Homeopathy Remedy Chininum Arsenicum

Chininum Arsenicum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Chininum Arsenicum…

      The arsenate of “Quinia” is triturated for use.

General Action and Allies

      See Chininum sulph. and Arsenic.

Tired feeling. Head feels too full or as it would burst. Painful pressure in forehead and temples. Confused pain in forehead and occiput; in cerebellum on motion. Sudden throbbings in temporal arteries after 1 P.M. Taste metallic, bitter. Throat dry. Loss of appetite, with weak feeling. Hiccough. Belching, the urging to stool. Nausea; during stool, with retching. Burning in stomach. Pressure behind stomach, not (>) dinner, which was relished; in solar plexus extending towards back, where it changed to pinching, spine sensitive to touch at this point. Emission of flatus. Colic; below umbilicus, with urging to stool. Intermittent sore pain in a spot below and to right of umbilicus. Sudden violent urging to stool. Diarrhoea four times; urgent D., containing jellylike lumps; watery, blackish, immediately after dinner; watery, brown, painless; faecal stool, with mucus and blood, tenesmus before and after the stool.

Respiration very free, as if chest were hollow, in afternoon. Stitches in front of r. lower part of chest, (<) inspiration. Pain below and to left of l. nipple, not affected by breathing; coming and going quickly in lower part of l. lung, with pressure as from flatulence. Palpitation on leaning against back. Sensation as if heart stopped after 1 P.M., beating imperceptible. Trembling of heart, with a rumbling noise, I was unable to distinguish the pulsations, this lasted an hour, then beating of heart and pulse (the latter imperceptible on l. side) became irregular and numbered 200. Pulse 200.

Momentary pain in joint of l. great toe, in l. little finger and in region of l. olecranon. Weariness in shoulder and elbow- joints. Tired pain in biceps of l. arm. Sore aching in l. forearm, in muscular mass composed of supinator longus and brevis and flexor longus pollicis; in flexors of l. forearm, (<) radial side near elbow, same pain below l. knee; in first phalanx of l., then r. thumb. Pain in first joint of l. ring finger. Palms dry and hot. Weariness of lower limbs. Pain along front of lower two- thirds of l. tibia; intermittent sore, in r. biceps midway between hip and knee and in calf; fleeting sore, in sole at root of l. little toe. Sleep interrupted.

Clinical It has been prescribed in malignant sore throat (Diphtheria), with great prostration, especially in the latter stages or when the disease is very prolonged and shows no tendency towards convalescence. Angina pectoris, with burning pain and great prostration, occurring in periodical paroxysms. Asthmatic attacks or suffocative attacks, recurring every day at the same hour, during phthisis, with icy-cold skin and great anxiety, want the open air. In marsh malaria it has been used when after the paroxysms there are cold sweat, prostration, great irritability, brown diarrhoea, etc.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.