Homeopathy Remedy Comocladia

Comocladia homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Comocladia …

      A tincture is made of the fresh bark of Comocladia dentata, Jacq.

General Action

      Almost exactly similar to Rhus tox., Anacardium, Ailanthus and other botanical allies.


      Swelling of whole body; then redness all over like scarlet fever (Rhus-t.), afterwards color of skin like a mulatto’s. Aching in both sides and upper arms, in forenoon, (<) r. side. General malaise, fever and headache. Weakness in afternoon, with heat and perspiration on face and neck. Symptoms (<) l. side. Symptoms disappear when moving in open air (Rhus-t.).


      Cheerfulness in morning; in forenoon. Combative, vindictive disposition, with contempt for opponents. (Self-complacent thoughts and contempt for other?).


      Aching, stupefying, throbbing; indescribable A. Confusion. Heaviness in morning; H., with enlarged feeling. Catarrhal symptoms, with soreness of eyes from 4 or 5 P.M. through the evening, and lachrymation. Symptoms worse near stove and when stooping, (>) open air. Aching in so frontis and in orbital bones; deep in brain over r. eye; deep in anterior part of brain on sitting down; above l. eyebrow at 4.12 P.M.; in forehead in afternoon, and on moving head sense of fulness, rigidity and lameness of muscles of neck. Heaviness in forehead and eyes.

Temples – Pain; in r.; in r. at 1 P.M.; in r. at 6 P.M., and in r. orbital bones; in r. at 11.30 P.M. while lying on r. side, then pain and sense of fulness in r. side of face; in r. bone, beginning in temporal ridge at 4 P.M. and extending to occiput, with pain in whole base of brain on moving head and in mastoideus and trapezius muscles; sharp at 2.35 P.M. passing down r. temporal ridge and external angular process, then sharp pain in r. supraorbital ridge, close to supraorbital notch.

Intermittent pain in r. side. Constriction in sides. Sharp pain in occiput, extending down neck. Itching of scalp; mostly in superior l. parietal region.


      Look dull and glassy, vessels congested, lids red, swollen and inflamed. Pain in r. at 3 or 4 P.M., with feeling as if larger and more protruded than l.; P., (<) near a stove, with lachrymation when stooping, and with soreness of eyeballs, (<) r.; from posterior part of r. through head to occipital protuberance, with soreness of eyeball, lachrymation and feeling as if the eye were as large as two eyes, next morning sore feeling in eye. Feeling heavy, larger, painful, pressing out of head, as from a pressure on top of eyeballs moving them downward and outward (Rhus-t.). Symptoms (<) l. towards and during evening; S. (<) r. during the day; (<) moving head, reading, looking at a lighted candle and bright objects. Symptoms (>) sitting quietly before a wood fire on the hearth. Lachrymation from looking at a lighted candle, with increase of pain in eyes; L. (<) in open air.

Balls – Intermittent pain from posterior part of both through head to below occipital protuberance, with pressure on superior surface of balls, seeming to move eyes downward and outward. Soreness in evening; of r. at 6 A.M., (<) moving eye; aching, from 4 or 5 P.M. till 10, (<) evening, by candle-light and by motion, sometimes causing vertigo, and stooping or motion caused flow of tears. Feeling worse on moving them.

Lids – Inflammation of Meibomian glands of r. upper. Stitches upward in l. external canthus about 8.30 P.M. Itching at r. external canthus, then at lower border of l. eye.

Clinical Ciliary neuralgia from asthenopia and pain from other causes, especially if the eye feels large and protruding.


      Pain extending to lower jaw. Heat internally in r. at 1 P.M., with fulness. Ringing, with vertigo.


      Itching internally and externally over all that part inferior to bridge, until going to sleep at night, momentarily (>) by rubbing.


      Swollen, with eyes projecting from their sockets and ability to see only a faint glimmer of light with the l. (Rhus-t.); S. around eyes at 6 A.M., much puffed below superior tarsal cartilage in afternoon. Aching at base of r. antrum of highmore at 10.30 P.M., then at base of l. Sensation as if skin were drawn up from face and about nose, causing vertigo.

Jaw – Aching in ramus of r. at 9 A.M.; in l. articulation at 5.10 P.M. after light exercise in open air, leaving a sense of fulness, then aching in r. articulation ending in sharp pain; in r. articulation, involving whole r. side of head, at 5.22 P.M. on entering a warm room after a walk in open air.

Lips – Dry and chapped; and often bleeding. Sensation as of a scabby eruption on median line of lower, close to vermilion border. Corrosive burning on l. side of lower at 10 A.M. while at rest.


      Molar. Aching in body of last r. lower, at 1 P.M., after dinner; in r. upper, at 5.30 P.M., (<) cold air, and in gum; sore pulsating, in body of r. upper middle, at 6.30 P.M., (>) holding r. side of face to the stove; in a r. upper middle (the molar below it is carious), (<) at 12 M. and becoming twitching, that is, a sensation as if the tooth were drawn out of the socket, putting the nerve on the stretch, and suddenly pressed into the socket again, the pain shooting into temple, lasting till 3 P.M., (<) holding cold water in mouth, (>) pressure of hand and holding affected side close to hot stove, with elongated sensation. Loose sensation in r. at 4.30 P.M.

Aching in lower incisors at 3 P.M while reading, passing to r. cuspid and bicuspid teeth; A. in lower incisors at 4.30 P.M., leaving them sensitive to pressure of upper teeth. Intermittent aching in bodies of all teeth. Swelling of the gum of a carious tooth. Cutting in gum of first l. lower molar at 1 P.M. Aching in gum and root of r. middle lower molar (which is hollow and loose) till going to sleep at 9.30 P.M., (>) holding r. side of face to the fire; sore, in gum of r. upper molars at 5.30 P.M., while at rest in a warm room.

Tongue – Dryness at night, and of mouth; like a chip, with burning and swelling of lower lip, which remains chapped. Burning; in forenoon, with redness and dryness, especially of anterior part. Burnt feeling; and smoother and redder at tip than usual.


      Attacks of inflammation. Hawking up of mucus. Roughness, with scraping. Difficulty in empty deglutition. Sense of expansion in oesophagus at 3.30 P.M. while at rest, as of air slowly ascending from stomach.


      Appetite for dinner less than usual; no A. for dinner. Eructations; with relief; frequent, at 9 A.M.; of air at 11 A.M.; of air at 4.30 P.M.; of air tasting of the drug at 10.15 A.M., while at rest; of sour acrid water at 2.5 P.M.; acrid, producing momentary strangulation, at 10.10 A.M., after walking in open air. Hiccough at 3 P.M., then gaping. Nausea. Stitches in every direction in pit while lying on l. side at night (<) inspiration. Pain in epigastrium at 10 P.M., as from flatus. Expansive distress in epigastric region, like heartburn, extending through posterior border of l. scapula, about 11 P.M., while lying on l. side, (>) lying on r. side. Acrid, rancid sensation at 3.30 P.M., while walking in open air.


      Flatulence, with noisy eructations and discharge of flatus. Discharge of flatus, with desire for stool; of odorless flatus while walking in open air after, breakfast. Full feeling, with pain. Pain in evening; P. (<) eating; with distention, rumbling and discharge of flatus; in various parts, sometimes mounting to axilla; in attacks, (<) r. side, and (<) sitting in-doors. Tensive feeling, as from flatus. Uneasiness; with pain.

Stinging in hypochondrium at 11 A.M. Aching in l. side at floating ribs at 7.15 A.M.; in l. side and rumbling of flatus, extending over abdomen; in r. side, extending down course of rectus muscle, at 3.40 P.M.; wandering, in r. side at 10 P.M. Pains around umbilicus at 8.30 P.M., extending to epigastrium. Sore pain extending across umbilicus at 9.30 P.M., affecting respiration, with bubbling in abdomen as of wind, and with emission of hot flatus. Pain in r. ilio-coecal region, coming on like a thrust.

Hypogastrium – Bubbling at 6.25 A.M., while sitting after a walk in open air. Pain at night, with gurgling, uneasiness and emission of odorless flatus. Flatulent pain; at 4.30 P.M., with emission of flatus, then pain in abdomen, at 6 P.M. flatulent pain in abdomen, preceding and during diarrhoea, then weakness and perspiration on face and neck. Shifting pains at 9 P.M. in bed. Throbbing in l. posterior side of abdomen, between spleen and kidneys, from twitching of tendons.

Stool and Urine

      Stool loose; and urgent, with aching at anus. Stool omitted. Urine covered with a pellicle and containing a cloud of mucus suspended in it, next day urine scanty.


      Numb tensive pain at 10 P.M., extending to inner condyle of thigh. Itching; when sitting and standing; about noon, and on lower part of penis, extending to prostate gland, and on inner surface of prepuce; tingling l. at night.

Respiratory Organs

      Itching in r. side of trachea at 7.15 P.M., after walking in open air, producing a dry, hacking cough, then itching in l. side of trachea, causing dry, hacking cough. Cough at night in bed, from irritation.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.