
Return of piles, which have not troubled him for three years.

Tenesmus, at 4 P.M., continuing an hour, when there was an evacuation of a soft thin stool; the tenesmus was a feeling all the time as though he had been to stool (third day). Tenesmus after the stool (third day); before and after the stool (seventh day). Tenesmus of rectum with the diarrhoea. Desire for stool, but was much constipated; faeces hard and not much diarrhoea (watery), with some flatus. Some five days since the proving has affected me, and yet inclined to looseness of bowels. Anus sore, inclined to protrude a little (as if from relaxed sphincter).

Burning at the anus with the stools.


Diarrhoea. Freely purged. Purging in a few cases. Short attacks of diarrhoea and vomiting (first day). Large diarrhoeic stool, with burning at anus, at 8.45 A.M. (bowels had moved just previous to taking the drug, and an nearly always constipated), (second day). Diarrhoeic stool, with burning at the anus, at 8.10 A.M. (third day). Stool very loose and weakening. Soft thin stool, followed by great exhaustion; color of stool quite natural (third day); stool light colored and very soft, not thin or watery (eighth day); quite thin and light- colored, followed with tenesmus, in the morning; thin at 12 M.; stool soft, and some tenesmus, at 9 P.M. (ninth day); quite natural (tenth day). A very copious stool, at 11 A.M.; passage from bowels of a yellowish color and soft consistency, at 3.30 P.M.; usually have but one passage from bowels each day, sometimes go two days; evacuation of a foul smell, at 6.30 P.M.; stool at 10.30 (second day); stool at 6.30 A.M. (third day). Since proving, have been having two or three stools a day, at irregular times, not large, yellowish. From 5 A.M., had about eight to nine large watery stools; the first ones mixed with fecal matter, the later ones light- yellow, watery, gushing out in a stream, with faint feeling, and cold sweat on the forehead; griping pain usually before stool, but not much relieved by the stool; the continual calls of nature drove me up, although the stools were, by the stool; the continual calls of nature drove me up, although the stools were, by 10 A.M., not more than a tablespoonful, and odorless (third day). Several times (two or three) a desire for stool, but only a small quantity of water escaped, and once some very foul-smelling flatus (fourth day). A bilious stool at 10 A.M. (fifth day). Soft, large, brown stool, at 7 A.M.; small thin yellow stool, smelling sour, at 2 P.M.; a small watery one, mixed with undigested food, smelling very sour, at 7 P.M.; small watery, at 10 P.M. (second day). Thin watery, with tenesmus afterwards, at 4 P.M. (third day). No stool (fourth day). Voided a large stool, part of which was natural looking, remainder black, like tar, at 7 A.M. (fifth day). Voided a natural looking stool mixed with black lumps, followed by a small discharge of mucus, at 6 P.M. (sixth day). Small, thin, lumpy stool; tenesmus before and after stool, at 4.30 P.M. (seventh day). Small hard stool, covered with a jelly-like slime, at 7, and again at 7.30 A.M. (ninth day). Natural looking stool, at 7 A.M. (tenth day).

Bowels, which had been somewhat costive, moved twice, in the morning; two soft stools after dinner, with tenesmus and dull pain in transverse and descending colon; last stool fetid and brownish; two stools in the evening, with similar pains and tenesmus during and after stool; stools soft, brownish, and fetid, slight tenesmus of bladder at the same time (fourth day).

Two soft mushy stools after breakfast, with same kind of pains; same kind of stool and pain, and tenesmus of bladder, after dinner and supper (fifth day). Same kind of stool after breakfast, with tenesmus of rectum and bladder, during and after stool (sixth day). Constipation during the days I took none, and when I recommenced had four passages in one day, but not loose.

Feel for a half hour before stool as if had been to stool (eighth day). Stool, first regular, then irregular and loose. Bowels move, but not a profuse discharge; stool of a yellow color, at 5.10 A.M. (sixth day). No movement of bowels (second day); desire several times without stool (third day); one small hard stool (fourth day); very copious discharge from bowels, light-colored, with intense crampy pain in lower part of bowels while at stool (not often), in the forenoon and again at 4 P.M. (fifth day); had an operation from the bowels; it was nearly impossible to pass stool owing to the contraction of the sphincter, at 8 P.M.

(seventh day); desire for stool early this morning, while in bed, with crampy pain in stomach, but after getting up the desire for stool left me (eighth day); constipated (ninth day); stool, with much urging, very hard and dark-colored; pain in bowels during stool, at 9 A.M.; urging, with passages of stool much lighter than usual, at 9.05 A.M.; very copious diarrhoeic stool, yellow- colored, with burning-smarting pain (all three stools within fifteen minutes), (tenth day); constipated (eleventh day). Had a natural stool, at 9.30 A.M.; one of softer consistency than natural at 11.40, another at 4.45 P.M. Desire for stool, but no stool, although I strained very hard, at 10.30 P.M. (second day).

Operation of bowels of 6.15 A.M., of a slightly yellow color and foul smell; soft consistency, at 2.10 P.M. (third and fourth days). Had been constipated very much for years; no operation without injection. Have a desire for stool every night, and a copious evacuation every morning since the proving (fifth day).

Stool neither hard nor soft, but dark and offensive at 6.30 A.M.; discharge, with colic before and during stool, with some burning at the anus, at 9 A.M.; desire for stool, with rumbling in the bowels, at 3.40 P.M.; soft stool, with some colic before and during discharge, at 6.30 P.M.; large offensive stool, with some tenesmus, and slight colic before the discharge, at 10.15 P.M.

(third day). Constipation. Constipated (fourth and fifth days).

Bowels excessively constipated (a very unusual condition with the prover), (tenth day). Constipated (very unusual), (second day).

Bowels constipated (third day); have has no operation to-day (fourth day); none to-day, but have urging without stool (fifth day); desire without stool, at 9 A.M., and again at 11 A.M., with much urging and straining (sixth day); operation from the bowels large, light-yellow color, and soft consistency, at 7 A.M.; operation of bowels, soft consistency, at 9 A.M.; desire, without stool, at 12 M. and 7.30 P.M. (seventh day); operation from bowels, at 7.30 A.M.; stool, with much straining to pass a small amount, at 2.30 P.M. (eighth day); desire for stool early this morning, with large stool of light-yellow color (ninth day); bowels constipated (tenth day); no stool (eleventh day); several operations from bowels (soft consistency), (twelfth day); three passages from bowels (thirteen day). No stool for last four days (sixth day). Full, natural-looking stool, at 3.45 A.M.; small stool, smelling sour, at 8 A.M. (second day); natural-looking stool, at 11 A.M. (fifth day), (bowels had not been moved for sixty-nine hours previously). Stool lumpy, mingled with watery discharged (first night); constipated (very unusual), (second day). Stools very hard and in round balls, but quite easily expelled (fourth day).

Urinary organs

Kidneys. Lame bruised feeling in the region of the kidneys with the headache (third day). Bruised sore feeling in region of kidneys (second day). Bladder and Urethra. Sensation of fullness of the bladder, as from retention of urine, at 3 P.M. (eighth day). Sensation of distension of the bladder, at 3 P.M. (third day). Slight tenesmus of the bladder, with the diarrhoea. Crampy feeling in fundus of bladder followed the pain in the stomach (second day). Soreness in the urethra and rectum, and suspect I have taken cold (third day). Pain in the urethra just after micturating. Micturition and Urine. Frequent micturition (after two days). Frequent desire to urinate; goes to the chamber several times with inclination, but passes no urine. Almost constant desire to urinate, with the dull pain n in the back, passing large quantities of reddish urine (third day). Did not urinate for the last eight or ten hours, although frequent and copious micturition is rather the rule with me (third day); hardly any urine passed during the day (fourth day); micturition freer (fifth day); urination natural, though not so frequent as usual (sixth day). Upon rising, passed more than the usual amount of urine, of a clear, slightly yellow color (second morning).

Increased secretion of urine, with difficult retention of it, in the forenoon (second day). The quantity of urine passed is slightly increased (second day); increased and of a pale yellow color, all day (third day); urine increase in quantity, and contains mucus; number of passage of urine increased; yellow color of urine; the amount of urine passed is greater than the amount of fluid I drink (fourth day); urine scanty (seventh day); passed a large amount of yellowish- colored urine containing mucus (ninth day). The urine was greatly increased in quantity.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.