
Sensation of heat in the head and moving about as from a foreign substance. Uneasiness in the head, in the forenoon. Slight tearing in the head, especially above the right eye. Violent tearing in the upper part of the head, extending as far as the zygoma, in the afternoon, while sitting. Tearing stitches in various parts of the head (after five weeks). Some stitches in the head, in the evening (after five hours). Stitches in various places in the head, especially in the evening. Turning in the head, in the evening, while lying in bed; she could not lie, but was obliged to rise, followed by four diarrhoea-like stools, with violent shaking chill, and afterwards violent heat and sweat all over. Tickling in the head. Several jerks in the head, especially during a difficult stool. Sensation as if the brain stiffened, on remaining in the open air. Humming and tingling in the head, almost all day. Violent roaring in the head, mostly while sitting. Tingling in the head (after two hours). Periodic jerking-throbbing headache in the root of the nose, for eight days together, always about 9 o’clock, extending also into the nose and eyes, most violent about noon, when she vomited.

Vibration in the head, on talking loudly, so that he did not dare to talk loud. Pulsation in the head, in the morning, on waking.

Throbbings in the head. Throbbing in th head, while lying down.

Throbbing pain in and on the upper part of the head, especially on chewing, painful to touch. Takes cold easily in the head. The head feels freer in the open air. Forehead. dulness and heaviness in the forehead; the head falls forward, relieved in the open air and by wrinkling the forehead, returning in the house, and aggravated by stooping. Dull pain in the forehead, with heat.

Dull headache in the forehead, better in the open air. Dull pain in the whole forehead, extending to the root of the nose and to the upper lids, with some vertigo, aggravated by turning the head or by any violent motion. Pressure, extending from the right side of the forehead to above the eye. Pressure in the forehead, extending towards the root of the nose. Pressing-out headache above the eyes, as if the forehead would come out, rather external (after twenty-four hours). Pressive headache in the forehead, extending into the eyes, as if they would be pressed out. Pressive headache in the forehead, in the evening. Pressive headache in the forehead, above the eyes, two days in succession, from morning till night, with a burrowing in the upper part of the head (after four days). Burning headache in the frontal region, at times, with nausea. Burning headache in the forehead.

Distracting headache through the forehead and temples, with frequent sharp, shooting pains (fourth day). Violent tearing pain in the outer and upper portion of the right forehead, as if she had received a blow; the pain seemed to be in the flesh; sore when grasped. Tearing in the forehead. Headache in the forehead, above the eyes, woke her every morning, and gradually disappeared after rising, twenty-one days in succession. Terrible headache especially in the frontal region (first to third day). Sticking headache in the forehead, during the menses; the eyes close; she desires to lie down. Frontal headache. Headache in the frontal region, with heat in the head, on waking, with disinclination to arise or move about. Violent drawing pain in the bone in the left side of the forehead, which seemed to be somewhat warmer than natural, without vertigo (first day). Very acute pain in the forehead (second day). Periodic pain in the forehead, mingled with stitches, especially in the left side, worse in the afternoon and evening. A fixed frontal pain, situated above the eyes (first night). Pain in forehead. Jerks in the forepart of the head, as if pieces of lead shook about in the brain.

Stitches, at times burning, in the frontal region, in the vertex, and on the side of the head, extending into the left side of the occiput, and into the temples, with, at times, a sensation as if one pulled on the hair, or as if the head would burst, at times after dinner or in the morning, mostly while sitting, and sometimes disappearing on rubbing. Slight stupefaction and headache in the forehead, between the eyes, disappearing after dinner, but returning an hour afterwards and lasting till evening. Transient crawling headache in the forehead. Temples.

Swelling of the right temporal bone and upper jaw. Pressure in the right temporal region, beginning on waking, in the morning, aggravated by motion, especially by stooping, felt only in the house, and always disappearing in the open air. Pressive headache, alternating in the temples and on the top of the head, with a feeling of fulness in the brain, though not like an orgasm of blood (after two hours). Drawing-pressive pain in both temples. At 10 A.M., neuralgic pain, from left temporal to occipital region. Stitches in the right temple, in the evening (after a few hours). Stitches in the temple, in the evening, with pain in the whole head. Tearing in temples, vertigo in the forehead, and throbbing, with stitches on the vertex. Tearing in both temples, transiently relieved by pressure, almost immediately returning violently. Frequently jerking in the upper part of the left temple, followed by drawing to the side of the forehead, after dinner. Throbbing pain in the temples, frequently for half an hour. Vertex and Parietals. Pressive headache, here and there, in the vertex on the surface of the brain. Dull stupefying headache (on the vertex). Cramp like drawing beneath the vertex, with stitches in the temples. Spasmodic contractive pain on the top of the head, in the afternoon and evening (after five days). Pain on the vertex, as if congested. Stitches, as with needles, in the crown. Hammering and sticking on the vertex, coming from the forepart of the head. Throbbing in the vertex, also in the left side of the head, especially in the occiput.

Dull pain in the left half of the head. Coldness in the left side of the head, with pain deep in the ear. A cold cramp like pain over the whole left side of the head. Pain in the right side of the head. Headache on right side, from mental application.

Drawing-pressive headache, now in the right, now in the left side, with dulness. Drawing pain in a small spot on the right side of the head, in the evening. Drawing pain in the right side of the head, deep in the maxillary, frontal, temporal, and parietal bones. Tearing-drawing pain in both sides of the head, with painfulness of the hair to touch, that occurs in the evening, and is aggravated at night (third day). Violent tearing in the right side of the head, extending upward, in the evening, while sitting. Tearing in the upper part of the right side of the head, as if she were pulled up by the hair, while sitting.

Shooting from the side of the had towards the root of the nose, an to the ball of the right hand. Stitches in right side of the head, for several days. Stitches in the left half of the head.

Stitch in right half of the brain, extending outward towards the right parietal eminence, followed by pressure and heaviness of the right arm (after five minutes, fifth day). Pulsating pain, deep in the brain, in the right side of the head, in the evening.

Throbbing and gnawing in the right parietal bone, as if in the bone, in the evening. Occiput. Dull pain in occiput, with fever and flushed face. Pain in back of head and left side of head, lasting from 3 to 6 P.M. Heaviness in the occiput and nape of the neck (fifth day). Heaviness, with pressive pain in the occiput (eleventh day). The occiput and nape of the neck are painful and very stiff. Transient pressive pain, as if in the bone, in the side of the occiput (after twenty-three days). At first sticking and then pressure, in the occiput, followed by violent throbbing in the forehead. Some stitches in the occiput, on the right and left side, without headache (after four hours). Stitches in the occiput. Violent pulsation in the occiput (sixteenth day).

Pulsation in the occiput, on rising (tenth day). External Head.

The hair falls out profusely (first days). Falling of the hair; the roots seem dry. A spot above the ear becomes bald (after twelve days). Unnatural accumulation of dandruff. Itching pimples on the scalp, as painful as a boil to touch. The eruption on the head smarts and bites, with but little itching. Shiny, but not inflamed, painless, swelling on the forehead, with a most violent headache above the eyes. Many scabs on the scalp, that sometimes itch (after eight days). Soreness of the scalp on the crown of the head, increased by pressure (after one hour and a half). Head still sore on the top (after seven hours). Sensation as if the skin of the forehead were too tight, with anxiety, for many days (after three hours). Burning pain, externally, on the head; it was hot to touch, without increased warmth of the rest of the body, with loss of appetite, and lying down (after nine days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.