Homeopathy Remedy Veratrum Album

Veratrum Album homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Veratrum Album…

      A tincture is made of the dried root.

General Action

      It produces profound prostration, weak heart, cold skin, with cold sweat and collapse. Most violent vomiting and purging, with terrible colic and at times cramps. Muscular spasms, rigid contraction of muscles, even tetanic.

Allies.- Colchicum, Iris-v., Secale-c., Aconite, Arsenicum, Cuprum, Zincum met., Rhus-t.


      Activity on diminution of pains and emotional disturbance, with mobility. Movements slow. Muscles relaxed. Trembling. Convulsive movements of face and limbs. Spasms; epileptic. Cholera. New attack of gout. Stitches here and there; S. in r. cheek and r. chest, with salivation; in part S. here and there, in part sticking colic; with peppery biting in throat. Pain in sides, breasts and thighs. Bruised pain in bones; in muscular parts, with pressure. Drawing pain in head and sacrum. Itching sensation in bones. Distress from open air, as after acute illness. Restlessness; undertakes several things, but is soon weary and accomplished nothing. Desire to lie down.

Weakness; in morning; in morning, with shivering; in morning, with sleepiness, preventing rising; after breakfast, with sleepiness; in forenoon, (>) as glass of wine, with dizziness and inability to work; in afternoon and evening, then fatiguing, dreamy sleep; on account of mental excitement; in evening, all work, especially mental, is irksome, with uneasiness, heaviness of head, which is painful then, stupid sleep; on going to stool; after a short walk, with indisposition; (<) breakfast, with heaviness of limbs; with sinking down; with disinclination to work; then twisting in abdomen and back, (>) stool; as from too great heat in the air; paralytic; rapid, inviting sleep in forenoon; in attacks when walking; as if had walked too far; as if he had not slept enough, head stupid, on attempting to rise he sank back in bed in a dreamy half sleep, with sweat and apprehension (Aconite).

Faintness; at noon for three days, with pallor, twitching in cheeks and parts before l. eye, then vomiting of white froth. All symptoms except weakness (>) lying, they return on rising; all except headache (>) sitting.

Clinical Rheumatic pains, like electric jerks, (<) heat of the bed, (>) walking about. Attacks sudden faintness. Violent tonic spasms, palms and soles drawn inward. General tetanic rigidity of muscles, face dawn and pinched, tendency to cramp, especially in the calves, etc. Tendency to collapse, with cold sweat.


      Raging, with heat of body. Delirium; with general coldness, open eyes, with cheerful, at times laughing expression, he prattles about religious subject, about vows to be performed, prays, believes that he is not in his own house. Beside himself, groans and does not know how to calm himself. Cursing and howling all night, and complaining of being stupid, with headache and salivation.

Inconsolable over a fancied misfortune, runs about the room howling and screaming, looking upon the ground, or sits brooding in the corner, wailing and weeping in an inconsolable manner, (<) evening, sleeps only till 2 O’clock. Despair. Despondency and discouragement, with weeping and inclination to hang the head. Melancholia, with chilliness as if dashed with cold water, with frequent nausea. Fear; (ending with eructations). Anxiety; in morning; all night; in evening and after dinner; (in evening in bed till almost midnight, with waking sopor, and drawing movements in abdomen, which causes roaring in head).; if he stands, with cold sweat on forehead and vomiting; during stool, with fear of apoplexy; caused by crawling in fingers; taking away the breath; as if he had committed a crime. Anguish.

Ill humor; in forenoon, with no inclination to work; at every work that does not go to suit him, with impatience and weakness; at every interruption at work; with anxiety, palpitation and rapid audible respiration. Taciturn; he speaks in a low weak voice; (and rages and tears his clothes); says nothing except when excited to do so, and then he scolds. (Cannot endure to have any one speak any one speak to him). Seeks out faults in others and taunts them with them. (Talkative) Inclination to work. Indifference all day, so that he often rubs his forehead in order to collect his thoughts. Sensation as if gradually nearing his end, though with tranquillity.

Oversensitiveness, increased mental power. When he has nothing to do he seems dazed, cannot think easily is quite and absorbed in himself. Conscious only as in dream. Waking sopor, one eyes open, the other closed or half open, frequent starting up as if frightened. unconsciousness. (Does not recognize his relatives.) Loss of ideas; of memory.

Clinical Raging delirium, sometimes with rapid talking, at other times refusal to talk; sometimes with rage and swearing, tearing clothes. Hallucinations of physical diseases; of having committed crime, obscene delirium. In delirium he tries to get out of bed. Melancholia, hangs his head and wants to be alone. Delirium after severe illness; people crowd about her. Despairing melancholia after great disappointments or religious excitement.


      Sticking, and in r. shoulder, Aching; (<) walking, even to reeling, (>) sitting; (>) appearance of menses; with vomiting of green mucus; with nausea, colic and pain in back; with buzzing in front of forehead; with heat in eyes; with painful inflammation of eyes, preventing sleep at night; with stiffness; with toothache; with flow of urine; (tearing?) during menstruation (which had not occurred for six weeks), (<)morning, (>) evening, with nausea; paroxysmal bruised, here and there in brain, with pressure; as if brain were broken; tensive; constrictive, with constrictive pain in oesophagus; throbbing; intermittent throbbing; stupefying.

(Shattering, with jerking in l. arm and paleness of fingers). Confusion; in forenoon, with heaviness, emptiness, peevishness and disinclination to do anything; (<) sitting erect and standing, (>) stooping and lying on back, with tensive pressure now in temples, now in vertex, and contracted pupils; with nausea; with heaviness and with difficulty in talking as if he could not think of the words; dizzy. Heaviness. Rush of blood on stooping. Vertigo; in morning; in morning on rising; towards noon before menses, and sweat at night; when walking; (<) rising from a seat, with pressure in vertex, pain in arms, vanishing of vision and creeping coldness through arms; and intoxication; with aversion to food; as if nothing were firm in his head.

Forehead. Stitches in l. side; single, even when sitting. Pinching. Pain in sinciput; and heat and heaviness; throbbing, over l. eye. Tension, and in occiput; in sinciput; in head between temples.

Temples. Sticking. Pain extending to forehead, (<) bending forward, (>) bending backward and pressure, recurring on rising up. (Sensation of a drop of water, not cool, running down.)

Cutting in vertex. Pressing on vertex in morning after waking; pain like a flattening pressure on V., which in movement becomes a throbbing. Pain in one side, with pain in stomach. Sticking in occiput, neck and r. shoulder in morning on waking, (>) motion, with tearing; S. deep in occiput, with tension. Sudden pain in O. Tearing and tension in O. and nape. Crawling and bristling sensation in r. side as if a bunch of hair were electrified, with shivering under scalp. Itching biting stitch in scalp. (Itching.)

Clinical Persistent vertigo, with cold sweat on the forehead, with great weakness. Neuralgic headaches, especially characterized by feeling of ice on vertex. Neuralgia in the head in convulsive shocks immediately on raising the head, with vomiting, (>) pressure on vertex.


      Surrounded by black rings; but blue rings, and looked dull. Distorted, protruding. Turned upwards so that only whites could be seen. Staring. Without lustre. Redness of white of r. Inflammation of r. of r., with febrile heat; with tearing. Blueness of l., with frequent eructations. Pain; and he moved the hands over head; with loss of appetite and inflamed appearance of blood (buffy coat). Heat: (<) open air, with sticking; with lachrymation, cutting and dry sensation. Weak sensation. Seem watery, as if covered with albumen. Lachrymation; with redness of eyes, as in coryza.

Pupils contracted; with compressing pain in eyes; then dilated, with weakness and sleepiness, even when walking; dilated; dilated at 7 P.M., with weak vision. Balls rotated. Paroxysmal pain as if beaten in r. ball at outer canthus, (>) pressure. Sticking in canthi.

Lids. Agglutination on rising. Sticking in upper by outer canthus. Dryness (Arsen., Zincum met.); after midday nap, then lachrymation; (<) after sleep, painful as if rubbed sore, are stiff and agglutinated; of upper, as if salt were between it and ball at noon after dinner. Burning. Sticking itching internally. Paralysis

Vision. Double. Of sparks; and black spots on rising from a seat, forcing him to sit or lie. Shining spots flit before eyes. Blindness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.