(Suppurating eyelids). The upper eyelid hangs down, as if caused by a cramp of the orbicularis. Eyelids slightly drooping.

Midnight, in bed, felt quivering, like live blood, in right upper eyelid (fourth day). Pressure in the eyelids as if swollen, which is really the case, or as if oppressed with sleep; hence a great disposition to sleep, which he is however, able to overcome (after three hours and a half). Feeling of sand in outer segment of right eye, relieved by rubbing, removed by drawing upper lid down over eye, with redness and lachrymation of right, indoors, in the morning, and lasting till 1 P.M. (seventh day).

Lachrymation. Lachrymation of both eyes. Tears collect in the eye, not running over the lower lid. Lachrymation of the right eye. Lachrymation of the left eye. Tears run against his will.

Tears flow without consciousness. Tears collect in both eyes, with obscuration of vision. Running of tears after a restless sleep. Profuse flow of tears, with severe headache and toothache. Suffused eyes. Conjunctiva. Conjunctiva injected, etc. Conjunctiva of both eyes intensely red, as crimson.

Conjunctiva highly injected, with a total insensibility of pupils. The conjunctiva was injected; the pupils immensely dilated; the whole expression of the eye was brilliant, restless, suspicious, and roving. Fulness of blood vessels of conjunctiva and sclerotica; the eyes look red, particularly near the internal canthus (after thirteen hours). Ball. Feeling of enlargement and protrusion of eyeballs (after three hours). Feeling of soreness in eyeballs on turning them (after thirteen hours).

Throbbing in eyeballs, worse in left one, with lachrymation, at 11 A.M. (second day). Pupil. Dilated pupils, etc. The child, when better next day, was reminded not to eat such things again, and immediately the pupils widened very much. Dilated and immovable pupils, etc. Pupils nearly fully dilated and utterly insensible to light; a lighted candle could be so held as almost to singe the eyelids, without inducing contraction of the iris and without attracting the patient’s notice. Pupils so extremely dilated that no iris can be seen (after three hours). Pupil of eye enormously dilated, more so than I have ever seen from the full action of Belladonna; perfectly blind, the full flash of gas failing to produce the slightest contraction of the pupil (after two hours and a half). Pupils insensible to light, and so strongly dilated as to leave visible merely a rim of iris.

Pupils immensely dilated, with redness of the eyes (after four hours). An unusual dilatation of the pupils and a remarkable squinting of the right eye. Pupils excessively dilated; conjunctivae injected, bluish. Pupil of right eye dilated to at least three times its natural size, and the left had no preternatural appearance. Pupil of eye extremely dilated, with apparently total blindness. Left pupil more dilated than right (thirty-second day). On separating the eyelids, the pupils of the eye were found to be much dilated; the eyes themselves convulsed. Extremely dilated pupils, with darkness of sight.

The pupil of my eye was very dilated (even for thirty-six hours after), and I was at one time nearly blind. The next day I could scarcely see, and was quite unable to read a book. For three weeks after, I had a very sensible pulsation over my right eye, and even now I seem to feel the effects of the poison in my eyes, my sight being at times quite dim, although five weeks have elapsed. Dilated the pupil of one eye and produced temporary paralysis of the lids. “Contraction of the pupils.” After drinking vinegar, the pupils became extremely contracted. Pupils rather contracted (third day). Pupils so contracted as scarcely to be discernible, smaller than I have ever seen in a cat’s eye (after seven hours). Much contracted pupils; they do not dilate in the dark; all things appear to him smaller and at a greater distance, like one dazzled by the light (after thirty minutes).

Vision. Could see better at beginning of twilight. Dimness of vision. Dim vision, with thirst and sweat. Dim vision, with great thirst. Dimness of sight, as though the atmosphere was foggy (after six hours). Dim vision almost every morning, as if a gauze were before the eyes. Dimness of vision, followed by vertigo and headache. Darkening of sight, with rumbling in the abdomen. Dulness of vision, like a fog before his eyes, as if he saw things through a glass of turbid water; things seem dissolved and too distant. Impairment of vision, the pupils being greatly dilated. Impairment of vision. Vision became weak (after 100 drops). Partial blindness, with a greatly dilated pupils.

Impossible to thread needle on account of defective vision (in twenty-minutes). Almost complete blindness for six hours; and as the secondary effect, on the days following, a pressure as from the middle of the eyeball at every change of light, either when going into the sun or suddenly into the dark. The senses of sight and hearing vanish. After the contents of the stomach had been emptied he gradually rallied, opened his eyes, and stared wildly about him, though evidently unable to see anything, the pupils still intensely contracted, and on waving the hand before them, he never blinked or took the least notice. Total blindness, lasting two days, from the vapors in preparing the extract. Complete loss of vision, etc. Amblyopia. Photophobia to gaslight indoors, in the evening after sunset (second day); (sixteenth day). Long-lasting farsightedness; he was only able to read print at a great distance. Double sight. Double sight; things awry; he sees small things at their places, but a little higher or sideways a second image. Obscuration of vision; double vision remained for a long time after the poisoning. All objects seem double. At times only portion of objects can be seen, at other times they seem double (third day). Double and confused vision (immediately). Perverted vision (after four hours).

Illusions of vision. If the hand was before the eyes, he felt for it at varying distances. Distant objects are indistinct, after some extract in the left eye; afternoon, distant objects clearer; nearer, indistinct, but looking awhile to the same spot or in the distance, the objects become distinct. False sight; all things appear oblique. When going downstairs, he takes two steps for one, and is not aware of it until he falls. The second day the child complained that it was dark and called for light; the pupils seemed dilated. Darkening of sight; could not read nor see the thread when spinning. Obscuration of sight. Every morning obscuration of vision. Complained of its being dark, wanted a light (candle), (second day). Extreme obscuration of vision. Cloudiness of vision, as though she had a gauze before the eyes. He sees things as if through coarse linen, only by pieces, and as if cut up; for instance, of a face he saw only the nose, etc., as if the eyes had but a small circle of vision, and he was able to see only a small point at once. Taking a book to read, he cannot distinguish the letters, not even the lines; it is all dark and flickering, but after awhile everything becomes clearer, and finally he can read. Sight trouble; could not focus the letters of MS.; the letters looked confused; distant objects not affected (third day). The same dulness of vision for small objects near the eye; the lines of letters written look double (fourth day). Great presbyopia; obliged to use the spectacles of an old person, and then can read and write as usual, otherwise cannot read a work; distant and large objects are seen as well as ever, but small and near objects are completely confused (sixth day ). Presbyopia continued (seventh and ninth days); the presbyopia ceased two days after medicine was left off; while it lasted, I had to wear spectacles when reading or writing.

Afternoon, when reading print, letters seemed indistinct (first day). When reading, he was unable to distinguish a syllable; the letters seemed to move and become blurred. During the contraction of the pupils, caused by drinking vinegar, all objects appear to him very small; distant objects he can hardly see, but on looking at the sun, the pupils remain immovable, and all turns black before the eyes. Things always appeared to him to be in an oblique position. The black letters seem to him gray, and as if a second one of the same kind and of a light-gray color were placed sideways or above (a kind of diplopia); for example “F, F;” writing an F, to show it, he went with the pencil the second time over the same line, supposing to have drawn a second one. Black things seem to him gray. He seems to see a reddish-gray border around white things, for instance, around a piece of paper. Smoky appearance of the atmosphere.

The first sensible effect is in the sight; there appears a preternatural dilatation of the pupil of the eye; vision is rendered indistinct and confused; objects appear multiplied, diversified, and variously colored; the patient complains that he cannot see clearly; he cannot discern a small object, such, for instance, as the point of a pin or needle; he sees in the room objects which do not exist, the complaints of a numbness of the head attended with vertigo. Hallucinations of vision, with dilated pupils. After dark, when walking in open air, transient dark-blue spot before the eyes, at 9 P.M. (eighth day); lilac- colored spots before eyes, when looking at the nearly white paper of wall, in the evening (tenth day). Transient bright-blue spot before left eye by gaslight, when lying, at 8.10 P.M. (first day); at 8.30 A.M. (sixth day); dark-blue spot before eyes in a dark room (eighth day); bright-blue spot (thirteenth and twenty- seventh nights); bright-green tremulous spots before closed eyes low down in field of vision (twenty-seventh night). Transient blue spot before left eye, while lying in bed on right side in dark room (first, fifth and seventh nights). Transient blue spot before eyes twice when in a dark room (first night); bright-blue spot when looking down, at 10.40 P.M. (twentieth day); large blue spots, twice by daylight, in the morning (twenty-fourth day). A transient bright spot before left eye, apparently a long distance off, when looking into air, sitting indoors, and turning head to left (after four hours and five minutes); in a gas lit room (second day); at 12.10 P.M. (seventh day); in a dark room at 11.30 P.M. (eighth day); at 11.50 A.M. (ninth day); on looking at nearly white wall-paper, at 5.10 P.M. (sixteenth day); at 12.30 P.M. (nineteenth day); in the morning (twenty-fifth day); before left eye in a dark room (twenty-fifth night). Transient bright spot before left eye, while lying in bed in dark (eighteenth, twentieth, twenty-fourth, and twenty-seventh days). Whenever I looked up to the sky, saw in the sky a large bright spot of various forms, once a crescent, once a vertical long bar, several times repeated, at 1.50 P.M. (second day); bright spot before left eye on suddenly turning head to left while lying in bed in the dark a little before midnight (third day); bright spot before the left eye on turning head to left, while lying in bed in the dark before daybreak (fifth day). Transient bright spots before eyes in the dark, in the evening after sunset (twentieth and thirty-sixth days); one very large, somewhat to left of line of vision, when turning head to left (lying in bed), (twenty-ninth day); before left eye when turning head to left (thirty-eighth and fortieth days). When in the dark have several times seen bright flashes suddenly coming and going, like faint and small sheet-lightning (sixth day). Bright sparks before the eyes.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.