Homeopathy Remedy Arsenicum Album

Internal chilliness in epigastric region, and he is never clad warm enough, through the parts feel warm to touch. Coldness; in pit. Anxiety in pit (Argentum II); at night rising high up. Indescribable anguish in pit, without distention or colic. Constriction in epigastric region. Contraction in S. and pharynx, with painful burning. Strangulating feeling, with sensitiveness to touch. Gastritis (Argentum nitricum, Phosphorus, K. bi., etc.). Gastrodynia. Inflammation of alimentary, mucous membrane. Dreadful suffering in epigastrium. Distress; then nausea and vomiting. Soreness in pit when talking, drawing breath or moving about (Bryonia); when coughing. Tensive sensation in epigastric region. Could not bear any wine. Digestion weak, with dislike to meat. Inability to digest food, especially meat. Indigestion in various forms. Acidity. Weight after eating, as from a stone (Bryonia). Heaviness; with anorexia. Weakness of epigastrium after micturition, so that she trembled. Sinking.

Clinical Most violent gastro-enteritis, even ulceration, and various disease of the stomach (cancerous, etc.), are cured by Arsenic, always with a few characteristic indications, extreme thirst, with extreme irritability of the stomach, which will retain but little, if anything, extreme soreness, with burning heat. In less serious conditions it is frequently useful, for instance, persistent deathly nausea of pregnancy, chronic catarrh of the stomach; the whole inner portion of the stomach seems raw; constrictive pain when the stomach is empty. Severe gastralgia brought on by the slightest food or drink, the patient thinks that she shall die, with profound prostration, the pain is burning hot and extends up sides and over abdomen.


      Inclined to lie on. Swollen; and painful; and tympanitic; every morning, then emission of flatus; after stool. Distention after eating, (>) leaning his back against something. Softness. Retraction; with feeling as in lead colic, and little sensitiveness to pressure. Walls contracted and almost touch spinal column, recti muscles stretched like a rope. Tension; of muscles, outline distinct, with pain in r. hypochondrium on firm pressure. Unevenness from epigastric region to pubis and to hypochondria, caused by spasmodic contractions of abdominal muscles and of viscera, with faintness, sickness and purgings of bright green color like paint. Spasms in evening after lying down, with pinching and with sweat, then emission of flatus and thin stool. Gurgling. Rumbling; morning on walking; then twisting and cutting, then diarrhoeic on waking; then twisting and cutting, then diarrhoeic stools. Flatulence; after eating; putrid smelling flatus. Increased peristaltic action. Haemorrhage.

Cramp; beginning in abdomen. Stitches, extending into vagina. Tearing; with nausea and vomiting. (Lancinating tearing and gnawing, and in stomach.) Cutting; and tearing, with coldness of hands and feet and with cold sweat on face; before diarrhoea, with twisting; with vomiting; clawing, in evening after lying down and in morning after rising, sometimes darting through abdominal ring (as if a hernia would protrude) into spermatic cord and perineum, then rumbling and grumbling. Pinching as if diarrhoea would occur. Griping; and free movement of bowels.

Pain; in afternoon, with diarrhoea and chilliness, the pain continuing after the diarrhoea; at night; at midnight, especially in hypogastrium, then burning in stomach; on touch; (<) touch of bed-covers, with tension; (<) pressure; (>) after stool; with unbearable anxiety; with tense and heavy sensation in r. epigastric and hypogastric regions; with urging to stool, then diarrhoea; with diarrhoea and vomiting; with constipation; with heat in face; and in legs; so that he rolled about the floor and despaired of his life; so violent that she had to hold on to the houses to prevent falling; causing screams. Twisting pain and griping; twisting before and during stool, with pinching and rumbling. Deep-seated. Pain moving, with diarrhoea and pains in anus. Pain becomes seated in l. side. Intermittent, smarting. Sore. Bruised, as if crushed, during cough. Drawing pain, which moved to the head, where there was a beating and still more a jerking, then it extended to the l. side, where sudden jerking stitches were felt.

Burning pain; noon and afternoon, (>) after stool; increased to sharp pain on pressure; especially in side. Burning; (<) stretching feet, with constriction; with heat and thirst; and in throat and chest. Anxiety, with pain so violent that he grasped bystanders and again pushed then from him, frequently jumped out of bed and sat on the chamber or ran about; A., with fever and thirst. Piteous complaints that on unpleasant sensation in A. and anguish took away his breath and forced him to bend double in this or that direction or to rise and walk about. Discomfort. Intestines feel as if drawn together. Drawing and pressure, as from incarcerated flatus. Uneasiness when at rest. Pulsation extending deep inwardly. Weakness of muscles.

Pain in upper abdomen. Tendency to inflammation of duodenum, with pain. Digging in r. side of A., with pressure. Pain in r. side. Rheumatic pain in l. side. Liver, congestion and torpidity, with various symptoms resulting therefrom, and bilious and feverish attack; pain over region of liver, also (<) pressure; pain in liver when walking in open air; tenderness in region, (>) diarrhoea; irritation of L., with yellowish or sickly pale look.

Spleen hypertrophied. Stitches under short ribs, (<) lying on that side. Lancinations under l. short ribs in evening after lying down. Cutting below last ribs, (<) touch. Hypochondria tense and shaken by convulsions; increased tension of H. during paroxysm of fever, and he is almost unable to lie on that side. Pain in r. hypochondrium; and in adjoining lumbar region, extending through side of scrotum, sometimes into r. groin and side of abdomen, like renal colic. Drawing stitching under l. H. when clearing throat, extending into chest.

Umbilicus.- Pain about, causing him to bend forward, (<) touch, attempting to raise himself or to lie on back; drawing pain in region; pains which were in the stomach at first passed down into intestines, he pressed with his r. hand on the navel and cried that his intestines were burning. Pains below U.

Hypogastrium.- Pinching increasing in cutting, in morning, before, during and after diarrhoea. Cutting. Slow stitches in groins. Pain on pressure. Pain in inguinal and iliac regions, (<) pressure. Sprained pain in groin and r. lumbar region when stooping. Contractive pain in l. groin during micturition. Sensation of a bar around flanks. Burning in groin.

Clinical Metro-peritonitis, nausea, vomiting, profound prostration, cold sweat, brown tongue, burning pain, etc. Catarrhal enteritis. Ulceration of the bowels. Enlarged spleen, with paroxysms of violent pain. Enlarged liver. Inflammation of the liver, associated with inflammations of the kidney. A great variety of inflammatory disorders of the abdominal viscera, characterized by extreme sensitiveness, tendency to collapse and general Arsenic symptoms. Dropsy of abdomen.


      Painful spasmodic protrusion of; remains protruded after haemorrhage. Haemorrhage. Stitches during menses, extending to anus and pudendum; deep in, with itching. Pricking; as if passing sand. Burning; after stool (AEsc. h.), with weakness and trembling in all limbs. Peculiar feeling of smarting and pain at end, with inclination to evacuate, but not tenesmus. Urging to stool; driving out of bed; constant U.; ineffectual. Tenesmus; as in dysentery, with burning, pain and pressure in rectum and anus (Sulphur, Acid nitricum); with mucous stools; with stools tinged with blood.


      Haemorrhoids; blind, painful, with slow hot pickings; bleeding and protruding; with pricking when walking and sitting, not at stool. Twitching. Haemorrhoidal tenesmus, causing burning pain, (<) at night, preventing sleep, (<) in day and increasing to stitches, (<) walking. Soreness when touched. Burning; (>) hard, knotty stool; with itching. Itching; and in privates, with soreness and sometimes sharp pain. Itching scraping or smarting. Corrosive itching in perineum.

Clinical Haemorrhoids, with burning like fire, (>) heat.


      Watery; and offensive; and painful; and frequent; profuse; profuse, with relief; only of blood and water; white, curdy; ash- colored, like dirty water, with yellow mucus, without pain or tenesmus; yellow, scanty, then tenesmus and colic around umbilicus; frequent yellowish, after pinching in lower abdomen, with thirst; contained acrid water. Greenish, watery, involuntary; G. watery, painless; G. bloody water, with vomiting; watery, mixed with lumps of green mucus. Violent, watery. Black fluid, burning the anus, after uneasiness and pain in abdomen.

Diarrhoea; in afternoon; from fruit or fresh vegetables (China.); (<) night, with coldness of extremities (Secale c., Veratrum); with vomiting (Veratrum); with prostration; with tenesmus; with much rumbling; with abdominal pain, also with grasping of hands towards head and drawing of the legs up high; with itching and soreness of anus; with tearing and cutting in abdomen; with anxiety and cutting in abdomen and exhaustion; difficult; dark, bloody-colored; black mucous, with persistent, vomiting; chronic, dark, muddy, offensive, forcible and sudden, and he turns pale at the same time; frequent, violent, offensive, black; yellow, with tenesmus and burning pain in rectum and anus (Aloe); yellow, with bitter mouth; olive-green, inodorous, also unhealthy; inodorous as after indigestion. Dysentery-like. Slimy, morning and forenoon, preceded by griping and followed by straining or., having a hacked appearance. Containing grumous particles. Bilious, (Greenish dark down smelling like a putrid ulcer.) Profuse, first white, then yellowish half liquid, involuntary, while standing, as if one suddenly opened the pipe of a vessel containing liquid. Scybalous passages of clayey color. Diarrhoea alternating with constipation.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.