Lilium Tigrinum

Respiratory Organs

Voice much affected when attempting to sing, could not control it (third day). A single, dry cough (thirty-second day). Dry, backing cough in the evening, better in the open air (sixth day). Desire to take a long breath, with frequent sighing, which seemed to come from the lower part of the bowels (thirty-first day). Frequent inclination to sigh, and short breathing, in the evening and night (nineteenth day). Hard breathing; frequent desire to take a long breath; sighing (fourteenth night). Short breathing. Short breathing, oppression (after 2 P. M. twenty-fourth day).


Sensation of great fullness of the chest and abdomen (thirty third day). Tight feeling of the chest (twenty-seventh day). Hot congested sensation in the chest (first day). If the desire to urinate is not attended to, there is a congested feeling in the chest (tenth day). Congested and constricted feeling of the chest, as if too narrow, and might be relieved by letting out some of the blood; with the chills (fourteenth day). Severe congestion of the chest, in the afternoon, continuing two hours, and gradually subsiding (twenty fourth day). Contracted of the chest (twenty-ninth day). Constricted feeling in lower third of chest, with oppressed breathing, worse towards morning (ninth and eleventh night). Compressive sensation in the chest, with a choked feeling, as if he would suffocate, but would be relieved if the blood could be discharged, which seems shut up in the heart; slight relief by deep sighing (eighth day). Oppression and heat of chest, a kind of ebullition; must go into the fresh air for relief; at 8 A.M. (seventh day). Oppressive and congestive feeling in the chest, increased in the evening (seventh day). Oppression of the chest relieved by sighing (twenty-third day). Oppressed feeling in the lower third of the chest, with oppressed breathing toward morning (eighth night). Front. Feeling of lump under breast-bone, moving up and down by swallowing. Dull, pressive pain under the sternum, towards the middle lobe right lung, relieved by sighing, and pressure with the hands (fifteenth day). Sides. Tightness of the left side of the chest, in the evening (thirtieth day). Constriction in the left side of the chest, at 6 P. M. increasing after lying down (twentieth day). Constricted feeling in the left side of the chest, under the floating ribs, extending thence up to the neck, and left shoulder-blade (after eight hours, twenty-first day). A feeling of constriction in the left side of the chest about the breadth of the hand below the left mammae (thirty-third day). At two o’clock in the morning a feeling of stricture in the left side of the chest, extending across to the other side, and sharp pains running up to the throat, clavicle, and to the left armpit, ameliorated by change of position, but continued till after rising in the morning (sixteenth day). Dull pain in the left side of the chest and at the shoulder (after six hours, fifteenth day). Dull pressive pain in the left side, apparently about the heart (after one hour and a half). Constant feeling of load or weight in left chest. Fine pains, sometimes gnawing, in the right side of the chest, with a feeling of lameness and soreness of the muscles, and a desire to stretch the parts; the lameness extended through to the shoulder-blade of that side (second day); the gnawing sensation in the right side of the chest, together with the fine pains increased, and extended over to the side (third day); the lameness and fine pains continued (fourth day); but had disappeared, in the morning (fifth day); the same pains returned in the right side of the chest, with pressure, and a sensation as if a weight pressed heavily upon the chest (after fifteen minutes, sixth day). Sharp and quick pain in the left side of chest, with fluttering of the heart (one hour after second dose, third day). Quick, sharp pain in left chest very frequently. Sharp twinges, followed by a dull, drawing sensation in the left side of the chest, extending upwards, to the collar-bone, in the morning (thirteenth day). Mammae. Pain in left mammae, in the morning (thirteenth day). Left mammae painful, with drawing sensation in the left armpit and shoulder (thirty-first day). Severe pain and feeling of heaviness of the left mammae, a sensation of grasping of the part, extending backwards to the left shoulder blade and down that side to the lumbar region, at 10 P. M. after lying on the left side for awhile (eleventh day). Pain in left mammary gland, passing around under the shoulder-blade to the spine. Dull pain and constricted feeling in the left mammae and side, with oppressed breathing worse upon lying down (seventeenth day). Crampy pain in left mammae and shoulder (twenty-fifth day). Dull aching in left mammary gland, and under the left shoulder-blade continues in the evening and night (nineteenth day). Sharp, cutting pains in both mammary glands, extending from the left mammae to the left shoulder blade, and to the spine, ameliorated by changing position (fourteenth night). Severe cutting pain in the left mammae, extending through to the left shoulder-blade, increased by lying on that side (eight and ninth night). Frequent stitching pains in left mammae, and a drawing sensation, extending to the shoulder and neck; the pain became more severe at 2 P. M. extending to the neck (twenty-fourth day); the pains in the left mammae and side and about the left shoulder-blade have been most troublesome, and have continued longest, indeed have not yet wholly disappeared (after two months).

Heart and Pulse

Precordium. Constant heavy feeling in left side, in region of the heart, all the afternoon (second day). Suddenly aroused from sleep by pain in the left side, as if the heart were violently grasped, and the grasp gradually relaxed, interruption the pulsations of the heart, and the breathing, relieved by rubbing and pressure. Heart symptoms really troubled her about walking; short of breath, especially on going upstairs, and has obliged to stop and repose (thirty-second day). Heaviness and pressure about the heart after eating; this symptom has increased very much and is sometimes almost unendurable. Heart feels heavy (eighth day). Pain in the region of the heart all the time, but increased by stooping, leaning forward, or lying down. Dull, heavy, or pressive pain in region of the heart. Heaviness in region of heart, and palpitation when lying on the left side, worse in bed, at night (fourth night); the heart symptoms became so troublesome that I was obliged to discontinue further use of the drug (fifth day). The dull pressive pain in the left side, coldness of the outer side of the left leg, and pressure in the right side of the head, gradually increased for about six hours, then gradually abated, when I fell into a sleep which continued for about four hours, from which I was suddenly aroused by pain in he left side, as if the heart were violently grasped. Pain in the region of the heart, worse when stooping, leaning forward or bowing, in the afternoon, and more particularly when lying down at night; better in the morning and forenoon; the pain in the heart continued for more than two weeks gradually abating, and, at last, could be felt only when leaning forward, stooping or bowing; the pain was so persistent and annoying that I abandoned further trial. Awakened by distressing pain and pressure, with fluttering of the heart; the pain was not acute, but a pressure (first night). Twice a sharp pain in the apex of the heart (thirtieth day). An occasional quick pain about the heart was felt, with labored breathing when walking rapidly or ascending a flight of stairs. Slight momentary spasmodic twitchings around the heart in the forenoon (fifth day). Noticed some heart symptoms, not very definite (twenty-ninth day); a sudden fluttering sensation in the heart, after walking; this like other symptoms is less felt if she can busy herself much (thirtieth day). Very violent feeling of fluttering in the heart; frequently waking up in the night with it; not relieved by changing position. A hurried, forcing feeling about the heart, with faintness and fluttering as though she could do nothing, but must put by her work and sit still; relieved by repose; feels hurried as though she must breathe quickly yet does not (thirtieth day). Heart`s Action. Violent beating of the heart, and throbbing of the carotids, preventing sleep, when lying on either side of the body; after the creeping chills down the back; lasting a month (after two weeks). Palpitation of heart, and beating of the arteries, felt only when lying in bed, or during a siesta (sixteenth day). Frequent attack of palpitation of the heart (fifth day). Violent palpitations very frequent. Fluttering of the heart, with sharp and quick pain in left side of chest (one hour after second dose, third day). Weak beating of the heart, continuing two hours and gradually subsiding, in the afternoon (twenty-fourth day). The heart`s action was intermittent; every intermission was followed by a violent throb, causing an involuntary catching of the breath, at the same time the blood rushed through the carotids, to the head, producing great heat, and a crowded feeling of the head and face; these symptoms followed me for more than a month, indeed, so constant were they want I became alarmed, fearing I might have misjudged the case, and instead of medicinal symptoms, I was really suffering from an organic disease of the heart; but a physical examination of the heart`s action put my mind at rest; at the present time I have no trouble (after fifty days). Pulse. Pulse small and weak, as if the blood did not reach the radial artery in the usual quantity (eighth day). Pulse 76 (before taking); 88 (four hours after first dose, and two hours after second dose, first day); 72 (fifteen minutes after first dose, second day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.