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STRAMONIUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy STRAMONIUM…


STRAM. Datura Stramonium. Thorn Apple, Stink-Weed. See Hahnemann’s “Materia Medica Pura,” IV.


Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia, Camph., Cantharis, Chamomilla, Cocc., Helleborus, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Mercurius, Nux-v., Opium, Plumb., Tabac., Veratrum, Zincum met.


Vegetable acids and Lemon-juice, Vinegar, Nux-v., Opium, Tabac. Stramonium antidotes Mercurius and Plumb.


Suppression of all the secretions. Extreme irritability. Fainting, with great dryness in the mouth. Heaviness of the limbs. Immobility. Loss of voluntary motion, and loss of the senses. Stiffness of the whole body. Paralyzed limbs after apoplexy.? Paralysis of several parts of the body. Epileptic convulsions, also with weeping. Spasms after fright. Spasms from mercurial vapors.? Spasms after fright. Spasms from mercurial vapors.? Spasms of children. Chorea St. Viti. Tonic spasms of children. Continual cramp in the hands and feet. Violent motion of the limbs. Convulsions. Frightful convulsions at the sight of a candle, mirror, or of water. The convulsions and the delirium were especially excited by contact; they were followed by weakness. Spasmodic movements.


Eruption. Blisters on the skin. Itching eruption. Chest and back are covered with a red rash, pale in the morning, redder and more frequent in the afternoon. Tingling in all the limbs. Measles with delirium. Anasarca after scarlatina, with typhoid fever.? Copper color of the skin of the knee. Redness of cold cicatrices.


Drowsy and staggering. Deep sound sleep. Slumber, with stertorous breathing, and a bloody froth at the mouth. Restless sleep, violent headache, and profuse diuresis. Restless sleep, followed by dreams, with tossing about in bed. Restless sleep, followed by violent headache, vertigo lachrymation, and ptyalism. Sleep interrupted by screams. Great restlessness with moaning, or with itching of the skin. Sleepless.


Tremulous, weak, unequal, sometimes intermittent pulse. Small quick pulse. Frequent, quick, small, irregular pulse. Small, quick, and at last scarcely perceptible pulse. Extinct pulse. Strong full pulse of 90 beats. Chill through the whole body. The limbs and trunks are cold. Chilliness and shuddering of the limbs at night. Violent chill. Heat of the head, then general coldness, then heat with thirst. Fever in the afternoon, two days in succession. Fever every day after noon. Great heat, with quick and small pulse and bright-red vermilion-colored countenance. Heat of the whole body. Gastric fevers, with jerking of the arms and fingers. Worm fevers. Typhus-stupidus. Typhus after scarlet and purple rash. Typhoid fever of the remittent character, with pain in the ear and terminating in the left side of the chest, dry cough aggravating the pain. Copious sweat. Frequent sweat, with good appetite, and diarrhoea, distention of the abdomen, and colic. Profuse sweat with colic.


The symptoms are worse after the fall equinox. Is a time indifferent to his business. Furious delirium. Indomitable rage. Great desire to bite. Alternation of convulsions and rage. Hydrophobia.? Phlegmatic, with weariness of mind and sadness of heart. Out of humor and and restless. Exceedingly fretful. Loud laughing, alternating with vexed mood and moaning.


Vertigo, with pain in the abdomen, and a gauze before his eyes. Vertigo, with diarrhoea. Vertigo, headache, dim-sightedness, violent thirst. Intoxication, with thirst, and a profuse flow of a burning urine. Rush of blood to the head. Apoplexy. Weakness of the head. Heaviness in the head. Stupefaction of the head, with dim-sightedness. Stupidity. Dullness of the head. Extreme insensibility of all the senses. Intoxication. Stupid feeling in the head. Intoxication, and heaviness in the body. Vertigo. Disagreeable light-headedness, with a feeling of weakness in the head. Diminished memory. Uneasiness, delirium. He does not notice the objects around him. Stupefaction of the sense and insensibility to external impressions. Absence of mind; bland delirium. Imbecility. Insanity. Strange fancies. Loquacious delirium. Delirium with strange ideas. Insane, he dances, gesticulates, breaks into a laughter, sings. Kneels in bed, starts up at the least contact with cries and wild gestures. Religious mania, with pious looks. Confusion of intellect, he laughs, moans. Talks with ghosts. Senses quarreling. Delirium throughout the evening. Timid mania, in childbirth. Mania, with pride and affectation. Frightful fancies, his features show fright and terror; he imagines he is quite alone in a wilderness, abandoned; he is afraid. Inclines to start. Alternate consciousness and rage. Alternation of ludicrous manners and sad



Headache. Dull or violent headache. Headache, with obscuration of sight and hardness of hearing. Pain in the head and pelvis. Headache with anorexia. Beating headache, particularly in the vertex, and with fainting fits. Giddy headache with fainting and thirst. Headache and pain in the eyes. Violent headache and toothache, with profuse lachrymation. Convulsions of the head and arms, with hiccough. Spasmodic drawing, only in the head and eyes, with grinding of the teeth.


Swollen face, turgid with blood. Swelling of the face, eyes, and tongue. Swelling and redness of the eyes and face. Turgid face, also with friendly expression. Circumbscribed redness of the cheeks. Trembling of the lips, hand, and feet. Pale face.


Contracted pupils. Dilatation of the pupils. The pupils are dilated and immovable. Dim, sad look. Sparkling eyes. Glistering eyes. Staring, somnolent eyes. Burning of the eyes with dim- sightedness and profuse sweat. Pressure and tension in both eyes. Pressure in the eye-lids, as if swollen. Ulcerated eye-lids. Agglutination of the eye-lids, at night. Swelling of the eyes. Swelling and inflammation of the eye-lids. Redness of the white of the eyes and the margins of the eye-lids. Extreme sensitiveness of the eyes to the light. Lachrymation of both eyes, with obscuration of sight. Diplopia. The objects are multiplied and of various colors. Disappearance of sight and hearing. Dullness of vision. Almost complete blindness.


Complete deafness. Illusion of hearing. Spasmodic sneezing. Pain in the left ear.


Grinding of teeth, with shuddering over the whole body; with gloominess in the head. Grinding of teeth, contortion of the hands, and shuddering lock-jaw, with closed lips. Beating toothache.


The inner mouth feels raw and sore. Inability to swallow, on account dryness of the throat. The palate feels parched. Dryness of mouth, thirst; dim-sightedness, sparkling eyes, sweat, and diarrhoea. Constant muttering. Stuttering. A kind of paralysis of the organs of speech. Dumb. His tongue is paralyzed. Swelling of the tongue. Bloody froth at the mouth. Hydrophobia: restlessness, violent convulsions; delirious, without memory or consciousness; irresistible aversion to water, with constriction and convulsions of the oesophagus, froth at the mouth, and frequent spitting. Frequent ptyalism. Ptyalism, with hoarseness. Tenacious ptyalism.


Difficult deglutition, with stinging pain in the fauces. Difficult deglutition, with aching pain in the submaxillary glands. Constriction and spasm of the oesophagus. Thirst, violent, or with headache. Violent thirst, with copious secretion of burning urine.


Constant bitterness in the mouth. Diminished appetite. Undiminished appetite, with colic, diarrhoea and vomiting. Increased appetite. Spasmodic hiccough; sour eructations. Inclination to vomit. Inclination to vomit, with profuse ptyalism, in the evening. Nausea. Vomiting of green bile at night. Vomiting of a sour-smelling mucus. Bilious vomiting after the least motion, even after sitting up in bed.


Biting pain in the stomach. Aching pain in the stomach. Anxiety about the pit of the stomach. Inflammation of the stomach.


Bloated abdomen, especially in the pit of the stomach. colic, as if the abdomen were puffed up. Rumbling in the abdomen with diarrhoea. Rumbling of the abdomen, with obscuration of sight. Colic, rumbling, and diarrhoea. Colic, watery vomiting, and diarrhoea. Lacerating pain in the abdomen. Tumor in the groin.


A writhing pain in the bowels, previous to every evacuation; a blackish diarrhoeic stool every hour. Diarrhoea, six days in succession. Diarrhoea, with increase of appetite. Diarrhoea, with paleness of face. Discharge of coagulated blood from the anus. Haemorrhoids for several days.


Lasciviousness. Impotence. Watery menses. Discharge of black blood from the uterus. Metrorrhagia. Excessive menstrual flow, with drawing pains in the abdomen, thighs, and other limbs. Hiccough and moaning after the menses.


Voice hoarse and rough; higher and croaking; without modulation. Haemoptysis. Spasmodic dry cough, worse in the evening and morning, with darkness around the eyes. Frequent sighs. Violent stricture across the chest. Oppressed breathing. Oppressive and unusual pains. Difficulty of breathing, with anxiety about the pit of the stomach. Spasms of the chest, particularly in hysteric females. Drawing (rheumatic) pain, extending from the side of the neck into the limbs.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.