Homeopathy Remedy Arsenicum Album

Anxious heat. Internal heat; after midnight, with anxiety and inclination to uncover; while vomiting, wit thirst; after diarrhoea, with thirst, and external, as from too much wine, thirst for beer. Heat alternating with chill. Typhus-like fever, with restlessness, alternating with stupor. Tertian intermittent restlessness, alternating with stupor. Tertian intermittent fever. Fever at same hour for several days. Remittent fever, only flushing heat, chiefly felt in praecordial region and forehead, sometimes ending in partial or general sweats, but usually there is only heat beginning in stomach and praecordial region, passing rest of body, especially felt in forehead and eyebrows. Hectic fever Irritative fever, with weakness, fainting and vomiting of bile. Unpleasant sensation through body like a sort of fever, and when lying the head is hot, especially ears, but knees are cold. Feeling as if blood in arteries wire boiling hot. Burning in all veins on the frequent waking at night. Sensation as if the blood coursed through the veins too rapidly or were too hot, with small, rapid pulse. Burning flush over whole body. Heat over whole body except hands.

Heat in head when coughing; in head on waking, with colic; on vertex, with disposition to lie with hands over head; H. on scalp of vertex; in outer ear in evening. Heat in face at 7 P.M.; in face and body at beginning of pains; with redness; with flushes and anxiety; with itching during which flushes and anxiety; with itching, during with the pain in face diminishes; with pain in abdomen. Heat in hands and feet. Feeling as if hot water ran down calf, from knee to ankle, l. then r. Burning in soles, in toes, gradually rising above ankle. Hot skin; and dry. Burning in skin of finger. Hot skin and flushed face, with occasional vomiting and flushed face, with occasional vomiting and shuddering, when the paroxysms of pain and nausea came on relief only on sitting up, bending forward and pressing on stomach; relief after vomiting.

Sweat; in morning, till he rises; in forenoon, with heaviness of head, roaring in ears and trembling; nights; in bed, causing faintness; when beginning to sleep, (>) after a little sleep; on least exertion; after vomiting; after the fever; with desire to drink all time; with diuresis; with griping in bowels, then loose stool, then keen appetite and excitement. Moist skin, with cold limbs. Sweat on face; mornings on waking; on hands and thighs at beginning of sleep, (>) after a little sleep; about lower limbs at night, especially about knees; on legs in morning; on legs at night. Sweat copious; offensive; over whole body; on feet. Cold; returning towards evening and disappearing rapidly. Cold, on forehead, also after exercise; cold on face, also on limbs; over whole body, especially hands and feet. Cold, clammy. Clammy.

Clinical Malarial fevers of various sorts, with profound prostration. A great variety of intermittent fevers, with the general indication of inequality between the three stages; the febrile stage is generally greatly prolonged; either the cold or sweating stage, for both, may be suppressed, with the general Arsenic symptoms of great restlessness, prostration, thirst, irritability of stomach and bowels, etc. In low types of typhoid fevers, with the Arsenic characteristics frequently enumerated. In typhus fever; in blood hectic fever; yellow fever; in short, in a great variety of low types of fever, with tendency to disorganization of the blood and other tissues. Eruptive fevers, sometimes in scarlet fever. In haemorrhagic measles.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.