
Biting and smarting in the meatus urinarius, extending backward for an inch, with pale red swelling on the right side of the apex of the glans penis, beginning at the upper surface and extending to within the orifice of the urethra; after urinating a drawing extending from the meatus urinarius to the membranous portion of the urethra. Pain in the urethra and penis, most violent when urinating. Cramp like pain in the urethra and upper part of the scrotum. Sticking in the urethra and anus. Sticking drawing in the middle of the urethra. Transient drawing sensation in the urethra, extending to the meatus urinarius. Sudden drawing, back and forth, in the urethra, extending to the bladder, with constrictive sensation (after ten days). Cutting on urinating, with bloody urine. Haematuria (thirteenth, fifteenth, twentieth, twenty- fifth, thirtieth, thirty-fifth, and fortieth days). The haematuria still continued, after nearly two months, with acute pain in the region of the kidneys and liver, with some jaundice;more than two months afterwards the haematuria, which had gradually ceased, returned after great emotional excitement; at this time there was also profuse bloody vomiting. Micturition and Urine. Burning micturition. Micturition painful; (second day). Slight pain while urinating. Frequent sudden desire to urinate; micturition without any difficulty. Desire to urinate sudden, scarcely to be restrained, in the morning (after three weeks). Frequent urgent desire to urinate, with some pressure.

Constant desire to urinate, while standing, though always only a few drops passed; disappeared while sitting. Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge. Frequent desire to urinate (second day). Violent desire to urinate, without thirst; he cannot retain the urine, and it pass involuntarily. Great desire to urinate and defecate (after three days). Urging to urinate felt in the neck of the bladder, relieved immediately after the evacuation of the first drops of urine (fourth day); this pressure afterwards extended as far as the meatus urinarius, and lasted for two or three days. Urging to urinate, more while sitting than while walking. Urging to urinate, during the day (after three days). Increased desire to urinate. Loss of desire to urinate; even when the bladder is full she feels no desire to urinate; however, she is able to accomplish it without trouble.

Frequent micturition, of a normal amount, five times in two hours, in the morning, after rising, for several days.

Distressing and ineffectual desire to urinate (third day).

Frequent micturition. Frequent micturition, but little at a time (after forty hours). Micturition frequent and increased (second day). Much micturition, while riding in a carriage (after a few hours). Frequent micturition, even at night (first fourteen days). Frequent micturition, at night, of only a few drops; urine clayey. When coughing, a few drops of urine escape. If he dose not obey the first call to urinate (reddish) urine passes involuntarily. Involuntary emission of urine, frequently.

Involuntary evacuation of urine and faeces (fourth day). Urinary discharge became involuntary (after seven day). Profuse emission of urine. Nocturnal enuresis. Frequent enuresis. Had to pass a very large quantity of urine before daybreak (first night); urination more frequent than usual (second day). Passed a large quantity of urine at 10 P.M. Passed water frequently during the morning, notwithstanding I had four watery stools, after midnight. Passed a large quantity of water in A.M. Diuresis; urine yellow, sp. gr. 1007, containing a little albumen and considerable bile. Difficult evacuation of urine, as if there were an impediment. The urine stops for a moment and will not flow, with flatulent distension. Difficulty in passing urine (third day). Micturition is difficult on account of a dull pain in the lower abdomen, in the morning, in bed, preventing his passing the last drops of urine; after a short interval there is a renewed necessity to pass urine, when it passed scantily and by drops (ninth day). Urine diminished (first day). Micturition dribbling, with burning, like fire. Micturition difficult, with violent burning. Dysuria, with burning urine. Strangury, with excessive desire to urinate, that could not be satisfied; the moment that micturition was accomplished the trouble began anew (thirty-fifth to thirty-eighth day). Retention of urine the faeces. Retention of urine. Suppression of urine. Urine suppressed; attempts to pass catheter were accompanied by burning and pains in the region of the bladder. Suppression of urine, with constant, ineffectual, distressing efforts to urinate, complete emptiness of the bladder, with sensitiveness over the region of the right kidney. Urine suppressed, with a constant desire to urinate; later (after twenty-three hours), the passages became frequent, copious, scalding, high-colored, with a strong ammoniacal odor. Suppression of urine, for two days. (third day). Urine increased, dark-brown, smelling of garlic and sulphur. Urine increased (after first day). Increased secretion of urine. Urine greatly increased in amount (after four days), and diminished in specific gravity, containing albumen from the fourth to the fourteenth day, containing bile pigment for two weeks; on the fourth and fifth days it contained large amounts of casts of fat drops; from the fifth to the tenth days a large amount of peptones; after ten days a profuse sediment of urates.

Urine very copious, pale (second day). Urine copious, sp. gr.

1020 to 1026, at first slightly acid or neutral, afterwards quite acid; the triple phosphates at first were very abundant, but disappeared and gave place to an abundant sediment of urates; the urine was dark-colored and contained much bile-pigment; after the fourth day of the poisoning the urine contained increasing quantities of albumen; the microscope showed hyaline cylinders, with here and there some fat or fatty cells of kidney epithelium.

Amount of urine 800 c. c., sp. gr. 1023 (seventh day); steadily increasing to the twelfth day, when it was 3000 c. c., sp. gr.

1021; afterwards it varied, and after three weeks was 3050 c. c., sp. gr. 1010; afterwards varying, until after about five weeks it ranged from 1100 to 1600 c. c. daily, sp. gr. 1012 to 1016; urea was always present in large amounts; the ethereal extract of urine always contained more or less hippuric acid, portions insoluble in alcohol contain a large amount of urates; urine increased on the ninth day, contained creatinine. Urine scanty, at times mixed with blood. Urine scanty (third day). Urine acid, containing albumen, hematin, especially constituents of the bile, blood-corpuscles, cellular elements, epithelium and fibrous cylinders, leucin, and tyrosin. The urine contained albumen and some bile-pigment, much lactic acid, no leucin nor tyrosin. Urine contains albumen and bile; the quantity increased, sp. gr. 1016, reaction acid (third day). Urine albuminous; (after five days).

Necrosis of the jaw was accompanied by albuminuria and acute fatty degeneration of all the viscera. Urine dark-red, with greenish-yellow foam (fifth day); albuminous (sixth day); contained albumen and bile-pigment (ninth day). Urine dark-brown, containing bile, coloring-matters, albumen, casts, with fatty degenerated epithelium from the kidneys, large cells from the bladder (seventh day). The urine one the tenth day contained traces of albumen and bile-pigment; chemical analysis showed an increase of extractive matters, a very small amount of urea, and a very large amount of lactic acid. The urine was high-colored and frothy; its specific gravity increased, and it was found to contain albumen and exudation- cells; the coloring-matter was augmented, as were also the sulphates and phosphates, but the chlorides were diminished in amount. This state of urine continued during the whole course of the disease. During the afternoon she had passed a small quantity of urine, which contained some albumen; and under the microscope it presented a large quantity of epithelium, with casts of tubes, and a few blood-corpuscles (fifth day). The urine examined daily, contained much albumen and bile- pigment; on the fourth day also granular, fibrous casts, which at last became very numerous; the urea gradually disappeared, until just before death it was almost entirely wanting; large amount of lactic acid. Urine scanty, specific gravity fell from 1024 to 1012 in three days; it contained some albumen. Urine brownish-black, acid, sp. gr. 1027, containing albumen, pus-cells, and blood-corpuscles. Urine dark- colored, albuminous, and bloody, but very careful microscopic examination failed to detect any casts. Urine bloody, largely albuminous. The urine contained biliphaein and albumen. Urine contains bile (fifth day). Urine contained a large amount of bile-pigment, some albumen, a moderate amount of urea (sixth day). Urine yellow, containing bile-pigment (fifth day). Urine clear, yellow, containing much bile-pigment, sp. gr. 1021 (seventh day); albuminous, containing streaks of blood, sp. gr.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.