
While writing, felt pain in right ear (fourth day). Considerable sharp pain in right ear, with the stiffness of the neck (third day); only a little soreness remaining (fourth day). Sharp shooting pain in the right ear, at 6.45 P.M. (fourth day).

Shooting pain in the left ear, at 3 P.M. (fifth day). Fullness in ears (third day). Sensation of crawling feeling in left ear (third day). Ears feel as if stopped up (ninth day). Hearing. The ear symptoms were as if every sound went through the ear; ears very sensitive to sound (fifth day). Partial deafness in the right ear, at 9 P.M. (fifth day). Since 11 A.M., have had partial deafness in the right ear, at 8 P.M. (tenth day). Slight deafness in the right ear (fifth day). In the evening, hammering in right ear, while external ear felt as though hot air were blowing on it (third day). Singing or tuning, like escaping steam, after lying down at night. Buzzing and ringing in the right ear, at 7 P.M.

(third day).


A small boil appeared on the inside of the right nostril; it was very painful, the pain extending up to the eye and right side of the head; it broke on the fourth day, with but little discharge (after five days). Slight epistaxis, right side, in evening (fifth day); left side, with the headache, in the morning, and while at supper (sixth day). Nose and throat filled with mucus; have had a similar sensation within a week (second day). Fluent discharge of clear coryza (after two days). Frequent sneezing (after one day). Sneezing (sixth day). Twitchings in the nose, and involuntary expansion of the nostrils (sixteenth day). A sensation exactly as if the nose was going to bleed, and the peculiar taste which goes with it, at 2 and 8 P.M. (fifth day).

Burning heat in the nose, and sensation as if it would bleed, at 4 P.M. (nineteenth day). Nasal passage feel as if a fresh cold were coming on; smarting and tingling in the nose, and several times sneezing (after fourteen hours). Sensation of contraction in the alae nasi and upper lip, with frequent desire to rub them, which relieved for the time; this lasted about twenty minutes (third day). An intolerable itching and tingling of the left nostril, in the morning, with moisture of the same nostril; return of the itching, in the afternoon, with dryness of same nostril; again, in the evening, with moisture (fourth day). Nose stuffed and hot.


Face flushed and red. Paleness of the face, with headache (second day). Countenance very pale (after 12 grains). Pale face. Very pale. Looked tired, in the morning (second day). Pain and flushing of the face, on rising from a sitting position (fourth day). Neuralgic pain in the right side of the face (second day).

Had a curious feeling in my face; felt better when my mouth was open; at times this feeling extended down into my neck; I cannot describe it, but it seems to be of a cramping nature, or in spasms; at the time when this was the worst, my left hand became quite numb, and it bothered me to hold on to anything; this I noticed most when I went to look at my watch (fourth day).

Sensation of contraction of the whole left side of the face, with slight numbness (after one hour, second day). Occasionally severe pain in the right side of the upper jaw, like toothache, although the teeth on that side have all been extracted, with difficulty in keeping the eye open (second day). Pain in the side of the jaw where there were teeth (first day). Fierce pains in lower jaw, right side (second day).


Teeth. Teeth felt rough, which brushing did not remove, in the morning (second day). Quivering sensation in the teeth, as if they were resting on a sounding-board of a piano (nineteenth day). Tongue. Tongue coated white, and having an oily feel, with a very bad taste in the mouth (fourth day). Tongue coated slightly, more heavily towards the root (second day). Tongue feels rough to the touch (after half an hour, second day). Tongue dry and rough and sore (fourth day). Dryness and smarting of the tip of the tongue and lips continued all day (first day); dryness and smarting of the tongue the same as yesterday second day). A raw feeling of the tongue, very disagreeable in swallowing.

Tongue felt as if scalded (after twenty minutes, fourth day); the scalding sensation was all on the left side (fifth day); continuance of scalding (sixth day); felt on right side (seventh day); the scalding of tongue still continued, although the surface felt with (eighth and ninth days). The tongue became very sore on the left side, quite back to the root, and it was very hard to move it, as if it was stiff, lasting nearly a day (fourth day). Tongue felt sore on tip and rough, at 4 P.M. (third day).

Smarting of end of tongue; feels as if burnt by hot liquid.

Numbness and tingling smarting of the tongue and lips, with a constant desire to moisten then (after fifteen minutes). General Mouth. Involuntary twitching of the mouth, also of the eyebrows, and beating or throbbing and twitching between the eyebrows; also numbness from between the eyes down through the nose, at 8 P.M.

(sixth day). The roof of the mouth feels as if covered with patches of loose skin; has a yellowish copper-colored appearance; at 9 P.M. (fifth day). Taste. Metallic taste in the mouth, at 9 P.M. (fifth day). Taste in the mouth like creosote, on waking, in the morning (second day). Very bed taste in mouth; have had similar symptom within a week (second day). Bad taste in the mouth, full of saliva (after half an hour, second day). Bad taste all day (third day). Arose in the morning with a bad taste in my mouth, as though I had been confined in a close room all night (second day). Saliva. Profuse salivation (second day). Thick lathery saliva from whole buccal surface, though drug at once swallowed. Mucus ran from the mouth. Speech. Power of speech retained long after inability to swallow. Felt a sluggishness of articulation, and to avoid any show of this, made a strong effort of the will to speak slowly and firmly (after 12 grains).


Throat and nose filled with mucus; had a similar sensation within a week (second day). Collection of clear mucus in the throat, at 6 P.M. (third day). Throat became very sore, with a feeling of a fish bone lodged in throat; swallowing of saliva very painful; at 9 P.M. (second day). This evening (9 P.M.) my throat is very sore; tonsils and soft palate inflamed, dark-red, with stinging pain (fifth day); throat not so much inflamed (sixth day); smarting of left tonsil (after a quarter of an hour); left tonsil slightly inflamed; radiating redness of tonsil (after half an hour, eighth day); back part of throat very sore this evening (ninth day). Throat very sore, especially when swallowing, 8 P.M.

(fourth day). Back part of throat very sore, at 8 P.M. (tenth day). Sensation of soreness in the throat, at 2 P.M. (second day), with constricted feeling when swallowing (fourth day); throat quite sore, at 5 P.M. (fifth day). Throat began to be sore on the right side; seemed to be a little spot not larger than a pea, which bothered me a great deal in swallowing (second day); still sore at right side (third day). Throat quite sore; burning- scraping raw feeling, with a constrictive feeling when swallowing; at 7 P.M. (first day); throat much improved (fifth day); slightly sore (thirteenth day). Slight soreness of the throat, when swallowing (fourth, fifth, and eighth days); (8 P.M., second day). Slight soreness of the throat, worse when swallowing (second day). Throat full (third day). Had a feeling as if a ball were coming up to the throat. A painful constriction of throat; soreness felt all through the posterior portion of pharynx, with painful swallowing of saliva, at 7 P.M.; throat became dry by 10 P.M. (fourth day). The pain and constriction of pharynx still continued, and examination showed small ulcers, with yellow centers, on right side of pharynx, behind tonsil; posterior nates also dark-red, at 4 P.M. (fifth day). Throat very sore; very difficult to swallow; surface studded with fine ulcers, especially on right side, where the pain is greatest, from 4 to 10 P.M. (eighth day). Uvula considerably elongated, and though I have discontinued medicine for two or three days, the throat symptoms continue, though less violent (tenth day).

Constriction of throat and difficulty of swallowing (after five minutes); during the whole afternoon the throat was very sore, examination showing enlarged tonsils and elongated uvula; swallowing of saliva or speaking very painful; the posterior part of tongue also very painful to touch; saliva was not increased (sixteenth day). Constricted feeling of the throat, when swallowing, in the evening (second day), with great soreness at 6 P.M. (third day). Throat felt constricted, as before, expect that it was higher up (second day); very much constricted, and great difficulty in eating, passing away before breakfast was eaten; examination shows the posterior superior portion of mouth injected (third day). Throat very painful, when swallowing; raw scrapy burning sensation in the throat, at 9 P.M. (fifth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.