
Urine increased in quantity, and yellow in color (fourth day); increased in amount (ninth day). Slight increase in flow of urine (second morning); Urine profuse, frequent, high-colored, and smelling strong, at 7 P.M. (third day). During the pain, frequent and excessive flow of pale and odorless urine (tenth day).

Profuse flow of very clear urine; the urates were less than normal in quantity; phosphates in excess. Passed large quantities of colorless urine (second day); urine profuse and very clear; passed nearly a vesselful during the night, by nine emissions (third day). Urine of a clear yellowish color, at 7.10; passed urine at 8, 8.30, and 11 A.M.; passed a small quantity of muddy urine at 12; passed urine at 6, 9.30, and 11 P.M. (third and fourth days). Urine high-colored, smelling strong, at 3 P.M.

(third day). Urine light-colored and very abundant (second day).

Sexual organs

Male. Frequent erections, with but slight sexual desire, in the forenoon (second day). Two emissions, without dreams or excitement. Female. Pains in the womb, as if menses were coming on (sixth day). A great deal of leucorrhoea (ninth day).

Leucorrhoea and much weakness, at 4 P.M. (eighth day). (At the time of taking Calabar bean, had been troubled with a bland, mild-white, stringy leucorrhoea for about two months, not at all profuse, but rather scanty; have not been troubled with it since taking the bean). My condition altogether very like that induced by profuse flooding after delivery (forty minutes after 12 grains).

Respiratory Organs.

Bronchi. Irritation of right bronchi. Cough. (Dry tickling cough, at 6 P.M. (old ailment)), (sixth day). Cough, caused by tickling in the throat (after half an hour, eighth day). Slight constant inclination to cough, from filling the lungs. Slight cough; cough till small white plug of mucus is thrown off. Respiration.

Oppressed breathing (third day). Labored respiration (first night). Sighing respiration (after one hour). Yawning and sighing respiration (tenth day). Respiration accompanied with a little difficulty, and with a slight degree of dyspnoea (after ninety minutes); requires an effort (after one hundred and ten minutes).

In the morning his breath was offensive (third day). During the proving there was shortness of breath, and a sensation of collapse of the lungs, as if all the air was expelled at each expiration, causing long and deep inspirations and a sighing expiration. Dyspnoea, at 10 P.M. (second day).


Cannot fill left lung, as it produces a dull pain in upper part, relieved by pressure. Stitching pain near the apex of the right lung, at 5 P.M. (fifth day). Soreness around the body at the waist, at 6 P.M. (fourteenth day). The severest pain in the left side, and entirely unlike any pain in the lungs that I have had.

Pain in right deltoid muscle, which kept me awake during forepart of night, which was relieved only by violent motion (pain, nervous, uneasy). A slight pain in right side, in region of sixth and seventh ribs, at 7 P.M. (eighth day). Severe muscular pains beneath the clavicles, extending down the inner sides of both arms, at 3.45 P.M. (fifteenth day). Slight twitches across the pectoral muscles (after 12 grains). Awoke with stitches in left breast; unable to take a long breath; symptoms continued all day; pains were so uncomfortable that no more medicine was taken (fourth day); pain in left side all gone (fifth day).

Heart and Pulse

Heart. Dull pain in region of heart, lasting nearly an hour (after three hours). Uneasiness and distress about the heart, mostly without violent palpitation, but with a fullness and pulsation over the body, so that I counted the pulse, 72, by the ear; this uneasiness is principally at night, causing restlessness, tossing from one side to the other, with dry heat all over. I took a cup of strong coffee, after which I speedily felt an indefinable change within me, and on examining the condition of the heart, I found it had become perfectly and permanently regular (five hours after 12 grains). Violent palpitation of the heart, with the nervous motions (fourteenth and fifteenth days). Violent palpitation of the heart, with throbbing all over the body, at midnight (first day). Woke about 2 A.M., with a rapid tumultuous action of the heart as in high fever; but there was no unusual heat (fourth day). Happening to get upon the left side, my attention was, for the first time, directed to the tumultuous action of the heart, which compelled me to turn again on the back, to escape the strange sensation (after 12 grains). As the fresh bracing air strikes me, a choking sensation, with fluttering of the heart (suffered frequently from this nervous affection between the age of sixteen and twenty) overcame me, and oppressed me during the whole forenoon; I heard and felt the fluttering of my heart in the throat, with the sensation of faintness by motion, and some relief in a recumbent position, not by lying down (Bromine without relief); fluttering keeps steadily on, with attacks of vertigo, towards evening, especially when changing position; heart’s action irregular, thus about its action, one, two, intermission; one, two, three, intermission; one, two, three, four; the choking sensation in pit of the throat is steadily present; sometimes it seems to me as if I could hear every artery of my body beat; I took a dose of Sulphur; in about twenty minutes afterwards a severe aggravation set in; I had to lean forward to catch my breath; deep sighing relieved me; hot sweat stood on my forehead; my hands were cold and damp; this lasted about a quarter of an hour, when the spasmodic action of the cardiac ganglia gradually ceased and I had a comfortable evening (fifth day). Heart’s actions still irregular, and sometimes tumultuous; radial pulse weak, 75, every eight to ten minutes beat intermitting (sixth day). While sitting still, he felt a pulsation through the whole body, particularly in the chest; each beat of the heart was distinctly perceptible in the chest and temples (after thirteen hours, third day, and other times). The heart and pulse extremely feeble and tumultuously irregular (forty minutes after 12 grains). Could readily count my pulse in the carotids, and hear the two sounds of the hearts as my head lay upon my pillow (second day). Pulse.

Pulse accelerated (fifth day). Acceleration of pulse (96), usually about 74 (tenth day). Pulse of right side nearly double in strength that of the left (fifth day). Pulse 60, at night (first day); 84, in the morning (second day). Pulse 93 (second day). Full pulse, 72 (second day). Pulse 70 (before the proving); reduced to 65, at times. Pulse slow (after three hours and three- quarters, second day). The pulse has been, through the whole time, from 66 to 69; when well about 70. No change in frequency of pulse till twenty minutes, when it began to diminish in frequency and strength; afterwards could not be counted. Pulse slow by several beats (fourth day). Pulse 50 to 60, with feeble impulse (sixth day). Pulse small and frequent. Extremely feeble pulse. Feeble pulse. Pulse feeble and slow. Pulse variable (after one hour). Pulse variable, full, and strong (after one hour and a half). The pulse had been examined at different times within fifteen minutes and found to average 68 (before the experiment); 74 (after six minutes); 72 (after ten minutes); 76 (after fifteen minutes); 75 (after twenty minutes); 72 (after thirty minutes); 69 (after thirty-five minutes); 66 (after forty minutes); 68 (after forty-five minutes); 64 (after fifty minutes); 65, full and regular (after fifty-five minutes); 62, and rather feeble (after sixty minutes); 62 (after sixty-five minutes); 60, very small and wiry, but regular (after seventy minutes); 62 (after seventy-five minutes); 60, thready, and difficult to count (after eighty minutes); 60 (after eighty-five minutes); 58 (after ninety minutes); 59, very feeble, with occasional intermission (after ninety-five minutes); 56 (after one hundred minutes); 56, thready and intermittent (after one hundred and five minutes); 58 (after one hundred and ten minutes); 60 (after two hours); 59 (after two hours, five minutes); 60, rather fuller (after two hours, ten minutes); 58 (after two hours, twenty minutes). Normal pulse, 60 to 65; at 5.30 P.M. 83, full and strong (first day); 74, full and strong (third day); 76, in the morning, not as full or strong; at 5 P.M., variable, 76, quite weak (fifth day); not having taken any medicine for three days it returned to 60. Pulse averaged 70 (before the experiment); 76 (after five minutes); 63, thready and feeble (after one hour); 54 (after one hour and a half); between 52 and 60 for one hour longer; 68, strong and full (after four hours). Three calculations of the pulse within fifteen minutes gave an averages of 74 per minute (before the experiment); 76 (after three minutes); 70 (after five minutes); 72 (after ten minutes); 66 (after fifteen and twenty minutes); 68, soft and compressible (after thirty minutes); 62 (after thirty-five minutes); 64 (after forty-five minutes); 58, and very feeble (after fifty-five minutes); 60 (after sixty-five minutes); 57 (after seventy-five minutes); 54, soft and compressible, and with occasional intermissions (after eighty minutes); 57 (after ninety-five minutes); 63, rather stronger (after two hours); 58 (after two hours, ten minutes); continued to range between 60 and 70, till three hours after the commencement of the experiment.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.