Homeopathy Remedy Baryta Muriatica

Baryta Muriatica homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Baryta Muriatica

      For use dissolve one apart of Barium, chloride in nine parts of distilled water.

General Action and Affinities

      See Baryta Carb.

Trembling Convulsions. Weakness; with laxity of muscles. Heaviness so that he cannot keep up. Immobility. Paralysis. anxiety; with retching. Headache. Head affected. Heaviness of head, so that he can scarcely sit up. Vertigo. Eyes sunken. eyes stiff so that he cannot move them. Paralysis of I. lid. Catarrh of eyes, ears and nose. Deafness. Face red. Face pale, with anxious expression. Sensitive drawing in facial muscles.

Clinical Whizzing and buzzing in ears. Noises in ears on chewing and swallowing.

Teeth loose. Toothache, first sticking, then (Twitching) throbbing, (<) after sleeping and after midnight, which compels him to sit up in bed. Tongue coated. Mouth and tongue dry. Swelling of salivary glands; of palate. Salivation. Offensive breath, as from mercury. Taste bad, even to food. Swallowing difficult.

Clinical Chronic hypertrophy of the tonsils. Valuable in loss of power, paresis of the pharynx and Eustachian tube, with cracking sounds on swallowing or sneezing; air is forced into the tympanum too easily.

Appetite lost. Nausea. Retching. Vomiting in morning; V., with pain in abdomen; of everything taken, with stringy mucus; of small portions of nauseous looking and tasting substance; violent; violent, with anxiety. Stomach troubles; cramp; pain; warmth going to chest and head. Pain in abdomen; burning. Burning in abdomen. Pinching in pelvic cavity. Diarrhoea; painful; profuse, without pain in abdomen. Stool liquid; S. greenish and chopped; coated with mucus. Micturition painful; constant M.; involuntary. Urine increased; U. has a white sediment. Frequent emissions at night. Menstruation induced. Voice weak. Cough. dyspnoea. Oppression of chest Internal heat in upper part of chest.

Heart beats irregularly, pulse scarcely perceptible. Pulse rapid, full. Pulse soft and irregular.

Clinical Some remarkable cases of aneurism have been reported cured by this drug; one -particularly of the descending aorta, in which death seemed inevitable, entirely cured in six months by the Ist dec; there were persistent palpitation, fulness and painfulness in the chest, swelling of the thorax close to the sternum, etc.

Pain in back. Swelling of hand and feet. Trembling of extremities, with faintness and twitchings. Weariness of muscles of extremities. Hands and feet paralyzed. (Extremities paralyzed, cold. ) Twitching of arm, (<) night. Tension in legs. Cramp in toes. Skin inflamed, Eruptions, small; itchlike, on body and throat; itching, on neck; scurflike on abdomen and tights. Scurf, profusely suppurating, on scalp. Red pimple on side of tip of nose, with biting, tickling, sore sensation, with fine stitches on touching and burning it. Suppurating glands discharge more. Biting pain in skin. Tearing-burning in denuded spots. cold surface; C. extremities. Fever, with thirst, Tertian fever. Dry heat day and night.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.