Complained of great soreness and dryness of the throat (second day). Scraping in the throat. Pain in throat. Burning in the throat. Feeling as of boiling water rising in throat.

Intolerable burning of the throat (after three hours). Some uneasiness about the throat, with general shivering. Fauces.

Fauces almost white and dry. Fauces were so constricted that respiration was performed with difficulty. Constrictive sensation in the fauces after a meal (after two hours and a half). Sense of strangulation at the fauces. Distressing dryness of the fauces, which were very red, with difficult swallowing (third day). Fauces dry, but he would not drink when water was forced into his mouth. Drawing pain in the fauces (after 120 drops). Pharynx and Esophagus. Paralysis of the pharynx.

Unusual blush in pharynx and oesophagus, one-third of their extent; a very distinct band of vascularity, half an inch broad at the junction of the air-tube with the pharynx; larynx similarly injected but not so marked; rima glottidis thickened, very turgid. Transient stitches in the pharynx. Constriction and spasms of the oesophagus. Swallowing. Terrible spasm of the throat on each attempt to swallow, like that in hydrophobia.

Constriction of the muscles of the throat in attempting to swallow, was observed in four of the severe cases. Drink swallowed hastily. Could swallow water, but with great difficulty (after one hour). Difficulty in swallowing food or drink, in the evening (fifth day). Difficulty in swallowing solids (seventh day); in the morning (eighth day); in the afternoon (sixteenth day). She attempted to swallow some bread and milk, but could not (after two hours). Difficult swallowing, with stinging pain in the throat. Difficult swallowing, with a pressing pain in the submaxillary glands. Soon affected with difficulty of swallowing, accompanied with unusual dryness of the throat, which could not be removed by frequent draughts of water. Swallowing difficult, etc. Swallowing and respiration impeded and more frequent. Within two hours and a half, the child had not only lost the power of utterance, but that of voice also. She could not only utter a hoarse croaking sound, alternated with a sonorous, croupy, barking cough; and she was unable to swallow, in consequence of the violent spasm which affected the muscles of deglutition. This state of spasm, judging from the nature of the cough, and the croupy character of the inspirations, pervaded also the muscles of the larynx. The comatose state was attended with incapability of swallowing; but evidently the cause was of a totally opposite nature to that which had produced the same symptom in the first stage. It was now decidedly the result of atony or paralysis of those parts that had been formerly affected with spasm. A slightly stertorous state of the breathing indicated that a similar change had taken place in the muscles of the larynx. Almost entire loss of power to swallow (after three hours). Inability to swallow on account of dryness of the throat. Could not swallow, could not get anything down (after a few seeds). Inability to swallow. External Throat. Throat externally swollen, as in mumps.


Appetite and Thirst. Increased appetite. A kind of hunger was associated with the tearing in the abdomen, but still the patient was unable to take any food (after third dose). Felt hungry too soon after a meal (second and third days); in the morning (fourth days). Undiminished appetite, with colic, diarrhoea, and vomiting. Poor appetite, at breakfast (fifth day). In large doses it diminishes the appetite. Diminished appetite. No appetite for breakfast (second day). Loss of appetite (after 120 drops). Loss of appetite, with oppression at pit of stomach.

Thirst. Thirst with the headache. Thirst, with great dryness of the throat. Thirst, drinking much at a time (first day). With the headache, considerable thirst; drank much more water than usual (second day); drank a great deal (third day). Thirst and drunkenness, with headache. Long-continuing thirst. Violent thirst, with copious secretion of burning urine. In spells of restlessness he would drink when water was offered him, but did not ask for it. Extremely troublesome thirst with drooling.

Great thirst, attended with considerable constriction of the muscles of the throat in attempts at swallowing. Thirst intense and un allayed by water. Violent thirst, etc. Thirst for acids (after 120 drops). Excessive thirst, with desire for sour drinks. Great desire for acids. Eructations and Hiccough.

Eructations in the evening (first day). In evening, frequent offensive bilious eructations (seventh day). Odorless eructations (after 120 drops). Sour eructations. Hiccough.

Violent hiccough. An incessant hiccough. Nausea and Vomiting.

Nausea (after twenty minutes). Nausea, disgust. Nausea, but no vomiting (immediately). Nausea, with inability to bring up anything. Feeling of nausea with the uncomfortable sensation in middle line of chest (? in oesophagus). Nausea, with flow of an extremely salt saliva. 5.30 P.M., nausea and retching; at last, vomiting of whitish fluid; the attempts to vomit cause pain in the stomach (second day). Inclination to vomit with profuse salivation, in the evening. Inclination to vomit. Ineffectual efforts to vomit. Nausea and retching (after one hour).

Frequent ineffectual retching to vomit. Nausea and straining to vomit (after three hours). Began to feel ill (after half an hour). Nausea and vomiting (after two hours). Nausea, followed by vomiting. Sick and giddy. Sickness and vomiting (after a quarter of an hour). Was sick, while sitting on the sofa; at the same time fancied she was falling off, kept holding on to everything, about 2 P.M. Vomiting. Vomiting, at night. Vomited several times. Vomiting of a sour-smelling mucus. Vomiting of mucus, in the evening. Vomiting of green mucus, with thirst. In the evening, he vomits up bile with mucus. Vomiting of green bile, in the evening. Vomits bile after the least motion, even on sitting up in bed. Vomited several times, a dark greenish- looking substance mixed with food. Even after sunset, soon after food, vomited food mixed with black clotted thick blood; the vomiting was difficult, and caused shooting pain at stomach-pit, and was preceded and followed by retching; he never vomited blood before (fourteenth day). The vomiting, which was induced by sulphate of zinc, caused the most violent suffocative spasms of the glottis, so that for ten minutes artificial respiration was required. Became sick and vomited; after which he wished to get out to get assistance for his wife, but he had scarcely gained the door of the room ere he felt so enfeebled that his knees bent under him, and he was forced to sit down, but in a few seconds he fell senseless to the ground; on recovering he vomited repeatedly, was greatly agitated, became torpid with a lethargic tendency, and lost for some time all sense of feeling. Stomach.

The epigastrium is tense, hard, and painful. Epigastric tenderness, in all cases. Attacked at 7 P.M. with great distress, apparently in his stomach. Gastric irritation continued nearly a month. Pain in the epigastrium. Severe pain at pit of stomach (after twenty minutes). Great pain of her stomach and left arm. Great pain in the region of the stomach and bowels. Slight stationary pain in stomach-pit (tenth day).

Pressure in the stomach (after 120 drops). Stomach sensitive to pressure. Pressure in the stomach and diminished appetite (after 100 drops). (Pressive pain in the left side of the stomach towards the heart, aggravated by external pressure), (fourth day). Pressing pain in stomach. Anxiety in pit of stomach.

Anxiety in the pit of the stomach and difficult breathing. Great anxiety in the pit of the stomach. Great anxiety about the pit of the stomach, before noon. Great anxiety about the pit of the stomach, with dry heat of the body. Indescribable anxiety at stomach. Corroding pains in stomach.-(* Not found.-HUGHES.*) Shooting inwards, very acute, of short duration, in stomach-pit (second day). Shooting inwards in stomach-pit and right side of abdomen (seventh day). Shooting inwards in stomach, first on left side, then right (second day). A kind of burning pain in the stomach comes and goes, lasts for an hour, then intermits for an hour or more (third day).


Pain in the hepatic region, lasting half a year after the poisoning, in one man. Abdomen tense, neither touch nor pressure painful. Abdomen soft, not distended. Abdomen hard, but not much swollen (after six hours). Abdomen tense and hard. Bellies tumid but not hard. Bloated abdomen, especially in the region of the pit of the stomach. Much bloated abdomen; not painful when touched. In the evening the abdomen is bloated, with heat of the body and anxiety in pit of the stomach. With children, abdomen becomes highly bloated, with anxiety in pit of stomach; cold sweat, chilliness of the limbs, confusion of mind, stupefied half slumber, and anxious evacuations, upward and downward.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.