
Belly, tongue, face, and eyes were obviously swelled, and the two latter were also very red (after three hours). During the menses, voluptuous odor of body. Suppression of all the excretions. Lying upon their backs. Lying prostrate and helpless (after one hour). He lay upon the stomach, boring the head into the pillow. He lies on his back with open, staring eyes. Voluntary muscles in a state of great relaxation (after two hours). Continued to droop gradually, and died apparently without any suffering next morning. She sat upright on a lounge, being supported by an assistant on either side, and refused to be placed recumbent (after three hours). Muscles hard (after six hours). The voluntary motion ceases (catalepsies), with loss of senses, but ability to swallow remains.(* Author says nothing about catalepsy.-HUGHES. *) The whole nervous system is disordered; various parts of the body become paralytic. Left side totally paralyzed. In all there was more or less temporary muscular paralysis, accompanied by retention of urine in different degrees. Entire loss of power of directing the motion of the limbs (after four hours). Entire loss of voluntary motion. Inability to perform co-ordinate movements. Body and limbs motionless. Stiffness of the whole body (after one hour).

Stiffness all over; not a limb could be moved; a child of eighteen months, an hour after swallowing the seed. In the evening, after the stiffness lessened, repeated vomiting, deep sleep; towards midnight, rattling, bloody froth came from the mouth; face dark brown, and soon after death, six hours after the poison. Trembling of the whole body. Trembling of the whole body; it seemed as if the child were in a great fright (second day). Trembling of lips, hands, and feet. Violent jerking in arms and lameness of leg; tongue hangs out of mouth; staring eyes; dilated pupils; murmuring; loss of reason. Next day complained of its being dark; wanted a light (candle); pupils dilated; bloody stool. Next day well. Girl of three years, from seed. Imperfect control over voluntary muscular action.

Starting, twitching. Twitchings; inability to swallow or talk.

Convulsive twitching about both legs and arms, but more in the latter than in the former. Spasmodic twitching, which soon amounted to convulsions; the movements were not always convulsive but always tremulous. Unable to stand, and yet plunging in a restless manner in whatever position he could be placed, all the movements being ill-coordinated and resembling those of chorea.

Throwing his arms and limbs to and fro and very restless.

Constant jerking of the fingers and toes and of different muscles of the face; the whole body was so frequently jerked as by an electric shock. Slight startings and muscular twitchings persisted for several days. Muscular system subject to an irregular agitation resembling that of chorea. Spasms of the muscles, and tossed about until there was fear of her becoming wearied out (after two hours). Most violent spasms, with very hot head, dark-red face, red extremities, dilated pupils, copious salivation, grating of the teeth, and violent trembling. Violent spasms, followed by paralysis of the lower extremities. The sight of a lamp would renew the spasms (after four hours). Convulsions, etc. Convulsions; jerk like startings. Convulsions of head and arms, with hiccough. Convulsive motion of the limbs and neck (after one hour). General convulsions, alternating with opisthotonos. Whole muscles of the body convulsed (after two hours). Convulsions beginning in the face, then extending to other parts of the body, at times severe, at times light (after two hours). Alternation of convulsion and rage; he had such violent spasms that his mother was not able to hold him on her lap; when the spasms abated he became furious, beat and bit those who attempt-ed to hold him. Convulsive movements of the whole body, causing a constant change of position in the bed, accompanied by blowing or hissing expirations. About 9 A.M.

convulsions set in, and she died in one at 10 A.M. Tossing violently in his father’s arms with a spasmodic twitching of the hands, like a child agitated and suffering from chorea (after two hours and a half). Muscles of whole body convulsed, and the child screaming almost incessantly. Convulsive movements of the head from side to side, gradually becoming worse, and followed by general twitchings, grating of the teeth, trismus, spasms of the neck, difficult swallowing, stupefaction; afterwards the boy lay perfectly unconscious on his back; when raised, the neck and spine were bent backward, the limbs were in constant convulsive motion, with frequent shaking of the whole body as from electric shocks. Constant motion of all the body; the muscles were in constant movement as if the boy had chorea; the features were continually changing, at times laughing, at times expressing astonishment; the lips moved as if endeavoring to speak, sometimes puckered as in whistling; the mouth was frequently opened and snapped together; the tongue was often run rapidly out of the mouth and licked about the cheeks; the whole head thrown backwards and forwards; the spine and whole body affected by spasmodic twisting; the upper and lower extremities in constant movement, not jerking; anxiety and restlessness; the hands were frequently carried to the face, rubbing the nose and mouth, pulling at the lips, groping about, fingering the bed covers, scratching the face or throat; at times the arm suddenly sank down relaxed for a moment, the whole body seemed exhausted, then the muscular spasms would begin anew. Hands and feet completely retroverted, and the muscles of each extremity rigid; a slight, but distinctly-marked trembling shook every part of his body; the trunk equally rigid with the limbs; he uttered a constant moan, with occasional shrieks, and could only be pacified by holding his chest pressed closely to his mother’s breast; his whole conduct was like that of a child terribly frightened and apprehending some terrible calamity; he could not stand and would not lie down; the pupils of both eyes were dilated to the full extent of the cornea and perfectly immovable and insensible to the light; the least noise, however, startled him, and holding a candle before his eyes caused violent convulsions of the extremities, particularly a drawing backward and increased rigidity; a decided and very nervous effort to swallow occasioned an increase of his spasms; he could not articulate; during the spasms the limbs were so rigid I could not bend them; there was entire loss of voluntary motion; constant tremor, preventing my counting the pulse with exactness. Violent convulsions.

Frequent and violent convulsions, particularly of the arms, face, and neck (after three hours). Powerfully agitated, making singular movements, her eyes fixed and staring, and unable to reply to the questions put to her (after five minutes). Violent convulsive motion of the muscles of lower jaw, lips, and upper and lower limbs, right side. Violent convulsive movement of the lower jaw, of the lips, left arm, and right lower extremity. Violent convulsions in bed, during which he was frantic and had to be tied (after six hours). Strong convulsions, alternating with great excitement on mind (after five hours). Frightful convulsions at the sight of a lighted candle, a mirror, or of water. Violently convulsed; every muscle in his body appeared to be in violent commotion. He was continually beating his breast with his hands, like a Catholic doing penance. His jaws were set as in tetanus; he moaned continually; his breathing was stertorous, and occasionally there was rattling in his throat.

His extremities were cold, his pulse nearly obliterated; he had cold, clammy sweats, and his countenance was hippocratic (after two hours). Much convulsed; when they were loudly spoken to, or when anybody touched them their convulsions became more frequent and violent. By degrees the spasms became less violent, and their skin, from being intensely hot, became moist; their pulse was quick but softer. They now rejected every kind of liquid, and seemed to labor under hydrophobia, for on offering a cupful of drink to them, the moment it touched their lips the spasms returned with great violence. The torpor gave place at irregular intervals to severe convulsive fits, during which the child shrieked violently, and the voice was particularly hoarse. The motion of the body and limbs resembled those which mark the highest grade of chorea sancti viti, but were much more convulsive and violent, and excited in the spectators rather a painful than ridiculous emotion. The action of the muscles of the trunk was very great; the boy was several times bent backward as in opisthotonos; the muscles of the extremities also were very active; he also grasped at the mouth and face with his fingers and tried to get out of bed, and constantly seemed to make efforts to grasp small objects, though he had no spasms. There seemed to be general contraction of the whole muscular system, excepting the sphincter of the bladder. Contraction of the muscles. Uneasiness. Excessive uneasiness. Constant excessive restlessness. The child became restless, tossed about, called for water; could swallow with great difficulty. He appeared very restless and agitated, stretching himself at full length, throwing his arms and legs about, and sometimes seizing his neck with both hands (after one hour). There was a great deal of restlessness with itching of the skin (after a few hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.