Dreadful sense of weight in the head (after two hours). Woke in the morning with an uncommon dull heavy pain in head. Numbness of the head, attended with vertigo. A disagreeable lightness, with a weak feeling, in the head. Weakness of the head.

Headache, etc. Headache and vertigo. Considerable headache.

Headache, with anorexia. Alternate headache and tumefaction of the abdomen. Headache, with dizziness, and a feeling of heaviness of the head, alternating with lightness, and a disposition to faint. Slight headache, lasting all day (after five minutes); headache, still on waking (second day). Headache every day at two different times, late in afternoon and evening and early in morning, waking me before sunrise, about 4 A.M.; it was a rather severe pressure on vertex; I woke always at the same time, with the headache, lying nearly on the back, with an inclination to the right side, and my arms, one or both, especially the right, violently stretched up vertically and bent across top of head; so severely were they stretched as to make the muscles of upper arm feel strained and rather bruised; this elevation of the arms on waking continued for ten days; the last time it occurred, I detected myself gently raising my arm in the act of waking; this time there was no straining of muscles (after twelve days). General dull headache, worse over eyes; head feels heavy (ninth and tenth days). Violent headache, etc. After a restless sleep, violent headache, vertigo, running of tears, and salivation. Severe headache and toothache, with profuse flow of tears. Giddy headache, with fainting and thirst. Squeezing headache. In the evening dull headache, not definitely localized (third day). Constant dull pain in entire head, deep in brain (fourth and sixth days). Great pain in head (second day); gradually wearing off (third to ninth day). The boy complained of his head hurting him (after two hours). Pain, vertigo, and great confusion in head. Pain in the head and pelvis. Pain in the head and eyes. Dartings through the head in different directions, extending to the balls of the eyes, and down right side of nose (after five hours). Felt as if fire mounted to the head, and also affected the stomach (after five minutes). Severe throbbing headache (fourth day). Constant throbbing in the head, deep seated (after six hours). Sense of fulness in the head (after nine hours). Heavy beating in arteries, felt particularly in head and chest, at 7 A.M. (second day). Forehead. Slight frontal headache on waking and during morning (sixth day).

Slight frontal headache (right side), in morning (seventh day).

Dull frontal headache, chiefly on right side, in room, in evening after sunset (fifth day). Dull frontal headache, in room, at 4.45 P.M. (sixth day). Constant dull frontal headache, not severe (eighth day). Frontal headache nearly all the morning (second day). Pain in right forehead for forty minutes (after five minutes). Frontal headache, at 11 P.M. (fifteenth day); in morning (seventeenth day) – 6.50; since 5 P.M. frontal headache, which is now worse on walking in the open air, better in an hour when at rest indoors (first day). Pain in right forehead (after one hour and thirty-five minutes); continuing at times till to- day (fifth day); in the afternoon (tenth day). Tingling feel, as if pins and needles were in the forehead. When walking in the open air, sudden pain over left eye, also felt at the same time, but to a less extent, in opposite part of occiput; the pain over the eye lasted the longest, at 9.50 A.M. (sixth day). Beating in the forehead and balls of the eyes. In evening, after mental work, painful pulsative throbbing in the forehead (third day).

On two occasions a sudden attack of quickly-repeated painful throbbings in left forehead, lasting a minute each time, while indoors, in the evening after sunset (fifteenth day). Temples.

Pain in right temple, sticking and stabbing at 8 P.M.; felt until I fell asleep at 11 P.M. (first day); the headache was in both temples, shooting to the back of the head, with considerable thirst (second day). Slight pain in the right temple (eleventh day); disappeared (thirteenth day). Shooting pain in right temple for three-quarters of an hour (after three hours and a quarter). Throbbing headache in the right temple, with diarrhoea. Great throbbing in the temples, more particularly on the right side (after third dose). Vertex and Parietals. Kept in bed till 4 or 5 P.M. on account of a severe pressure in vertex, which seemed affected by nothing, but made me unwilling to get up (twelfth day). A sudden attack of quickly-repeated painful throbbings in right anterior vertex, for a minute, and again to a slighter extent after wards, while indoors, in the evening after sunset (twenty-fourth day). Beating in the top of head and forehead, felt also in eyeballs (after nine hours).

Pain in right side of head, varying in severity, worse from pressure; scalp there tender to pressure, worse on walking, not worse on shaking head, better by leaning head to right side; at one time there was also shooting inwards in the same place; the tenderness lasted longest (for two hours and a half), (after two hours). Occiput. Pain in occiput, during the sudden pain over left eye, at 9.50 A.M. (sixth day). Occasional, sometimes throbbing, pains in left occiput, at 12.15 P.M., for half an hour (a quarter of an hour after third dose), and at 8.12 P.M. (first day). Occasional, sometimes throbbing, pain in right occiput (one hour after first dose, second day). Throbbing in right occiput (sixth day). External Head. The brow was corrugated.

The skin on the forehead is wrinkled; the eyes stare; the whole face looks wild and frightful (after three hours).


Objective. Swelling of the eyes, with much dilated pupils, and contortion of the eyeballs in every direction. The whites of the eyes and margins of eyelids red; profuse lachrymation. Eyes injected with blood. Sclerotic coat of the eyes of a pink color, left eye most discolored, at 9 P.M. (after two hours).

Redness and swelling about right eye. Eyes inflamed and weep much, particularly the right eye (second day); right eye weeps very much, left eye a little (third day). (Cornea very bright.

Dark color around his eyes (third day). Blue margin around the eyes (second day). Eyes close, and it becomes black before them.

Eyes half closed and listless (after fourteen hours). Eyes closed, with pupils dilated. Eyes wide open, prominent; pupils exceedingly dilated, insensible, with injected conjunctiva, as if the vessels were filled with dirty liquid. Eyes open; pupils dilated to the utmost (after one hour). The eyes were open, but he took no notice of anything or anybody about him, and when objects were held before his eyes, he could not see them. Eyes open; pupils widely dilated and fixed and insensible to the strongest light, but the patient was unconscious of everything going on around him, vision being quite lost. Squinting of the eyes. Eyes protruding; lids half-closed. Staring eyes. Eyes have a staring look at one time, at another are unsteady, wavering. Eyes staring stupidly. Eyes staring, swollen, and sparkling; pupils greatly dilated and immovable (after six hours). Eyes staring and brilliant. Eyes protruded; pupils dilated; eyelids half-closed; power of vision lessened.

Sparkling eyes; he complains of the rays of the sun dazzling him, with loss of appetite. After dim vision, lippitudo. (* Revised by Hughes. *) Eyes glistening. Eyes of a peculiar dazzling lustre (after one hour). Eyes bright; pupils dilated and insensible to light. Eyes lively; pupils insensible to light.

Eyes sparkling. Eyes glistening and in constant motion. Eyes glittered and rolled about (in five minutes). Eyes glistening, staring, with dilated and insensible pupils. Eyes glassy bright; pupils dilated. Seven out of the fifteen children in the institution had brilliancy of the eyes, not very remarkable in some, but in others a rapid dilatation. Eyes of a glassy brilliancy, with pupils much dilated. Rolling of the eyes. Eyes restless, glistening, wide open, staring, with a peculiar intoxicated look. Eyes unsteady, with greatly dilated pupils; the conjunctiva injected. Eyes unsteady. Eyes dark and dull.

Eyes dull and heavy. Eyes haggard and sunken. Subjective. Eyes almost bursting from their sockets, so widely were they opened; the iris almost, if not quite, invisible from the intense dilatation of the pupil. Sensation of pressure in the left eye.

Pressure and tension in both eyes for six days (after two hours).

The greatest sensitiveness to the daylight; lachrymation (after twenty-four hours). Feeling in right eye as if water twitched about in it (third day). Burning of the eyes, with dim vision, and profuse sweat. Sudden coldness in right eye, for a few minutes, at 11.50 A.M. (sixth day). Shooting in left eye, from without inwards, and a feeling of a foreign body in it (fourth and fifth days). Pricking in the eyes (after two hours).

Itching and feeling of sand in right eye, relieved by rubbing (first night). Lids. Eyelids swelled and closed. Swollen and inflamed eyelids. Agglutination of the eyelids, at night.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.