Sleeplessness. Sleepless. (* After emetics and clysters.- HUGHES.*) Sleeplessness, with walking about the room, and with hallucination. Remained awake all night, tossed about his bed, and uttered screaming cries. Restless night. Restless sleep, violent headache, and profuse urination. Restless sleep, full of dreams, with tossing about the bed. Trouble-some night, awaking three or four times, with sickness and vomiting. While slumbering he hears two persons talk, but he does not know who they are. Starting in sleep, with rising up in bed and looking vacantly around, with incoherent talking (second night).

Frequent starts, at night. In sleep, twitching of limbs. (Sleep interrupted by screams). (Screaming and howling, at night).

Snoring during a swoon. Did not rest well, at night; frequent waking. Waking, with a starts, as though dreaming. (Wakes from his sleep with a scream). Dreams. There is no disposition to sleep, but it produces agreeable dreams. Wandering, indistinct dreams. Strange dreams of a frightful kind. Amorous dream (third, sixth, and thirteenth night). Sleep disturbed by dreams, such as he never before remembered to have had. Vivid dreams about things that have happened. Different kinds of dreams.


Chilliness. Chilliness and shivering in the limbs, at night.

Coldness and chill, for eight hours. Shaking chill through the whole body, with single jerks, partly of the whole body, partly of single limbs, of the elbows and knee-joints, without thirst.

Chilliness along the back, in the afternoon. Whenever he takes a dose, a disagreeable, shuddering chill runs over him as if he dreaded it (after three, four, and five hours). From 6 to 7 P.M.

felt chilly (second day). General shivering, with the uneasiness about the throat. Shivering sensation on the chin. She lies on the floor, cold, senseless, and weak, and breathing feebly (after two hours). (* Earliest effects.-HUGHES. *) Coldness of the whole body. Temperature diminished. Affected with a “sudden coldness in a very extraordinary manner.” Temperature diminished, skin cold, covered with cold sweat. Skin cool. Skin rather cool, but no more than could be attributed to an hour’s exposure in the wind. Skin icy cold, and covered with clammy sweat, the hands and feet livid (after seven hours). Skin cold and moist. Skin cold, and covered with sweat. Face, hands, and feet blue and cold. Extremities and trunk cold. Extremities cold, almost immovable. Coldness and paralysis of the limbs. Coldness of the limbs, etc. Hands and feet cold. Hands and feet cold, often bluish. Inferior extremities cold. The feet were extremely cold early in the morning, and, nevertheless, very sensitive to the least cold draft. Heat. Fever, (first day). Typhoid fever of the remittent character, with pains beginning in the left ear and terminating in the left side of the chest, with dry cough, which aggravates the pain very much. Violent fever.-(Fever, after noon). (* Apparently only a sympathetic of an inflamed arm.- HUGHES. *) Violent fever at noon, returning with the same violence about midnight. Fever daily, in the afternoon. Fever, in the evening, for two days. (* The beginning of phthisis, of which the patient died.-HUGHES. *) (After the vomiting in the evening, continuous, violent fever, with profuse sweat.) Fever; first heat in the head, afterwards coldness of the whole body, followed by heat of the whole body, with anguish; sleeps during the heat; after awaking, violent thirst; he feels a stinging in his palate until he drinks. High fever; burning heat and redness of the skin, attended with a itching eruption over whole face and trunk of the body; but the feet and legs were paler and cooler than natural. Temperature increased. Temperature, especially of the head, elevated. Temperature very high. Becomes hot. Heat of the whole body. Heat and sweat all over, without thirst (after five hours). With the least motion, heat over the whole body, and sweat (after twenty-four hours). Heat and anxiety rise from the abdomen upward, causing redness of the cheeks. Feeling of general heat for some minutes (after second dose, second day); feeling of great heat (after third dose, second day). She is hot, then cold, shivering; she feels as if cold water was being poured down her back. Dry heat over the whole body. Glowing heat and redness of the head and face, with coldness and paleness of the rest of the body. Great heat of the body. Great heat, with quick and small pulse, and bright-red vermilion-colored countenance. Towards noon great heat, redness of the face, vertigo, and tears in the eyes. Hot cheeks. He covers himself carefully during the heat; but if he merely puts out a finger from under the cover the pains immediately become very violent.

Skin hot, etc. Skin excessively hot and congested, especially the face and upper extremities. Skin burning hot, and dry. Hot and perspiring skin on the surface of the trunk. Skin hot and dry. Skin hot, and not dry. Great heat of the whole surface (after fourteen hours). Skin hot, dry, and burning, of a continuous scarlet color over the whole body (after six hours).

Heat of surface elevated and dry. Skin warm. Skin warm and dry (after eleven hours). Skin hot, and presenting a bright scarlet efflorescence of a lobster color, somewhat raised above the place of the cuticle, and rough to the touch. Head moderately warm (after one hour). Head hot. Heat of the head and sparkling eyes. Head hot; also the whole body. During chill, heat in head; during the hot stage, cold feet; during the sweat, cannot bear to be uncovered. Head very hot. Heat in the face. Hot, red face, with cold hands and feet. Sensation of heat in the face, when coldness and chilliness passed. Skin of face and upper extremities burning hot. Alternately a feeling of great heat and cold in the limbs, which were affected with trembling (after two hours). Sweat. Sweat, with thirst and dim vision.

Perspiration, with warm skin. Skin moist. Sweat, with diminished appetite. Sweat, after severe thirst. Copious sweat.

(* During convalescence, after antidotes.-HUGHES. *) Frequent sweat, with good appetite, diarrhoea, distension of the abdomen, and colic. Profuse sweat, with pain in the abdomen. Profuse sweat, with burning of the eyes and dim vision. Copious perspiration (after one hour). Violent perspiration from incessant motion. Slight sweat, at night. Very great sweat at night. Profuse sweat, at night. A cold clammy sweat covered the entire surface of the body. Cold sweat on whole body. Cold, clammy perspiration. Greasy sweat, with increased thirst. Head all day wet with perspiration (second day). Head perspired more than usual (second day). Perspiration on the forehead while the rest of the body was red, dry, and hot. Very profuse sweat on the face and forehead. Sweat on the back.-Cold sweat on the paralyzed limb. Lower part of the paralyzed limb covered with sweat. Whole body dry.


(Morning), Mental state; vertigo; frontal headache; dim vision; cough; itching.

(Forenoon), The symptoms.

(Noon), Fever.

(Evening), When walking, unsteadiness; in dark-room, blue spots before eyes; eructations; cough; fever.

(Night), Pain in sternum; sweat.

(When alone), Mental state.

(Cough), Pain in chest.

(Coffee), Stupor, anxiety, etc.

(Darkness), Mental state.

(Eating), Trembling of hands.

(Light of a lamp), Convulsions.

(During menses), Loquacity; voluptuous odor of body.

(After menses), Sobbing and whining.

(Motion), Vomiting of bile; pain in abdomen and back.

(Pressure), Pain in stomach.

(Sitting), Giddiness.

(Standing), Vertigo.

(Swallowing), Dryness of throat; spasm of throat.

(Talking), Pain in chest and sternum.

(Walking), Giddiness; pain in right side of head; pain in chest; pain in breasts; pain in right hip-joint; pain in thigh.

(Walking in open air), Frontal headache.


(Indoors), The symptoms.

(Imbibing liquid), The symptoms.

(Leaning head to right), Pain in right side of head. (Rubbing), Itching in eye; feeling of sand in eye.

(Vinegar), Stupor, anxiety, etc.

(Warmth), Pain in chest.

(Cold water), The symptoms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.