
Pain extending from the throat to the left ear, when swallowing, at 3 P.M. (fifth day). Esophagus and External Throat. All gone feeling along the oesophagus (third day). There was noticed, while he was sleeping, an unusual pulsation of carotid arteries; upon examination, the action of the heart was found to be irregular (third day). Submaxillary gland very tender and tumefied (fourth day).


Appetite. Appetite increased (fifth day). Hunger, but can find nothing to satisfy it; disposed to try one thing after another; food has a flat taste. No appetite (fourth and sixth days). Loss of appetite (sixth day). Appetite not very good for breakfast (second day); no appetite for breakfast (third day). Appetite not so good as usual, with occasional nausea (first day). At times I noticed that I did not care for eating; appetite previously good at any time. Less appetite since taking the medicine (seventh day). Bad appetite (second morning). Morbid appetite (fourth day). Declined food (second day). Disinclined for breakfast; no appetite (second day). Perfect disgust for food of every kind, during the whole proving. Disgust for food, for tobacco, and coffee, and especially for cold drinks (I am a great water drinker), (third day). There is not so much disgust for food, still I do not relish my usual cup of cafe au lait, and the toast remains untouched; no appetite (fourth day). Ate some light breakfast from mere habit, but still no desire for food (fifth day). Ate a very light breakfast, with very little relish (sixth day). Thirst. Began in ten minutes to have thirst, which increased till they begged for water, then the power of swallowing was lost. They suffered greatly from thirst, and drank readily large quantities of warm water. Very thirsty, in the afternoon (seventh day). Have had no thirst at all to-day; usually drink considerable with my meals; drank scarcely any to- day; somewhat thirsty this evening, which may be due to eating beans at tea (second day). Great desire for cold water all the evening; the more I drink the more I want (second day). No thirst (sixth day). Disgust especially for cold drinks (third day); no thirst (third to sixth day). Eructations. Repeated eructations from stomach of warm, air, tasteless. Eructations (after six minutes). A good deal of tasteless eructations, without relief (tenth day). Tasteless eructations. Empty eructations, at 7 P.M.

(third day). Several empty eructations (two hours after second dose, second day. Eructations, without the epigastric sensations, considerable nausea, and dizziness (after one hundred minutes).

Some eructations at 4 P.M. (second day). Hiccough. Violent and very unusual hiccough for forty-five minutes, with great distress for breath, relieved at once by sleep, at 8.30 P.M. (second day); on waking again, violent hiccough, half hour, at 2 A.M. (third day). Three distinct hiccoughs, followed by belching of tasteless gas; something unusual, but don’t know that it is a symptom (after one hour). Hiccough, from 5 P.M. until 8 P.M., of violent character (third day); hiccough from 9 P.M. till 11 P.M.; ceased on retiring (eighth day). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, and sinking feeling in the stomach, immediately. Nausea (after seventy-six minutes); (after one hour); (after half an hour, second day). Constant nausea, but no vomiting, only some water brash (third day). Nausea and qualmishness, with the headache. On walking, in the morning, nausea (second day). Nausea on lying down, though none was felt before (after two hours, second day).

Nausea (third day); constant, with some relief after vomiting (fourth day). Nausea, at 10 P.M. (second day); in occasional attacks (fourth day); slight nausea, with chilly creeps passing up the back, at 2 P.M. (fifth day); slight nausea and vertigo, at 4.30 P.M. (seventh day). Nausea, caused by the pain in the orbit (second day). Breakfast caused slight nausea (second day). The sound of the organs caused nausea (second day). Slight nausea, in the morning; very distinct nausea in throat, feeling as if he would be sick, at noon; could not eat much dinner, at 1 P.M., on account of the nausea; he had to lie down, which relieved the nausea, after which he could eat a little more; after again resting, all symptoms passed off (second day). Slight nausea; this nausea does not seem to have any reference to eating, as it sometimes has come before and sometimes after eating (eleventh day). Slight nausea (at 10 A.M., fourteenth day); (after one hour); (after fifteen minutes); (at 3.40 P.M., third day); (at 3 P.M., second day); (at 7 P. m., third day). Sick at the stomach (third day); (eighth day). The smell of Havanas was disgusting and sickening (third day). Should nausea or vomiting set in, they often recover. Inclination to vomit (after a quarter of an hour); after copious draughts of water and mechanical irritation he produced vomiting, with great retching, followed by collapse, with cold sweat in drops over the whole body. Copious vomiting; he was so feeble as to be unable to completely eject the vomited water. Short attacks of vomiting and diarrhoea (first day).

Vomiting commenced soon in most of cases. Vomiting of acrid fluid (second day). Stomach. Prickling sensation in the stomach and abdomen, followed by rumbling, and slight colic pains in the region of transverse colon, lasting nearly an hour (after one hour). During the pain, sensitiveness over the region of the stomach to pressure (tenth day). Hard pain in the stomach (the next day). Sharp pains in the stomach, shooting upwards, at 9.30 A.M. (second day). After dinner, upon going out of doors, had a pain in my stomach, which caused me to feel sick at the stomach; this pain was followed by a crampy feeling in fundus of bladder (second day). Griping pains in the stomach and great oppression (after two hours and a half). Crampy pain in stomach, with the desire for stool (eighth day). Transient pains in stomach, with sensation as of undigested food (after seven hours and a half).

Burning sensation in the stomach, with hot eructations (after three hours). Heaviness in the stomach (after half an hour).

Weight in the stomach, as from undigested food (after one hour).

A feeling as if a hard body were lying in the stomach, like undigested food (after fourteen hours). Stomach pressed (third day). My food lay hard in my stomach all day (third day). Stomach effectually emptied after drinking the shaving water I had just used; later, I could, not vomit; the abdominal muscles acted too feebly; the sickness ceased, and never returned (after 12 grains). Feeling of emptiness in stomach and bowels (sixth day).

Sense of emptiness and weakness at stomach, without hunger, at 3 P.M. (seventh day). Felt as though (mucous coat?) (of) stomach swelled, continuing all day (two hours after second dose, second day). Felt slight contraction in region of stomach (second day); contraction (* It is to be noted that what one prover distinguished as contraction another describes as swelling of stomach. *) in region of stomach more plainly marked, continuing four or five days, attended with dull pain in left side and forepart of head; not relieved by food; appetite as usual (after three days); the symptoms began to diminished on the sixth day, and had disappeared about the eighth day. Stomach unsettled (after four hours and a half). Slow digestion (second day).

Griping pain in the pit of the stomach (after four hours and a half), with soreness to pressure (after ten hours and a half).

Sensation at the pit of the stomach as if undigested food oppressed it (after one hour, third day). A breathless sensation at the pit of the stomach, with a hard feeling as of undigested food; a disposition to make deep inspirations; these sensations were momentary, coming and going (after one hour and a quarter, second day; after one hour, third day). Trembling of the nerves at the pit of the stomach, accompanied with slight nausea, and a sensation of faintness (fifth day). Felt the nervousness at the pit of the stomach, in front of body most (ninth day). Soreness at the pit of the stomach, at 10.30 A.M. (seventh day). Much weakness at the pit of the stomach, with the nervous symptoms (fifteenth day). Violent epigastric symptoms (after three minutes). Epigastric sensation perceived (after five minutes).

Epigastric sensation, accompanied with eructations (after five minutes); slight sensation in the epigastric region (after fifteen minutes); more intense and accompanied with eructations (after twenty minutes); epigastric sensation recurs, without eructations (after thirty minutes); sensation in epigastric region occur in quick (after fifty-five minutes). Epigastric region sore to pressure (after seven hours and a half). Violent oppression in the epigastric region (after a quarter of an hour).

Complained of severe pain in the epigastric region, and begged that he might be laid upon the bed. At 2 A.M. was awakened by a pressive pain in the epigastrium, just under the ensiform cartilage, extending up into the chest and down the arms; pain in epigastrium seemed to be produced by hard pressure against the lower end of the sternum, and extended all along the lower edge of the ribs, at the attachment of the diaphragm, and through to the back to about the third dorsal vertebra; the sensation was as if the pain was squeezed out into the arms; the pain seemed to alternate between an ache and an acute quick pin, but was occasionally pulsative (after ten days). Darting pain in epigastric region (after four hours); have felt the pain in the epigastric region all the time, except when asleep (after twenty- five hours and a half). Soreness and transient pains in epigastric (after four hours an a half). A slight degree of peculiar sensation in epigastric (after ten minutes); recurred (after forty minutes); much increased; it now resembles the somewhat painful sensation which is produced when large pieces of food are suddenly swallowed, and recurs at intervals; it is at first slightly indicated by a sensation in the thorax, near the upper part of the sternum; this extends downwards, becoming more and more intense until it reaches the epigastrium, when it is almost painful, and eructations usually occur; there is a distinct escape of gas, and this is followed by a reversal or the direction of the pain from the lower sternum to the throat, so that eructations occur at the middle of this sensation (after fifty minutes).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.