Homeopathy Remedy Arsenicum Album

Weakness (Phosphorus, Mercurius, Plumb., Veratrum, Acid Muriaticum); (<) r. side; paralytic, at a certain hour every day; with stiffness, so that it was difficult of hold anything and his gait became stumbling; especially from knees to toes, with crawling; of wrists and ankles, with stiffness and pain; in joints in forenoon, (<) sitting, with pain; of hands and feet, with trembling feeling in morning; of fingers and toes and the gastro-enteritis got better, slowly extending to knees and wrists, with numbness.

Heaviness. Stiffness; of fingers and toes; (<) l., with diminished sensibility (of all joints, with inability to stretch himself because of tension in whole body, and with stiffness and coldness of knee so that he tied handkerchiefs around them, otherwise they were painful and disturbed sleep). Tingling; in hands and feet, with burning. Creeping as if asleep. Falling asleep, with insensibility; of r. arm and foot. Numbness; in arms and legs, also with pain; in arms and legs, with prickling and weight, like being asleep, arms (>) raising them in an upright position; of hands and feet, also with pains day and night, preventing sleep; in hands and feet, with paralysis; of finger-tips, and in feet, where there was occasional cutting; of soles, and diminished sensation in hands; of limbs, with pain across shoulders, extending down arms. Diminished sensibility; in finger-tips, spreading over hands and arms, in toes, spreading over feet and legs.

Ataxia of muscles, with gait as in excessive chorea, and the hands could hardly be held up. Lost the use of hands and feet legs and arms, there was little sensation below instep, with soreness in arch of r. foot on motion and pressure, cramps in all muscles of lower limbs at once, especially in plantaris of r. leg, with neuralgic pain in forearm and legs below hips, the pains increasing to a climax, then gradually diminishing, (<) cold air or water and between 9.30 P.M. and 8. A.M., the paralysis was both of sensation and motion, though the paralyzed parts were sensitive to cold. Paralysis; with anaesthesia and violent pains; sometimes general and affects both upper and lower limbs; of feet, hands and arms; of arms and legs, with pain in muscles and in bowels; of l. arm and leg, with sensibility of skin and coldness in limbs.

Paresis, with crampy pains in feet, calves, hands and abdomen, no use of arms or legs, great muscular atrophy, tremor, no patellar reflex, but slight hyperaesthesia, later hand and feet felt numb and prickling, itching over body and limbs, formication of feet, sensation of a tight cord around waist, “throat felt as if gone at times,” legs flexed and contracted, extension caused pain in flexor muscles and tendons, muscae volitantes, dropping of wrists and ankles. Faradic reaction of nerves and muscles of limbs lost, daily a fainting spell, with dyspnoea, cardiac sounds feeble, later lower limbs oedematous, difficulty in flexing fingers into palms, tabetic gait, two apparent gastric crises of locomotor ataxia, diarrhoea, nausea, colic, trembling, etc.

Upper Extremities

      Weakness, with retraction of flexors of fingers. Axilla, (glandular swelling); tearing sticking in r.; soreness in; tingling in. Shoulder, cramplike sensation in l.; neuralgia, afterwards extending to groins, thorax and back, abdomen became tympanitic and muscular paraplegia slowly ensued; neuralgic pain extending to fingers, with numbness; unbearable pain in l.; drawing pain.

Arm.- Painful swelling of r., and hand. Constant motion as if picking at something above the head. Tearing at night in bed, especially in elbow and wrist. Sudden peculiar neuralgia in l. after meals; N. of l., then paralyzed feeling. Pain in A., of that side on which he lies at night; P. (<) L., which was weak; in l. ulnar nerves; drawing. Weakness. Going to sleep of r. if he lies on r. side. Immobility of l. Pain in elbows and fingers; rheumatic P. in r. elbow. Swelling of r. forearm, with pain. Drawing pain in styloid processes every evening. Weakness of wrists, and the fingers could neither grasp nor hold anything smaller than the crutches, which they would hold a little, though there was no sensation in finger-tips even when injured.

Hand.- Swollen. Deep furrows in interosseous spaces in dorsa, the H. looking like skeletons, the palms forming deep concavities. Never recovered their fulness and strength, and the “naevus” almost disappeared. Contractions. Cramp when moving it. Trembling (Mercurius). Drawing tearing in metacarpal bones in morning. Tearing sticking in bones of H. and of Little finger. Pain on extension. Drawing in l., with cramps. Sensitiveness of palms, yet he does not know whether he has taken hold of an object. Weakness. Stiffness and insensibility. Neither extension nor flexion was complete. Motion less impaired than in arm and forearm, especially the ability to bend forearm on arm is almost lost. Numbness, with swelling. Paralysis, with heaviness, without wasting.

Fingers.- (Hard swelling, with pain in bones of fingers.) Ungual phalanges wasted and nails hard, brittle, clawlike. Clenched. Flexed; half-flexed. Two last phalanges of all F. are bent on the first; and the tips touch the palm. F. and hands move in sleep. Trembling, with occasional creepings in hands and feet. Tonic spasms, cramps, (<) night in bed; of r. on attempting to stretch them. Painful cramp in lowest joints of all; in tips from morning till noon. Pain in joints when moved. Drawing pain in middle. Drawing from tips into shoulders, with jerking and tearing. Could not be moved; could be bent, but not extended. Fuzziness extending up arm, ending in loss of sensation. Sensation blunted as far as wrists. Insensibility; of l. fourth an fifth; as if everything stagnated. Tingling creeping to shoulders, with burning.

Lower Extremities

      OEdema (Apis., Mercurius, Plumb.). Painful swelling. Wasting. Retracted to abdomen. Twitching. Trembling. Unsteadiness when walking across an open place, with vertigo. Tottering; and stumbling, as stiff, with slipping outward of feet. Gait heavy, “slumpy,” and it is difficult to raise himself after eating. Painful shocks. Painful cramps Tearing; from top of bottom, with inability to tread, sit or lie, had to shake the limb to and fro days and night or else limp about and had no rest,(<) night; on motion, especially in knee and tarsal joint. Tearing sticking, apparently in periosteum, down to tip of big toe (Acid nitricum). Pain; especially in joints; drawing. Uneasiness, he cannot be still at night and has to move his feet all the time or walk, to get relief (Rhus t.). Weakness; with heaviness. Sensation as if they would break down when descending stairs. Can walk only a few minutes very slowly. Hyperaesthesia. Wooden sensation. Asleep. Stiffness. Can scarcely be rotated. Immobility; with tearing. Paralysis; with insensibility (Phosphorus); partial P. and desquamation of cuticle.

Muscles of thigh feeble and soft, calf flabby, foot extended so that the back of it formed a line with the spine of the tibia; while the inner margin of the foot was turned inward and upward and the plantar surface looked inward and backward, the instep formed an angle with the tibia directed inward and forward, the joints of ankle and foot were weak, on flexing the leg the foot could be moved in a loose manner, toes flexed and motion restricted.

Thigh.- Convulsions, and of legs. Jerking in hip, then cough, which it seems to incite. Painful cramp-like contractions of bundles of muscles of T. and calves in evening in bed, toes being drawn inward, then he became very weak. Paroxysmal cramp-pain of single parts of muscles of T. and legs, and when feeling the parts a jerking as of something alive. Pricking in r. hip. Drawing tearing in hips and l. foot in morning after a sleepless night. Drawing tearing from anterior surface of thigh to knee and tarsal joint when walking. Sciatica. Intermittent pain extending along crural nerve as far as heel and toes. Pain in anterior and inner part of T. on rising in morning. Soreness between, T., with itching. Stiffness as after a long with, with the headache; S. over hips as if bruised or sprained, night and morning, and a similar pain in nape.

Knee.- Starting as from an electric shock after dreaming directly after lying down that he is going to knock his foot against a stone. Pain. Bruised pain in side when touched and when sitting, sensation as if the flesh were detached. Bruised or sprained pain in l., (<) rising from a seat. Sensation as if bandaged tightly. Tension in bend when sitting and standing, as if tendons were too short, (>) walking. Weakness; r. unable to support body. Stiffness, especially of K. and feet, alternating with tearing; S., and in ankles. Paralysis.

Leg.- Swelling; and of feet; to above calves, preceded by tearing in calves, which went off by application of warm cloths. Dwindling. Calf is hard and as if pressed flat, with cramp-pain, the whole leg cold, insensible and stiff, then tension in calf and a sort of paralysis of leg. Convulsions; and of knees. Twitching; in afternoon when sitting. Contractions of extensors. Convulsive contractions in calves; in legs, with bending up under thigh. Strange nervous affection, with pain and stiffness. Cramp; till 11 P.M. with diarrhoea; and of feet. Cramp in calves (Cuprum); when walking; (<) night in bed. Cramp-pain in leg in morning, ending in humming or buzzing. Tearing during the shuddering; T. in tibia; in r. calf when sitting; drawing, from bend of knee to heel, as if sprained. Tearing sticking in lower part. Boring in r. tibia. Drawing, tearing and jerking from ankles to knees. Tearing drawing; in tibia. Pain; and in feet; on touch; when stretched; in calves; especially in joints; drawing P. when resting perpendicularly upon floor while sitting; pulsating, in head of l. tibia; (jerking from upper to lower part). Muscular soreness. Clucking. Weakness. Heaviness; with weariness; with weariness and drawing. (<) morning, with bending, unsteadiness and weakness in knees. Feeling as of a weight handing from them. When he turns on l. side he can easily more the whole r. leg inward or outward, the toes still point towards l. leg, but in l. leg these motions are impossible, and the voluntary extension of feet is impossible. Stiffness; of the swollen legs and feet during and after the fever, with pain. Numbness of legs and feet; with tingling (Phosphorus). Prick of a pin had no effect on l., and hard pinch was requisite to excite motion in r. Paralysis.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.