Homeopathy Remedy Arsenicum Album


      Teeth. yellowish-earthy, with little lustre. Sordes. Tartar at base. Progressive caries, with aching. Grinding; in sleep. Falling out of all. Looseness and prominence of one in morning, with pain in gum on touch, and pain in outside of cheek over the tooth, the tooth not painful when biting teeth together. The r. upper began to loosen and were removed with the fingers. Loose, seemed longer, was sensitive to pressure and cold water (Mercurius). Painful looseness, with soreness, (<) chewing, likewise the gums are painful on touch and the cheek swollen (Phosphorus, Mercurius). Stitches. Tearing recurring regularly at night; tearing in teeth and head before menses, driving her almost to frenzy, and she strikes her head with her fist. Aching; in l. upper; in all l.; and in gums and face; on rising, (<) afterwards, with salivation; in r. molars in evening, (<) lower; waking at night; in upper on biting on them; extending to all teeth of that side; jerking continuous A., extending to temple, (>) sitting up; as if loose, not (<) by chewing. Loose sensation. Dull, as if she could not chew with them.

A large portion of the alveolar process of superior maxilla was detached (Phosphorus). Abscess over r. upper canine tooth, discharging sanious pus (Phosphorus). Gingivolabial groove much injected. Gums crimson line; swollen, bleeding, painful to touch and spotted white; swollen and covered with a network of white false membrane; spongy; aphthous ulceration of G. and tonsils; tender and shining; burning G.; stitches in G. in morning; nightly tearing in G. of incisors, (<) lying on affected side, (>) warmth of stove, next morning the nose is swollen and painful to touch; pain.

Tongue – Swollen; and grayish; and foul. Large, indented, with silvery-white fur, through which the dark red papillae project. Protruding papillae, at end scarlet. Bluish. Red; and smooth and dry (Verat v.). white (Antim crud., Bryonia, Tarax.); and dry; and moist; W., with red tip; whitish in centre; upper surface white, not coated, but thickened. Brown and dry (Plumb.). Dryish coffee-brown color changing to an inky color. Black and dry, and the ecchymosed spots on the skin became dry and black. Tongue coated; sometimes with red edges; patchy (tarax.), with a red streak in middle and redness of tip (Veratrum v., Phosphorus); brown (Plumb.) and dry; white, with red margins and pain; white, with scattered red papillae, as in scarlatina; yellowish-white; tongue, roof of mouth, gums and fauces covered with white velvety coat, growing dryer and harder until fourteenth day, then began to detach itself and was discharged by the bowels, having the fetor of putrid animal matter, leaving mouth, throat, stomach and bowels tender; green; yellow at base and red at tip and edges; (Mercurius i.f.). Tongue inflamed, dry, cracked, with a brownish coat in centre, gums dry and angry, mouth feeling as if lined with flannel. Tongue dry; D. morbidly red, with papillae at tip; D. and coated towards back; D. and excoriated. Superficial ulcers on edges. Stitches in root, as from a fish-bone, when swallowing or turning head. Boring in r. border in a sort of half sleep. Pain on side of tip as if corroded. Sensation of blisters on it. Pain as if covered with burning painful vesicles. Scalded feeling. Burning; and in pharynx and stomach; and in palate and throat. Coldness. Seemed thick. Drawn together, as from alum. Weakness and pain. Insensibility as if burnt and dead, and no taste.

Mouth in general. – Lost the power of speech. Speech monosyllabic, tremulous. Aphthae; and in tongue; A., white then becoming black. Painful blisters, and on tongue (Borax, Acid sulphuricum, Mercurius). Mucous membrane abraded. Haemorrhage, and from rectum (Phosphorus, Crotal., Secale c.). White pointed prominences on palate and uvula, seemingly the membrane covering palate, bones and velum pendulum detached at the parts by a whitish liquid. Slimy M. and throat. Stinging, and in pharynx. Pain beginning at l. side, then affecting all gums. Burning pain. Burning in mouth, along pharynx and in a pit of stomach (Arum triphyllum, Acid nitricum, Mag.). Dry feeling in M.; with thirst, but he drinks little at a time. Roughness of hard palate. Imagines he has sand in M. M., lips and tongue sore and appeared scalded in patches. Tenderness, and in throat. Salivation; must spit often. Bloody saliva (Mercurius, Secale c., Zincum met.). Bitter saliva. Frothy S. expectorated. Breath has a peculiar offensive, pungent odor. Fetor of breath (Arnica, Mercurius, Acid nitricum); with superficial ulceration of gums and throat.

Taste – Bitter; (mornings); after eating; after eating and drinking; with yellow diarrhoea. Sweetish and in throat. Putrid; mornings. nauseous. Metallic. Burning, astringent. Dry, as of wood. Sooty. Disgusting, sour. Sour; to food. Flat T. to beer. Salt T. to food. Food tastes as if not salted enough.

Clinical Neuralgia of the teeth, burning tearing; (>) heat of the stove, (<) after midnight, with great prostration; teeth feel long and very sore. Gums unhealthy, bleeding easily, with a general cachectic condition. Tongue ulcerated. Canker sores on tongue. Epithelioma of tongue. Neuralgia of tongue, with burning pain. In fevers the tongue may be red and dry, or it may be brown and black, smooth, as if varnished, generally very sore mouth; gangrenous sloughs of tongue (cancerous). Ulceration of mouth, with great dryness and burning heat. Gangrenous sore mouth of children (compare with Chloride of Potash.).


      submaxillary glands swollen, with aching and contusive pain; swelling of l., (<) evening; (s., with pain on pressure); of parotid and submaxillary glands. Swelling of l. carotid when stooping. Swelling of thyroid gland, especially on r. side; of fauces, with redness; of uvula, with redness; of tonsils, with false membrane. Diphtheritis. redness, with aphthous ulceration. Ulceration; with inflammation resembling diphtheria and quinsy; spotted with white ulcers, next day soreness descending gullet into chest, with an excoriation on each side of uvula, a white ulcer on l. tonsil, and redness and tenderness of rest of throat and back of palate, swallowing a liquid caused gasping, hurried cough and pain. At base of each pillar aphthae surrounded by red areola, with redness of pharynx. Obstinate follicular soreness. Superficial excoriation. Inflammation and swelling internally and externally about root of tongue. Tonsillitis, with dry tongue and mouth. Constant spitting of saliva and mucus from fauces. Hawks up gray mucus. Spasm. Cramp. Tearing. Pain; in evening; when talking; from vomiting, and in chest; with inflammation; on l. side as far as pectoralis muscle. nausea, with accumulation of water in mouth.

Strangling. Feels closed, and nothing can pass through it. constriction; as if swollen; suffocative C.; spasmodic c. Sensation as of a hair in it. Scraping; as of rancid grease, in morning on swallowing first mouthful; behind velum pendulum palati between acts of deglutition. Roughness; morning, with hoarseness. Husky feeling. Soreness; capricious. Dryness; with soreness; scraping and burning; with thirst. Burning; in pharynx; and in oesophagus; and in region of stomach; and in chest; with lancinations; with uneasiness and hoarseness; with oppression as if suffocating. Uneasiness. Sensation of a lump of mucus which tastes of blood. Bitterness after meal, the food having a natural taste every day, (like a tertian fever). Sweetish taste, Globus hystericus, Paralytic condition of pharynx, the bread fell with difficult and a rumbling noise. Swallowing difficult; and painful; impossible. Constant desire to swallow saliva.

Oesophagus- Burning pain; and in stomach, with nausea and vomiting. Burning, Soreness. Constriction, Spasmodic contraction.

Clinical Arsenic is not so often indicated in ulcerations of the throat as many other drugs, rarely in the early stage of diphtheria; it is valuable in the later stages with profound prostration, especially if the membrane of the throat becomes dry, with burning thirst, irritable stomach, profound prostration or with albuminuria and dropsy. Inflammation of the oesophagus, with spasmodic stricture on swallowing food, burning.


      Appetite increased. Constant craving for food. Desire for acids and acid fruit. Inclination for lard. Inclination to eat, but everything is repugnant. Capricious. Lost: for dinner; lost, with pressing in region of stomach; lost, still be relishes the food he eats; lost or else craving. Loathing of food; of butter; of animal food.

Thirst; Frequent in evening, seldom during the day at night from dryness of throat: (<) evening; (>) night; but drinking did not refresh him; he drinks much, but little at a time; with dryness of mouth and a peculiar thick, white saliva; with anxiety. Burning T. for cold water the smallest quantity of which could not be retained. Desire for coffee; for milk, which was usually repulsive; for malt beer; (for brandy). Thirst absent; during the chill (Gelsemium, Opium).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.