
(Night), Dizziness; constriction around top of head; 3 A.M., pressive headache; aching of eyelids and inner canthus of right eye; after lying down, singing; 2 A.M., awakened by pressive pain in epigastrium; on awaking, hiccough; pain in region of arch of colon; pain in right deltoid muscles; uneasiness and distress about heart; woke with rapid tumultuous action of the heart; after 3 A.M., dragging pain over left hip; dart of pain through right thumb; restless sleep horrid dreams.

(Before midnight), Sleeplessness.

(Midnight), Palpitation of the heart, with throbbing over the body.

(After midnight), Disturbed sleep.

(Going into open air), Headache.

(Mental activity), Symptoms.

(Bending forward or throwing shoulders forward), Headache.

(Closing lids), Sensation as if they were too tight.

(Cold or change of temperature), Sensitiveness, with headache.

(After dinner), On going out of doors, pain in stomach; heavy pain in back, under left shoulder; sound sleep; great drowsiness.

(After drinking new milk), Headache.

(While drawing), Sleepiness, with dull pressure encircling head.

(Exercise), Symptoms.

(Exertion), Profuse sweat.

(During expiration), Stitches under interior angle of scapula.

(Feeling of pulse), Benumbed sensation in hands.

(Flexing knees), Pain in part.

(On going up and down stairs), Stumbling.

(Going upstairs), Exhaustion; muscular weakness.

(Going downstairs), Pain in patellae of both knees.

(When looking) at an object), Bright marks.

(On lying down), Nausea.

(Lying down), Headache.

(Lying on back), Griping in abdomen in right iliac region.

(Lying on left side), Pain in right iliac region.

(Making heavy or misstep), Pain in head.

(Motion), Heavy feeling in head and pains through temples; pain in head; pain in frontal and temporal regions; darting pain in temporal region; griping pain in upper abdomen; pain in sacral region; all symptoms.

(After micturating), Pain in the urethra.

(Noise), Lateral headache.

(Pressure), Epigastric region sore.

(Reading), Pain in posterior part of orbit.

(When reading), Dark-yellow spots on book.

(While riding in carriage), Lateral headache.

(Riding), Soreness in left side of abdomen.

(Before rising), Tired feeling.

(Rising up), Shooting pain through right side of head.

(Rising from sitting position), Pain and flushing of the face.

(Sitting down), Paroxysms of muscular twitchings in vastus pulse very painful; numb pain in knees and ankles.

(Sound of organ), Headache in temporal region; nausea.

(Standing erect), Pain in bowels.

(Before stool), Griping pains.

(Before and after stool), Tenesmus.

(After stool), Exhaustion.

(With stool), Burning at the anus.

(While at supper), Epistaxis, right side, with headache.

(When swallowing), Soreness of throat; throat painful.

(While taking morning cold bath), Stiffness in right side of neck.

(Travelling in cars), Headache, sleepiness, etc.

(Turning head), Headache.

(After vomiting), Cold sweat over whole body.

(On waking), Headache; stitches in left breast; from midday nap, brain felt confused.

(Walking), Dizziness; headache; shooting pains through right side of head; vision hazy or misty; piles painful; on raising foot, floating-like feeling; on foot touching ground, shuddering sensation; unsteadiness from knees downwards; pain in left thigh and both knees; stupid giddy feeling, with sensation of feebleness; became very tired.

(Walking downstairs). Dizziness and dimness of vision.

(Walking in open air), Headache.

(While writing), Pain in right ear.


(Morning), Headache.

(Evening), 10 P.M., pain in head.

(Open air), All symptoms.

(Open air and while lying down), Symptoms.

(Mental application), Headache.

(Close attention to a sermon), Headache.

(Closing eyes), Symptoms.

(While in midst of crude camphor), All symptoms.

(Eating), Lateral headache; pain in right iliac region.

(Hard exercise), Drowsiness.

(Exertion of will), Unsteadiness from knees downwards.

(Going out), Symptoms.

(Leaning head toward right side), Pain in clavicle.

(Lying on right side), Gripings in bowels.

(Motion out of doors), Pain in forehead and eyes.

(Moving about), Pain in eyes.

(Violent motion), Pain in right deltoid muscles.

(Continued motion), Pain in left popliteal space.

(Outdoors and walking), Symptoms.

(Pressure), Pain in right iliac region; pain in upper part of lung.

(Pressing on eyes), Pain in right eyeball; pain in eyes.

(Keeping quiet), Symptoms.

(On retiring), Hiccough.

(After rising), Headache.

(Sitting up in bed), Pain in top and forepart of head. (Sleep), Hiccough.

(In warm room), All symptoms.

(Walking), Pains; in open air, pain in right iliac region.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.