
Tension in the upper abdomen, always caused by every motion of the trunk. Relaxed feeling in the abdomen. Agreeable warmth in the upper abdomen. Sensation of warmth in the abdomen. Heat in the abdomen and face, in the morning. Burning and cutting in the abdomen. Burning, like fire, in the colon, and especially in the anus. Burning and pressure in the abdomen. Burning in the abdomen while eating, followed after an hour by a soft stool. Sharp burning pain in the abdomen (soon). Sensation of coldness in the intestines, above the umbilical region (after eleven days).

Sensation of coldness in the abdomen. Violent pain in the whole abdomen; (second day). Most violent pains in the whole intestinal canal. Very acute pain in the abdominal region (second day). Constant pain in the upper portion of the abdomen (fourth day).

Severe pains, colic, and diarrhoea (after five hours). Abdomen exceedingly painful to pressure (second day). Pain in the abdomen; (fourth day); (after a few hours); (third day). Pain in the abdomen (soon), followed by burning pain in the abdomen (after four hours). Pain in the abdomen, aggravated by pressure.

Acute pains in the abdomen (after three weeks). Abdomen sensitive to pressure. Indescribable pains in the abdomen, with violent shaking chill and moaning respiration. Abdomen sore, but not tender to the touch. Awoke with pain in the bowels and diarrhoea, at 4 A.M. Fugitive pains in both abdomen and thorax (after second dose, second day). Pain in the abdomen, especially in the morning. Pain as if something in the abdomen burst. Pain in the abdomen, in cold weather. Violent pain in the place of a hernia, even when not touched, during the menses. Drawing-pressive pain in the upper abdomen, and a sensation as if the place were sore.

Pressure in the abdomen, in the evening (third day). Constrictive sensation in the left side of the abdomen. Anxious pressure in the abdomen, with distension, always after eating. Pressure in the abdomen, at night (first days). Pressure in abdomen, upon the small of the back, as from flatus, that is also scantily emitted, with some relief. Pressure low down in the abdomen, like a desire for stool. At times a very painful constrictive pressure in the whole abdomen, of short duration. Constrictive pain in the intestines at times. Sensation of distension of the abdomen, at times pressive, relieved by motion; at times with difficult deep respiration, or with bruised pain in the small of the back and abdomen when touched. Cutting in the abdomen, with transient urging to stool. Violent cutting in the abdomen woke her from sleep, followed by thin forcibly ejected stool, with relief of the pain, at 3 A.M. Cutting pain in the abdomen, with desire for stool (fourth day). Frequent cutting in the intestines, especially in the evening. Sharp cutting pain in the abdomen before going to stool (seventh day). Stitches extending into the abdomen, while sitting. Fine stitches in the left side of the abdomen, beneath the false ribs. Stitches at times transversely though the abdomen. Paralysis of the intestines. Sensation as if diarrhoea would come on. Inclination to diarrhoea and flatulence (second day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Hypogastric region exceedingly sensitive to touch. Tension in the lower abdomen, above the bladder. Pains in the lower part of the abdomen (after half an hour). Pain in the hypogastric region; (twenty-sixth day). Pain, as from a soreness or inflammation, in the lower abdomen, extending to the pudenda, especially painful on touch, as if the intestines were sore, with weakness. Pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, above the hip, as from a swelling and injury, but when touched a pain as if bruised. Immediately after slight exertion at stool, pain above the anus, for six days in succession (after eight days). He woke, at night, with pressure in the lower abdomen, almost as if upon the bladder. Pressure in the lower abdomen, in the forenoon and also in the evening, after eating (first days). Cramp-like pressure low down in the lower abdomen, in the genitals, in the morning, in bed. Pressure in the lower abdomen, every morning, on waking, almost as if on the bladder. Burning constrictive pain in the lower abdomen, at night, as before the menses (that had already stopped for several days); she did not know what to do on account of the pain (after four days). A griping jerk at times, in the afternoon, in the lower abdomen, followed by emission of flatus. Jerking and sticking in the lower abdomen, above the genitals, in the morning, in bed. Drawing and jerking in the lower abdomen, as if the menses would occur. Painful cutting in the left side of the lower abdomen, extending across above the umbilicus, on inspiration, with pain, as from a very tense swelling, on pressing upon it, while walking after dinner. Long stitch extending from the lower abdomen to the perineum. Swelling of the inguinal glands. Painful dragging towards both inguinal rings, with flatulent colic, as if a hernia would occur. Aching in the left groin.

Rectum and Anus.

Great protrusion of the haemorrhoids during the stool, with burning pain when touched, on sitting and walking (after a few hours). Protrusion of large haemorrhoids that are very painful, after a stool. Greatly protruding haemorrhoids. A hernia protrudes during a soft stool and becomes very painful, as if incarcerated, when stooping, touching it, or walking, and even while lying on the side he does not dare to reduce it with the hand. A drop of blood from the rectum. Blood from the rectum, during the emission of flatus (after eleven days). Profuse discharge of blood from the anus (after a few hours). White corrosive mucus passes from the anus, awhile after a stool (after a few hours). Sore pain in the haemorrhoids for several days, while sitting and lying, with violent sticking and pressure in them on rising. Sticking itching in the haemorrhoids, during the menses. The rectum lost its sensibility; the sphincter became paralyzed, and I had a slight prolapsus ani after each passage.

Violent difficult spasm in the rectum, in the morning, in bed. In the evening, a sensation in the rectum as if something were lying in it that prevented the evacuation of faeces, with a stool that was not hard. The rectum seemed contracted, and with the e evacuation of the stool, that was even soft, there was a sharp, biting, sore pain in it that lasted several hours and extended up into the abdomen. Violent pressure with the stool, that was not hard. Pressure in the rectum, after a stool. Stool accomplished only with pressure. Burning in the rectum. Constant cramp like dragging about the rectum. Violent constrictive pain, with stitches, in the rectum, before the stool. Tearing in the rectum.

Tearing in the rectum and genitals, even to sinking down. Cutting in the rectum and anus, especially in the evening (after six, and seven days). Needle like stitches in the rectum, when not at stool. Smarting in the rectum, during the evacuation of a stool that was not hard. Crawling and itching in the rectum, during a soft stool. Violent burning in the anus and rectum, with great exhaustion, after a soft stool. Frequent sharp scratching and burning in the anus, with burning desire to urinate, without discharge of much urine, after a stool. Burning pain in the anus.

Pain in the anus, so violent that it seems as though the body would be torn asunder, with cutting and movements in the whole abdomen, with constant ineffectual desire for stool, heat in the hands, and anxiety; the pain was relieved only by the application of warm cloths (third day). Sore pressure in the anus, preceding and accompanying a hard stool. Soreness in the anus, after a stool. Sticking and clawing in the left side of the anus, after dinner. Stitches in the anus. Crawling stitches in the anus, while walking. Pruritus in ano (first day). Biting and itching in the anus (after seven days). Tickling and itching in the anus, in the evening. Violent itching in the anus, during a walk, disappearing in the house. Frequent itching and crawling in the anus, after walking in the open air. Itching in the anus, after walking, and in the evening. Urging to stool, though only flatus is forcibly passed. Frequent ineffectual desire for stool. Urging to stool. Great urging to stool, after eating. Urging to stool, with a soft pasty evacuation (fourth day). Tenesmus, after a stool. Difficult evacuation of the stool (after twenty-four hours). Tenesmus of the rectum (fourth day). Frightful tenesmus in the anus and rectum, for some time after a stool.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, etc. Profuse diarrhoea; (after two days).

Frequent diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, which is something very unusual with me, as my bowels are generally constipated (third day); bowels still quite loose (fourth day); diarrhoea greatly increased, accompanied by a sharp cutting pain in the abdomen, before going to stool (seventh day); continued, but with much less pain, and less frequent discharges (eighth day). All the symptoms of diarrhoea did not disappear until the expiration of two weeks. Diarrhoea, with pain in the abdomen, on rising, in the morning, with heaviness and weakness in the limbs, recurring every morning, for four days (after three days). Diarrhoea, with emission of flatus and some colic. Awoke with diarrhoea and pain in the bowels, at 4 A.M. Diarrhoea, towards evening (first day); since the first day of the poisoning, the alvine evacuations had stopped (seventh day); afterwards became involuntary. Diarrhoea- like stool, containing mucous membrane and clots of blood. Diarrhoea, with violent colic. Some suffer from diarrhoea.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.