; in r., (<) when arm is at rest; in l., (<) touching arm, and in l. scapula; in l., extending down outer side of arm; in l., extending into deltoid; in afternoon, and in nape, extending to wrists, (<) l. side. Rheumatic pain from l. to elbow. Pain in r. as after taking cold. Bruised pain in r. Pain in l., as if he had lain too long upon it. Drawing in pain in r.; l.; from joint into fourth finger; from l. to fourth finger. Drawings; in r.; l.; paralytic, in r. Paralytic pain in r.; in l. and in l. arm.

Arm.- Twitching of r. Tearing in l.; in r.; in r., with loss of power in it. Pain; (<) l., in l. deltoid and biceps in morning on motion; drawing through l. Paralytic drawing in l. Weakness; intermittent, in r. Heaviness. Numb and paralyzed feeling in r. in morning, (>) rubbing, with internal and external coldness. Paralytic sensation; in r.

Upper Arm.- Sticking in l.; anteriorly in r.; rheumatic, in l. Tearing in l.; in muscles of r., in flesh below. l. shoulder in forenoon; in middle of r., as if in marrow. Pain above l. elbow; on outer side of l. above elbow in morning on rising; in r., extending along inner side to fingers; above l. elbow, then in r. shoulder, in l. side, in r. forearm, extending from one part to another; on inner side of r., extending into forearm, then pain on inner side of l. forearm; paralytic, in l. Paralysis of muscles on moving them.

Elbow.- Sticking in region on inner side of l. arm. Cramplike pain in l., (<) bending. Burning pain at tip of l.

Forearm.- Swelling, and of hands. Round red spots on palmar surface, with burning pain. Sticking in r.; above l. wrist; through inner side of l.; extending into l. wrist. Pain in r.; P. on touch; drawing in l.; rheumatic, in r. Drawing in l., extending thence into pain, in which there was twitching. Relaxation of muscles of r., with pain on motion and on grasping anything. Paralytic sensation in l.

Wrist.- Trembling. Sticking in r. Tearing in carpal and metacarpal bones of r. thumb; T. from l. to tips of two smaller fingers, (>) rubbing. Pain in outer side of l.; rheumatic, in r. Stiffness of r.; of l. in evening.

Hand.- Yellow color. Veins swollen. Dryness. Trembling; when writing. Sticking in l.; tearing, in bones of r. metacarpus, (<) pressure. Pinching tearing on dorsum of r.; paralytic T. in metacarpal bones of l. thumb and index and in their proximal joints. Swollen feeling in l.; (>) rubbing, with numbness, paralyzed feeling and inability to bend it. Drawing in l.; D. pain on dorsum of l. Helplessness when writing. Heaviness of l. on raising it. Numbness.

Fingers.- Distal phalanges of r. yellow, cold and as if dead, with blue nails. Trembling. Twitching of l. Cramp in l.; tonic C. in flexor tendons after waking, so that the hand was difficult to open. Sticking in l. index; in third joint of r. index, then in second joint; in r. index, then in second joint; in r. middle; in index and middle finger (which had been injured eight weeks previous by a blow), with heat. Tearing in tips of r.; frequently in distal phalanx of r. little. Pain in r. little; in l. index; in r. thumb; as from a blow in second phalanx of l. ring. Drawing pain in l. index; in l. middle; in r. fourth; on inner side of r. fourth. Drawing in joints of l. thumb in forenoon; on l. side of l. middle, from middle to last joint. Falling asleep of third and fourth of each and (compare finger symptoms with Caulophyllum).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.