Lilium Tigrinum

Rectum and Anus.

Anus stiff and painful, with a tight painful drawing through the forehead and eyes (twenty-sixth day). Pressing in rectum and anus (twelfth day). Pressure on rectum and bladder (forty second day). Pressure in the rectum with almost constant desire to go to stool. Constant pressure on the rectum (sixty ninth day). Urgent desire to go to stool cannot wait (forty third day).


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea; has had four stools, at 11 A.M. the first at 7 A.M. hurrying her; she cannot wait a minute; stool loose but not watery and dark brown this attack is like the two previous ones (sixty second day). The first effect was diarrhoea appearing the third day, and continuing daily throughout the proving it occurred directly after dinner, was sudden and peremptory; discharges copious and bilious, with burning of the rectum and anus and severe tenesmus and followed by extreme exhaustion. Morning diarrhoea with increased smarting and irritation of the passage; with griping in the bowels and rasping sensation at the anus and in the rectum after the passages; the diarrhoea returned every morning on rising followed by an acrid smarting sensation about the passage for about two months. Some diarrhoeic discharge with acrid smarting of the whole alimentary canal in the morning on rising (thirty- second day). The usual diarrhoeic passage from the bowels in the morning followed by the same acrid, smarting sensation with great weakness and trembling (sixteenth day). Several dejections, dark-colored very offensive (third morning); large dark colored very offensive discharges and immediately began to sink (after fifty-six hours); death (after fifty nine hours). Bowels naturally regular; now she has an alternately a solid and a loose stool; this feeling resulted from a sensation as if something were pushing against the anterior wall of the rectum at the anus and about two or three inches above it (twenty second day); for the last thirty-six hours constant desire for stool from pressure on the rectum; a stool every half hour, lumpy small diarrhoeic with wind constant tenesmus; she would sit at stool forever and burning in the urethra; continuing several days; took Helonias, and was greatly relieved (twenty- third day). Evacuation of the bowels, at first of natural appearance, then followed discharges colored yellow, the same as the vomiting and the discharge from the nose, and at last bloody discharges; dejection checked (after nine hours). A powerful discharge from the bowels this morning on rising, of a dark color, and very offensive, leaving the same acrid, sore sensation at the anus, extending upward into the middle of the bowels, continuing for several hours (twelfth day). Evacuation from the bowels, dark and hard, followed by a great deal of heat in the rectum and anus, with slight pains in the abdomen (very soon after first dose, second day). Constipation. Bowels constipated (third day); still constipated (fifth day).

Urinary Organs

Bladder. Pressure on the bladder and rectum (forty second day). Pressure on the bladder, the water being high- colored and scanty; she could pass water every quarter of an hour, in the afternoon (sixty-fifth day). For the last three days more continual pressure on the bladder, wants to urinate all the time, passing but little, followed by smarting and tenesmus (twenty-fifth day). Irritation in the bladder continues, but she can control it by determining not to urinate (twenty-seventh day). Urethra. Burning in the urethra (twenty-third day). Burning and acrid feeling in the urinary passage after every discharge of urine (fifteenth day). Acrid, smarting sensation follows every urinary discharge (twentieth day). Micturition. Frequent inclination to pass urine, each discharge small in quantity, and followed by smarting burning of the urethra, during the latter part of the night and early morning; urine milky in appearance, depositing a thick reddish sediment on cooling (ninth to eleventh nights). Frequent desire to urinate through the day, with scanty discharge and a feeling of irritation and smarting in the urethra after every discharge (second to twenty-sixth days). (* An entirely new symptom to the prover. *) Frequent and urgent desire to pass urine, slight in quantity, milky in appearance when passed, but depositing a red sediment on standing, with smarting and irritation after every passage (twenty-sixth day). Constant desire to urinate; for several nights had to rise twenty times to urinate (sixty-ninth day). Frequent urination (fifteenth day). Frequent but scanty urinating; (after forty- third day); with acrid smarting of the urethra (thirty-second day). Frequent urination during the day, with smarting in the urethra when passing it. Frequent urination at night, followed by acrid smarting sensation about the passage, for two months. Urine more free and frequent, clear, odor strong, much irritation of the urethra after every passage (twenty-second day). Must rise twenty times a night to urinate (sixty-ninth day). Bladder evacuated four times in about ten hours, which is very unusual with him during the night (first night); several evacuations of bladder during the day (second day). No urine during last twenty- four hours (second day); no urine had been passed (third morning). Urine. Increased secretion of urine during the days in which I took the medicine. Urine increased and dark- colored (after two or three weeks). Urine copious, red sediment; smarting irritation after every passage (twenty- fourth day). Clear, but scanty urine, and acrid smarting after every passage. Urine remarkably clear and white at every evacuation (second day). Urine high-colored, with copious flow (second day). Urine milky in appearance, in the morning (twelfth day). Urine thick, milky, and soiled in appearance, small in quantity, frequent desire to pass it; soreness and burning heat through the whole passage after urinating, which gradually subsided, in the morning (thirteenth day). Burning hot urine, seeming more like boiling oil than water (seventh day).

Sexual Organs

Male. Seminal emission toward morning (extremely rare), (sixteenth day). Female. The most marked effect was exhibited by the reproductive and mental organs. On examination the uterus was found low down, the fundus tilted forwards, and the os uteri pressing backwards upon the rectum, allowing but a difficult passage of the index finger between the os and the rectum (forty-eight day). On introducing the finger into the vagina, she finds the os, which is usually so high as to be almost out of reach, now so low as to be only a half-finger high, the os much tilted back and pressing against the rectum, the fundus pressing on the bladder (sixty-ninth day). Extreme pain and bearing down in the uterine region, constant distress as from approaching menstruation. Aching in the pelvis between the promontory of the sacrum and the pubes; it feels to her as if the aching were not in the uterus but around it; she feels constantly the two spots corresponding in position to the ovaries, which ache and feel like little coals of fire (twenty-third day); the pain in the right ovary increased, until at last it seemed as if a knife were inserted into the ovary and ripped down the groin and the anterior part of the thigh; the pain extended over the lumbo-sacral region, and she must cry herself to sleep; the pain extended up to the right hypochondrium; somewhat relieved by pressure on the ovary (twenty-sixth day). Bearing down, with sensation of heavy weight and pressure in the region of the womb, as if the whole contents would press out through the vagina (eighteenth day). Great bearing down in the uterine region, and a feeling when on the feet as if the whole pelvic contents would issue through the vagina, if not prevented by pressure upward with the hand, at the vulva, or by sitting down (twenty-ninth day). Severe neuralgic pain (I think) in my uterus, so severe that I could not bear to be touched or moved, and even the jar of any one against the bed was torture to me; I could not bear the weight of my clothes upon the pelvic region; this never lasted more than an hour and a half at a time, and passed off without leaving any lameness; upon the recurrence of the symptoms I found by examination that the womb was anteverted; this is something that never took place before in my experience. While attending a lecture much irritation in the womb, and desire to hit the lecturer; and in the evening, desirous of swearing and damning the fire and things generally, and to think and speak of obscene things; disposed to strike and hit persons; as these feelings came the uterine pains passed away (forty-third day). While sitting at a lecture felt much irritation in the womb (forty-second day); feeling of irritation inside the uterus (forty-third day). Ovaries. When walking pain in both ovaries, worse in the left, extending down the anterior and inner aspect of the left thigh, as if it would be impossible to take another step; as soon as she extended the limb she must immediately flex it again, and then, because of a restless feeling, must again extend it; at length she went to sleep on the back with knees and thighs flexed (twenty-first day); she cannot tell which pelvic region is the worse, that in the back or that in the pubic region; the whole contents of the pelvic seem to drag downwards and forwards and quite from the stomach (twenty-second day). Pain in right ovary and some backache (twenty-eighth day). Grasping pain in the left ovarian and inguinal regions, with pain in the right hip, extending down the thigh, continuing throughout the day (twentieth day). Dull, drawing pain in the left ovarian region, relieved by gentle pressure on the part with the hand, disappeared about 10 o’clock A.M. (thirteenth day). Pain in the right ovarian region, a gnawing, dragging sensation, worse on walking, a feeling as if something were shaking loose in that region whenever the right foot was planted firmly (fourth and fifth day). Sharp pain in the ovarian region (after six hours, fifteenth day). Shooting pains in the left ovarian region, bearing down when standing, mitigated by sitting down (twenty-seventh day). Sharp cutting pains in the left ovarian region, extending across the lower part of the abdomen, relieved somewhat by gentle rubbing with the warm hand, in the evening and at night (nineteenth day). Stinging, darting pains in the ovarian region throughout the day (eighteenth day). The left ovarian region becomes sore to pressure, the pain grasping, and extending across the lower part of the abdomen; the pain was mitigated by rubbing and moderate pressure; the bearing down was so great that the parts had to be sustained by pressing upwards with the hand at the vulva (twenty- seventh day). Somewhat tender on pressure in the region of the ovaries, especially the right (twenty-second day). Constant feeling of irritation in the ovaries (seventy-fifth day). Vagina. Leucorrhoea (a thin, acrid discharge, leaving a brown stain; she thought it was menses, which had ceased the week before); she never had any such trouble before; worse in he afternoon and evening till midnight (thirty-ninth day); the next day it had ceased and she felt better in the morning; but in the afternoon it returned and continued all night, and was more excoriating than before, producing a rash and a little swelling (fortieth day); acrid as before (forty- second day). Discharge of bright-red blood from the vagina (for the first time in two years), with dull heavy pain, and great weakness in the small of the back and loins, continued four following days (after twenty-four days). A feeling as if the internal sexual organs were swollen; smarting and irritation of the labia, with heat as though the parts were inflamed; great tenderness about the whole sexual organs; very uncomfortable pressure downward, and an irresistible desire to sustain the parts by pressing upward with the hand (thirty- third day). Severe pressing or bearing down sensation in the sexual organs, with the feeling as if the whole internal parts were being pulled outward or downward from the breasts and umbilical region, though the vagina, with an irresistible desire to press the hands against the vulva to prevent the part from escaping (thirty-first day). A sensation of pressure in the vagina and a pain at the top of the sacrum extending to the hips (seventh day). Bearing down in the vagina, or rather a dread of it (twenty fifth day). Itching and smarting of the labia, with great uneasiness of the parts; sharp pain extending up the vagina (after six hours, fifteenth day). Menses. Menses came at the regular time, move free than usual; relieving headache; after flowing twenty-four hours, ceased twelve, and then recurred. A change in menstruation; the flow not one- fourth as much as usual, but followed by profuse bright- yellow leucorrhoea, so acrid as to excoriate the whole perineum, a new symptom for me. Menses recurred, after an interval of only two weeks; a slight dark, thick discharge, smelling like lochia (forty-fifth day). The first month after taking the Lilium, menses anticipated five days; the second month delayed one day; the third month anticipated one day. Menses appeared more than a month too late; scanty and of short duration (second day after 12 drops). Menses occurred as usual, and regularly, and continued normal as long as she kept moving, but as she ceased moving, the flowing ceased (twenty seventh day); none this morning (twenty- eighth day). Increased sexual instinct (first four days). Sexual instincts strong now, whereas formerly she was very free from such feelings; she says the conjugal instinct is strongly developed (thirty-second day). Rousing of sexual desire, which had been dormant for years (curative?), (tenth day). The sexual desire, dormant hitherto, was so strongly aroused that the prover said, “I am afraid of myself I seem possessed of a demon;” this excitement continued almost three weeks, increasing in intensity, until an orgasm beyond the control of the prover would suddenly terminate it; during these attacks there was a constant urging to unusual physical exertion, walking, etc. in hope of relief the mitigation afforded by this, however, ceasing with the effort; there was in this state a constant hurried feeling, as of imperative duties and utter inability to perform them; for about ten days following this excitement, there was a profound mental depression; to the prover, “the heavens seemed brass; and the earth iron;” although convinced that the sexual desire resulted from drug action and beyond her control, an apprehension of moral obliquity weighed grievously upon her; with the sudden passing off of this condition would as suddenly recur the excitement and this alternation continued for more than four months after the proving. In the first stage of its action, or stage of excitement, a condition of amorous excitement comes on suddenly and anywhere; a disposition to use obscene language, a kind of nymphomania; this stage gives place to sluggishness and despondency, and this to a hurried feeling of being impelled to work without herself desiring to work; it is not herself but her excited nervous system, which drives her to exertion. Passionate excitement, aching and burning pain in the ovaries (worse in the right) which organs are distinctly defined to her sensation (sixty-fifth day). The passional excitement, which has abated, returns; this was so great that I gave Platina 200, every three hours until relieved (sixty-ninth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.