Homeopathy Remedy Arsenicum Album

Neuralgia; came with throes of violence over l. eyebrow, into bones of face, crept up the spine and settled in vertex, making her feel as if she could go mad or rush out anywhere, with intolerance of noise. Burning pain, especially in inner organs (Secale c.), skin and ulcers. Pains generally burning, at times, also stitching, then again gouty tearing, with which at times rapid twitching and pulling appeared at one spot, and in general the affected limb was constantly twitching. Pains all over body as if he lay on fire or needles. The pain and uneasiness return at regular hours, as in fever and ague (China?). Ulcerative pain in affected part, as if it had passed into suppuration and were about to open, when sitting. Pain in affected part when sitting as if the bone were swollen and excoriated. Numb pain in whole side of body.

Prickling in various parts, (<) eyes, with tingling and with lachrymation. Anxiety in whole body, with cold sweat. He felt thick. Feeling as if he would burst before the diarrhoea. Whole body feels oedematous, especially hands, with heat. General soreness. Sensation as if the whole l. half of the body were drawn together. Malaise; morning on rising; during forenoon; with necessity to go to bed early and inability to get warm; then vomiting. Wretched in morning on waking. Unusual lightness. Great muscular activity and aptitude for walking.

Restlessness (Secale c., Camph.); at night (Sulphur); throwing himself from side to side; changing from one bed to another; especially of arms and legs; with anxiety (Camph., Rhus t., Secale c., Sulphur); tossing about the bed in a sort of anguish; and unquenchable thirst; threw herself about the bed and tightly clasped a bystander in her anxiety and oppression; with hypochondriac anxiety, as from continued sitting in a room, as if coming from upper part of chest; with contraction of body; the child is restless, moans and is fretful; dejected restlessness when sitting occupied, obliging her to walk about.

Collapse; with cold extremities, purple lips and dusky face (Camph., Secale c.). Faintness; in morning, with anxiety and weakness; when discouraged; with anxiety, inability to control her thoughts and reeling; with coldness over whole body; with burning and nausea. Weakness (China, Phosphorus, Mercurius cy., Acid Muriaticum, etc.); in morning; in evening; after a meal (Acid Muriaticum, China, Ph. ac.); on movement or unusual mental exertion; on slight exertion, with pallor; after dinner, with excessive yawning; after drinking milk or vomiting, then tossing about of arms and legs, with pain and sickness, ending in vomiting and prostration as before; after vomiting (Veratrum); from diarrhoea (Secale c.), so that he felt faint, could not get into bed, legs trembled, the weakness (>) by white wine; W. (<) night, especially affecting the heart; with irritability; with vertigo and headache, so that he fell after rising; obliging him to lie down with the slightest paroxysm of pain (Plumb.); so that he could scarcely walk, he feels as if he would fall over; almost losing the use of l. side; cannot speak without effort; so that he could not hold an object; as from want of food. Muscles lax. Could not sit upright, stand nor walk, but when lying could make every motion. Nervous prostration. Typhoid state; sleepiness, numbness, stupid appearance, ringing in ears, no pains, redness of cheeks, slight ophthalmia, dorsal decubitus, paralysis of limbs and trunk, emaciation, moist skin, violent beating of heart, pulse rapid, abdomen retracted, hollow gurgling in abdomen, no diarrhoea, and involuntary micturition.

Senses morbidly acute. Sensitiveness, so that a draught of air caused cramp and convulsions; the gentle opening and shutting of a door or the touch of the bed clothes caused her to start, and the careless closing of the door drew tears and gave her pain. Electro-muscular contractility diminished. Stiffness, with inability to move, is only able to stand; muscular S. (<) in morning and extends to arm and forearm, which pain on motion.

Feeling as if pressed by a heavy body. Leaden heaviness. Heaviness and formication, which soon attacked upper limbs. Oppression. Tingling, beginning in l. arm, five days afterwards numbness of thighs and calves, the eleventh day anaesthesia of fingers and partial paralysis of flexor of forearm, then the same in the lower limbs, with pain in both, in five weeks skin of the whole body has desquamated, most on hands, in six weeks the paralysis of flexors of both extremities was unabated and accompanied by soreness on pressure, in two months and a half he was still unable to stand, in eight months the paralysis of sensation and motion and soreness on pressure continued, though they were less (compare Plumb.). Affection of tactile sensation. Numbness; and tingling; N. extending down r. side to foot. Cannot move. Immobility of eye and limbs. Paralysis; of motion and sensation; incomplete; of lower half of body; local P., preceded by numbness or tingling in fingers and toes. Many symptoms occur only in the evening after lying down, several occur two hours after midnight, not a few in the morning after rising.

Aggravation at night; while sitting and lying, and amelioration while standing and moving; she was glad is she was not required to move or speak (on account of the pain); aggravation during heat and damp. Felt better after eating.

Clinical It is adapted to a condition of profound prostration, rapid exhaustion or even collapse. Paralysis, especially of lower extremities. Hysterical paralysis. Spinal paralysis from myelitis. General dropsy, with weak heart. Dropsy form kidney disease. General anaemia. Pyaemia, with oedema, erysipelas, gangrenous ulcers and purulent expectoration.


      Delirium; at night; with carphology; with attempts to escape (Belladonna); with restlessness; (<) at night, with restlessness; with tetanic convulsions; every morning when sleeping by himself, as if he heard wild beasts gnashing their teeth around his bed. Sees vermin crawling about the bed, from which he wants to escape, and throws away handfuls of them (Stramonium). Motioning as if measuring with a rule, so that his ravings mostly related to his business. Delirium, rose to visit his absent daughter and could with difficulty be quieted, but spoke rationally. Runs through the house at night in search of thieves. Sees thieves in the room and hides under the bed. Imagines the house and space under it are full of thieves, which causes fright and anxious cold sweat. Suspected that people were about the house plotting against his life, jumped out of bed, reached after imaginary objects, stared wildly and suspiciously around him and at every one who made the slightest noise or stirred, and talked incoherently. Attacks of madness and sorrow. Anxiety and fear, he sees an absent acquaintance dead upon the sofa and has great dread of him. Furiously mad when offered something to eat, without appetite. Alternating lively phantasies. Delusions alternating with half-confused sleep. Feeling as if she would lose her senses when thinking long about anything. Foolish answers. Loud wailing. Piercing lamentations interrupted by attacks of weakness. Cried and howled and spoke little and abruptly. Crying at trifles, with quarrelsome inclination. Sobbing, with childish spells of crying.

Her desire exceeds her need, she eats and drinks more than is good for her, and she walks farther than she needs to do or can endure. Anguish; with tossing about the bed (Aconite); with despair driving him from place to place for relief; with oppression of chest and difficult breathing; with trembling and with tearing in the abdomen; with cold sweat on face and trembling; as if everything became constricted, with anxiety in pit of stomach; so that he fainted; from the heart, interrupted by attacks of weakness; as if he had not done his duty. Despairs and weeps, imagines that he must die (Laches.); is cold and chilly, and then weak. Fear; and anguish, sees ghosts day and night; with jumping out of bed and hiding; of solitude and death, rage from slightest cause, especially if one spoke of her recover, which she considered impossible, with at times indescribable melancholy. Dread of death (Aconite, Secale c., Platina); sudden, when alone or on going to bed.

Anxiety; at 3 A.M., not with hot feeling, now with nausea; after 3 A.M., after waking; in evening after lying down; and heat did not permit sleep before midnight for many days; and restlessness of whole body; and restlessness, with cries of “kill me or relieve my pains!” with impatience; with excitement; with cold sweat; deathly; as regards some persons; in evening, lest some evil had befallen his relatives; periodical. Sadness; after eating, with headache; and crying at slightest provocation; with want of interest in anything. Despondent about his condition. Disposition to suicide (Plumb.); after midnight, by stabbing his heart through and through. Indifference to life. Indignation alternating with mildness, in her indignation she looks at nobody and does not want to hear anything, she also cries; morning in bed, pushed the pillows about indignantly, uncovered himself, saw no one and did not want to be spoken to.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.