Lilium Tigrinum


Objective. My eyes look wild, and my husband fears I may become insane. Dull reddish injection of eyes (second morning). Outer canthus of right eye much inflamed extending to inner canthus (seventy-fourth day); inner corner of right eye still feels raw; aggravated by fresh, especially damp cold air; sight not affected (after three months). Subjective. Intense pain in both eyes, extending back into the head, worse during the night (after eleven hours, twenty-fifth day). Burning feeling in the eyes after reading or writing; eyes fee very weak (twenty-third day). Eyes feel as if full of tears the whole day (seventh day). Severe pressure in right eye, lasting two hours (second day). Brow. Dull pain over the eyes, continuing for about two hours (after three hours, twelfth day). Pain over the eyes. Sharp pain over the left eye, at 6 P. M. (three hours after second dose), abating after about an hour, but continuing all the evening; it disappeared after sleeping (third day). Sharp though not severe pain over left eye, almost continuously through the forenoon; increasing after the dose (second day). Lids. Eyes heavy and eyesight dim (fifteenth day). Lids agglutinated (seventy- fourth day). Lachrymal Apparatus. Eyes full of water, in the afternoon (fifth day). Lachrymation of the left eye (ninth day). Vision. Eyesight dim (fifteenth day). Vision was impaired, the dimness continuing for several months. Great dimness of sight (after eleven hours, twenty- fifth day). Blurred vision, cannot see object distinctly (after forty-three days). Blur before the eyes, very severe for about two hours, then gradually subsiding, in the afternoon (twenty-fourth day). Blurred sight, with heat in eyelids and eyes; this was constant and very troublesome. Confusion and dimness of sight, with a disposition to cover the eyes and press upon them (fifth day). Prover`s eyesight always weak; she is hypermetropic, uses convex fourteen glasses, now sight is much worse (fourth day); sight worse, eyes very painful, smarting, must close them often; light painful, darkness pleasant (fifth day); eyes very sore, sight dim, must cease the proving (sixth day); eyes no better (eleventh day); having suffered as above for four weeks, my eyes returned to their-former condition, with one exception; whereas formerly for one year I had a habit of turning my head towards the left when reading, trying thereby to look with the left eye out of the right glass of the spectacles, and this in order to see the whole of a letter, like b, p, d, etc. of which otherwise I could see only the straight part, but not the curve, now I can see distinctly without turning the head and looking sidewise (after about ten weeks). Eyes very sensitive to gaslight, which causes intolerable burning pain (after seventy-four days); left eye subsequently affected in the same way. An appearance as of a veil before the eyes, at 8 A.M. (seventh day). Muscae volitantes at various times.


Slight rushing sounds in both ears, after going to bed (first night).


Rubbed her hose violently. Some discharge of thin clear mucus (from nose), (after twenty-three hours). Profuse discharge of yellow mucus from the nose (soon). Right nostril nearly closed; membrane of both nostrils very pale (after twenty-three hours). Constant desire to pick the nose, and right nostril day or closed up.


Face especially forehead flushed and hot, and a pricking sensation in the skin of the forehead, in the afternoon (fifth day). Congestion to the face in the forenoon (fifth day)). Left cheek of a bright red color and hot to touch, in the morning when awakening (twelfth day). Pain in right side of face, apparently in cheek (malar?) bone, with stoppage of right nostril and a feeling in the head like that which proceeds from a severe cold (twenty-ninth day),. Dull pain in the right side of the face (jaw) with a sensation of elongation of the teeth (thirty-first day).


Grumbling in hollow teeth (thirty-first day). Coated feeling in mouth and throat on waking in the night (first day). Abundant saliva (twenty-third day). Bloody taste in the mouth in the afternoon, continuing two hours, and gradually subsiding (twenty fourth day).


Appetite. Appetite tremendous, especially for meat and the more so the more pronounced and symptoms were (thirty-second day); desire for meat returns (forty-second day). Great hunger, as it were, in the back, and extending up to the occiput and over the vertex; she ate enormously yet felt as though she should starve to death (sixty-first day). Craving appetite for dinner and also for supper (sixth day). Increased desire for meat and has eaten a great deal (twenty-fifth day). Appetite failed (second day after 12 drops). Appetite very little and soon satisfied (twenty-fifth day). Loss of appetite; (fifth day); (after forty three day). Entire loss of appetite, No appetite (tenth day (twenty-fourth day). No desire for food; special dislike for bread continues (twelfth day). She ate as much as usual but felt no appetite (seventh day). Disrelish for food, particularly bread and repugnance to coffee (eleventh day). Aversion to bread and coffee (fifth and sixth days). The usual cigar is nauseous, and produces water brash (first day). Thirst. Thirst (forty second day), Much thirst; drinking often and much (twenty second day). “Thirsty spells” always precede a dull stupid and despondent spell and such always precedes the severe symptoms during the proving. Aversion to coffee; Nausea when thinking of it, though used as a constant and favorite drink in the morning (after forty three days). A great dislike for coffee continuing long after the proving. Eructation. Eructation (fourth day). Eructations from the stomach very soon (after first and second doses, first day). Nausea and vomiting. Nausea (third day); (twenty-third day). Nausea with great desire to vomit, but unable to do so (after third dose, first day). Nausea, and pain in the back (tenth day). Nausea coming on suddenly lasting a few moments and as suddenly going (fourth and fifth days). Nausea constant (eight day). Constant nausea, with sensation as of a lump in the center of the chest, which could be moved down by empty swallowing; nevertheless, it ascended again after the effort was over (forty third day). Slight nausea (after second dose first day). Considerable nausea at times after eating. Sweetish nausea with fullness of the abdomen particularly after eating even after eating small quantities but food dose nor increase the nausea; no desire to limit (after four days nausea much increased with the same bloated sensation in the abdomen particularly across the hips and in the region of the uterus (after a few hours, seventh day). Constant desire to vomit with frequent hawking of mucus from the throat (soon after first dose second day). Vomiting at fist of chyme having no appearance of undigested food, followed by vomiting of mucus, colored yellow the same as the discharge from the nose (soon); the yellowness did not seem caused by bile; the vomiting occurred occasionally and at last became bloody (after four hours); nausea (third day). Stomach. Flatulent distension of stomach and bowels, with rumbling in the evening (fourth day). Great distension of the stomach with frequent eructations and escape of flatus from the anus (soon after first dose, second day. Very great distension of stomach and bowels, with flatulence, relieved by passing wind up and down. The upward and downward escape of flatus was a very constant attendant while under the influence of the drug. Uncomfortable feeling in the stomach and bowels (after 2 P. M. twenty-fourth day). Hollow, empty sensation at the stomach and in the bowels (thirty first day). Heavy dull feeling in the stomach (fourth day). Sensation of unusual fullness of the stomach after eating, with pressure upwards (sensation of unusual fulness of the stomach after eating with pressure upwards (seventeenth day). Sensation as if a hard body were rolling around in the stomach, which continued for several hours, but passed off during the night (after a few hours, first day).


Hypochondria. Bubbling sensation in the right hypochondrium (after third dose, first day). In the middle of the forenoon intensely sharp pain in right side between hip and false ribs, extending foreward and upwards to umbilicus; felt something like an attack of colic, so severe as to render a deep, full breath intolerable; was almost obliged to stop work (setting type); pain lasted till a little past noon, when it stopped suddenly (fifth day). General abdomen. Unusual distension of the abdomen and chest during the forenoon (thirty first day). Bloating of the abdomen continues (thirty-second day). A great deal of rumbling in the abdomen (first night). Much rumbling in the left side of the abdomen (thirtieth day). Flatulency (third day). Flatulency, and a feeling of bloatedness of the bowels after stool, in the morning (thirteenth and fifteenth days). Moving of flatus in bowels, with feeling of fulness (half an hour after third dose, first day). Much flatulent movement in the bowels (thirty-third day). Violent emission of flatus (first night). Weakness and trembling of the bowels, with loss of strength (after forty-third day). Bowels and anus feel weak and tremulous, continuing nearly through the night (seventeenth day). Bowels feel very uncomfortable (soon after first dose, second day). A bad feeling across the abdomen, especially on the right side (seventh day). Dull, heavy feeling in left side of the abdomen (eighteenth day). Sensation in the bowels as though diarrhoea was about to occur, which, nevertheless, did not (first night). Slight pain in the bowels all night, with rumbling, more on the right side (first night). Burning across the abdomen and in both ovaries, in the morning (sixty-second day). Bowels feel full and distended most of the time with great weakness and trembling. A little fullness and soreness around the abdomen (twenty-eighth day). Bowels feel as if swollen (distended?), (forty-third day). Feeling of great distension of the bowels after the morning discharge and after eating (twenty-fifth day). Feels bloated, but is not so (twenty second day). Griping pain in bowels at 3 P. M. (after seven hours), which gradually increased till evening, when a free, bilious, fecal discharge occurred, followed by an acrid feeling and irritation at the anus and up the rectum (first day). Symptoms passed of with a free evacuation of the bowels, which was followed by an acrid smarting at the anus, and at 8 A.M. griping pain in bowels returned, with heat and pain in and across the forehead about 5 P. M. (second day), gradually increasing during the evening and night as before, though less severe, abating as before in the morning at about 8 A.M. with a free and loose discharge from the bowels followed by the same acrid smarting sensation at the anus and up the rectum third day recurring daily till the eighth day gradually diminishing in severity. Every morning after rising for five days up to the eighth day there was diarrhoeic discharge from the bowels followed by the same acrid irritating sensation at the anus and up the rectum as at first; this irritation seemed as if produced by a hot irritating spray projected upon the parts and usually continued for about two hours gradually subsiding. Griping pains after each diarrhoeic discharge (twenty-third day). Grumbling bellyache (Iris versicolor) with little inclination to stool (usual bowel pains are relieved by stool), (second day). Dragging down sensation of the whole abdominal contents extending to the chest, feeling greatly the need of support (thirtieth day). Had to leave company on account of cutting pain in the bowels, so severe that she took Nux vomica, which relieved at 8 P.M. (after 12 drops). Sharp, cutting pain in right side, between short ribs and hip, running to center of bowels. Sharp lancinating pain, extending from the left hypochondriac region to the crest of the ilium (fifty third and fifty- fourth days). Abdomen tender to pressure in the morning (second day). Abdominal muscles sore just before a stool but not much during stool; an unbearable soreness; she would like to scream (forty-fourth day). Left side of the abdomen still sore to pressure (twenty-ninth day). Trembling sensation in abdomen with chilliness (forty-third day). Hypogastrium and iliac regions. Rumbling in the lower part of the bowels more on right side (after third dose, first day). Heat and pressure in the hypogastrium (soon after first dose, second days). Constant burning pain across the hypogastrium from groin to groin (forty- second day). Griping pains in the lower part of the bowels as if diarrhoea were about to ensue with restless weary feeling followed by four loose discharges (sixth day), and continuing the three subsequent days with great languor. Feeling as though diarrhea would come on but passes off by urinating; every day and sometimes several times a day. Felt as if the menses were coming on two weeks too soon (sixty first day.) A sensation in the pelvis as though everything was coming into the world through the vagina very distressing and not relieved by change of position; the dragging downwards towards the pelvis is felt as high as the stomach; and even the shoulders; not relieved by lying down though worse when standing; a disposition to place the hand upon the hypogastrium and press upwards, in order to relieve the dragging sensation (twentieth day); steadily increasing while riding (twenty-first day); when walking a sensation as if everything were pressing down in the pelvis, so that she inhales forcibly in order to draw up the thorax and relieve the pelvis of weight (twenty-second day). In the pelvis, a feeling like a dragging out as if the whole contents were pushing down into a funnel, the outlet of which coincided with the vagina (twenty third day). Pressure downwards, in the lower portion of the bowels, almost constant. When at stool severe downward pressure at the bowels and at the anus with a feeling as if diarrhoea would ensue but without fecal evacuation (observed by two provers). with every only a small quantity of urine would be discharged (after forty-three days). Pressing down and burning all around the pubes and genitals, worse from 3 to, 5 P. M. and going off before 8 P.M. accompanied by pressure on the bladder the water being high-colored and scanty effort could pass water every quarter of an hour (sixth-fifth day) diarrhoea. Bearing down in lower part of abdomen continues now the twentieth day since it commenced with severe pressure in the rectum and at the anus, and a constant desire to go to stool; but with every effort to evacuate the bowels urine only was discharge; sensation as if a hard body were pressing backwards and downwards against the rectum and anus; standing on the feet aggravated and increased the desire to go to stool; these symptom were same what relieved by walking in the open air and riding (forty-third day) Bearing down pains particularly in walking; pressure and weight low down in the vagina for two days; (she has once or twice before and such feelings and then from excessive fatigue from walking or working), (after more than three months). Bearing down sensation in the pelvis everything seemed to be pressing out of the vagina (thirty eighth day);continued like light labor pains; worse afternoon and evening till midnight (thirty ninth day). Bearing down pain as though menstruation would come on. She could not sleep for the continued pelvic pain which resembled that of imminent miscarriage (fortieth day). The feeling of weight and pressure in the hypogastric and left ovarian region continued to recur at intervals till within a few days (after two months). Great weight and bearing down in the lower part of the bowels (after 2 P. M. twenty-fourth day). Increased depressing weight over the pubes (after supper), (tenth day). Intermittent sharp pain across the lower part of bowels seemingly near the bladder (after nine hours and three-quarters, first night). Some tearing pain in the lower part of the abdomen from the region of the ovaries down both sides (seventh day). Left side of the lower part of the abdomen (ovarian region) feels sore to the touch; darting pains at times in this region extending to the groin and to the pubes in front (sixteenth day). Pain in the right iliac region, better during motion (tenth day). Drawing in the right inguinal region (after 2 P. M. twenty fourth day). Painful drawing about the left inguinal region extending to the pubis (thirty-third day). From the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium (both sides), a pulling downwards and backwards (twenty fifty day). Stinging feeling in the left inguinal or ovarian region most of the time lately with feeling of fulness and voluptuous itching in the vagina (twenty-sixth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.