Neck and Back.

Neck. Neck swollen (after three hours). Stiffness of neck (second day); gradually wearing off (third to ninth day). Pain, first on right, then on left side of back of neck on moving head (fourteenth day); on bending head back, pain in left side of back of neck; afterwards on bending head forwards, pain in left side of neck (fifteenth day). Great rigidity of the muscles of the neck and back. Drawing (rheumatic) pain, extending from the side of the neck into the limbs. Back. Back very stiff, but not painful (third day). Small spot in the back pains (drawing) when touched. A spot in the back pains when touched or not. Pain, as if beaten, in the back and abdomen, excited by motion (after twelve hours). Pain, as if beaten, in the back and shoulder (after twelve hours). Drawing tearing pain in the back and upper abdomen (after one hour). Remarkable sensitiveness along the spine in the cervical region, the slightest pressure caused the most violent outcries and raving. Dorsal. Pain between the shoulders during the act of coughing (seventh day). Drawing pains in the middle of the spine, with drawing pain opposite, in the posterior portion of the stomach. Drawing pain in the middle of the spine. Lumbar. While playing the piano in the evening, two severe stitching pains simultaneously in both lumbar regions, midway between hypochondria and iliac crest (fifth day). Pains in lumbar region, like rheumatism (third day). Drawing pains in small of back. Severe pains in the loins.


Swelling of the hands and feet. Violent convulsions of the extremities. (During artificial vomiting, jerking of all the limbs). His limbs were very rigid, and remained so, except when the convulsive twitchings would come on, which was about every ten minutes at first; half an hour later he could not stand; the convulsive movements of the limbs increased, intermittent in character, induced at times by external impressions, such as touching the skin, but coming on also spontaneously. The voluntary power of the extremities was gone, and the limbs were violently agitated by spasmodic twitching and jactitation (not by regular convulsions), alternately with short paroxysms of tetanic spasm (opisthotonos). During the coma she still continued to be affected with convulsive twitching and jactitation of the limbs, alternated with short paroxysms of rapid, vibratory, spasmodic motions of the hands and forearms, of a peculiar, though I believe diagnostic, nature as regards the effects produced by poisons of this class. Violent motion of the limbs. He moves his limbs to and fro. Limbs, especially the hands, in excessive motion, as in swimming, flying, etc. Slow contracting and stretching of the limbs, repeatedly in paroxysms. Hands and feet up to the knees were affected with slight spasms or jerks, especially the fingers of the left hand, which jerked repeatedly, and without pain (fourth and fifth days). (Spasms, first in the left arm, afterwards in the right leg, followed by sudden spasms of the head in all direction.) Paroxysmal twitchings of the limbs every five minutes were very marked, and more so in the arms than in the legs; but the limbs were not so rigid as in the other boy.

Spasmodic jerking of the limbs. Jerking of the extremities.

Constant motion of hands and arms, as if he were spinning or weaving (after eight hours). Irregular movements of all the limbs. The arms and lower limbs were tossed about, screaming and crying (after three hours). Spasmodic tossing up of the limbs. Twitchings of the hands and feet. Twitching of the tendons. Twitching of the extremities. A frequent tremor of the limbs, as in a chill, yet the surface was above the natural temperature. Tremors in her limbs. Constant tremulous movements of the hands and feet. Trembling of the limbs. Trembling of one or more limbs. Trembling of the hands and feet. Trembling of the extremities, and especially of the hands; she made such movements that it seemed as though she was momentarily afraid of falling; the body was bent backwards. The limbs totter when walking or standing. Limbs visibly paralytic. Very little control over the movements of the upper and lower extremities.

Difficult motion of the limbs, with crawling in them. Difficult motion and creeping in the limbs, with lachrymation. Immobility of the limbs; she is unable to make the least motion (a kind of catalepsy). Limbs feeble. Paralyzed limbs. He feels, in his hands and feet, as if they were loosened in the joints, and he is quite inconsolable about this sensation. Sensation as if one part of the limbs in the joint were completely separated from the other, and could not be united again. Sensation in the arms and legs as if they were separated from the body. The limbs are asleep. (* Not found.-HUGHES.*) The limbs feel asleep.

Heaviness of the limbs. All the limbs ache. Continual cramp in both hands and feet. Crawling in all the limbs.

Superior Extremities.

Choreic trembling of the arms. Violent jerking of the arms.- Jerking of the muscles of the arms, followed immediately by darting pains through the forehead (after three hours).

Shoulder. Pain as if beaten in the shoulder and back (after twelve hours). Arm. Sharp twinging pains near the external condyle of the os humeri (after six hours). Aching-drawing pain in right arm above the elbow. Forearm. Jerking-twinging pains in muscles and tendons of back side of left forearm, extending to the index finger (after six hours). Fine sharp stitches in the forearm, and a rheumatic constrictive pain in the deltoid muscle (after thirty-two hours). Hand. There were such violent movements of the hands and subsultus tendinum that it was impossible to count the pulse (after two hours and a half).

Trembling of the hands while eating. The hands tremble when he seizes something. Trembling of the unaffected hand when eating.- The unaffected hand trembles when eating. After drinking, the hands continued to clasp convulsively the glass, though she wished to set it down. He could not close his hand to make a fist. The hands are clenched (not the thumbs), but they can be opened by others. Slight tingling in back of left hand for a few minutes (after one hour and forty minutes). Slight transient tingling in the back of the left hand (almost directly after second dose, second day). Fingers. Peculiar twitching of the fingers, and a movement of the hands like a patient with chorea (after half an hour). Finger-nails purple; extremities cold.

Inferior Extremities.

Convulsions of the left lower limb; they commence with shocks, drawing the limb inward and upward. Difficulty in walking.-Could not walk. Step and gait tottering and convulsive, and he had partially lost the use of his lower extremities. Gait unsteady, with inability to walk a few steps without falling. The lower limbs bend suddenly when walking. Paralysis of the lower extremities. Spasmodic rigidity of the whole of both lower limbs (after thirty-six hours). When placed on his legs, he would kick them forwards, but could not stand on them, and they did not remain quite one minute. Both lower extremities were rigid, so that on attempting to stand he fell over. Feet and whole lower extremities were cold and palsied, and hung powerless over the father’s lap, in marked contrast to the rest of the body, which was so much agitated (after two hours and a half).

Sense of weakness in the lower extremities (after some hours).

Hip. Pain in the muscles of the outer side of the right hip- joint on walking, for a few minutes (after third dose). Thigh.

In the afternoon, while walking, had a sudden shooting pain in outer part of right thigh, which felt numb on rubbing it with the hand (fourth day). Drawing pains in the thighs. Spasmodic jerking and drawing upward and inward of the anterior muscles of the thigh, in paroxysms. Pain in the right thigh. Knee. Could not stand; knees gave way; feet staggering she stumbled as if drunk. Inability to stand, the knees seemed to give way, and she tumbled about as if intoxicated. In the afternoon a tremulous tossing of the knees and feet, as in a violent chill, his mind being intact. Paralyzed thigh. Leg. When walking, legs feel heavy (after one hour and twenty-five minutes). Pain in right leg, worse at patella (third to ninth day). Numbness and stiffness of left leg, with a tickling-creeping feeling under the cutis, which passed off by rubbing and stretching (fourth and fifth days). A few sharp stitches on the right tibia. Rheumatic drawing (pressing) in the left ankle, evening (after thirty-six hours). Feet. Feet and legs swollen, hard; the skin on them seems tight (after six hours). Constant trembling of the feet.

He cannot stand on his feet. Heaviness of the feet and weariness of the legs. (* The original is “lassitudo crurum pedumque pondus.”-HUGHES. *) Sudden sharp pain in right heel, which returned in a few minutes and then ceased (fifteen minutes after second dose, fourth day). Burning on the dorsum of the foot, sometimes less, sometimes more (after twenty-four hours). Burning and itching of the feet.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.