Coccus Cacti

(Before midnight), When warm in bed, pain in mastoid process.

(Midnight), Frequent micturition; sudden palpitation; sweat.

(After midnight), Sleep restless, etc.

(Open air), Lachrymation; after being in warm room, huskiness of voice.

(Ascending a height), Oppression of chest, etc.; stitches at left ribs; pain in tendo Achillis.

(After beer), Great excitement; temporary aggravation; pains in head, etc.; sensation in thorax.

(At breakfast), Frontal headache.

(After breakfast), Confusion of head.

(On the ears), Lassitude in lower limbs.

(After coughing), Nausea.

(After dinner), Griping in abdomen; tumultuous action of heart; after short nap, weakness etc.; chilliness; on moving in open air, shivering across scapulae, etc.

(Driving), Pain in region of heart.

(While eating), Flatulence; pain in small of back.

(After eating), Dizziness; thirst; distension of stomach; rumbling in intestines; griping in intestines; beating of the heart; stitches in lower leg; sleepiness.

(Heat of room), Cough.

(On deep inspiration), Stitch in right lung.

(Lying upon part), Feeling in ear.

(Lying on left shoulder), Pain in region of clavicle.

(Motion), Pain in umbilicus; pains in little finger, etc.; pain in patella.

(Violent motion of part), Dull headache.

(Moving head), Pain in forehead.

(Moving arm), Pain in region of left clavicle.

(Pressure), Pain in flank; pain in patella.

(During rest), Pain in sciatic nerve; weariness in feet.

(Smoking), Pain in canine teeth; dry cough.

(Stepping hard), Pressive headache.

(After stool), Pain in rectum.

(After going into street), Sticking in left false ribs.

(Empty swallowing), Pressure in pharynx.

(Talking), Sensation in soft palate.

(Turning head to right), Pain in Eustachian tube.

(Uncovering abdomen), Stitches in walls of thorax.

(Waking), After smoking, heartburn; deep respiration; difficult respiration; soreness in apices of lungs; pains in rectum; copious stools; pain in left chest; stitches at left ribs; stitches in left thorax; sensation in heart; pain in tendo Achillis; pain in foot; sensation on surface of thigh; sensation of heat of chest, etc.; sensation of heat of lungs.

(Rapid walking), Stitches in left chest; profuse sweat.

(Warmth), Especially in bed, throat symptoms.

(In warm bed), Stitches in various places; sticking in skin.

(In warm room), After a walk, rush of blood to head; after being in cold air, itching within ear.

(Warmth of stove). Cough.

(After wine), Heartburn.


(Towards evening), Became lively.

(Evening), Cough.

(Night), In warmth of bed, rawness, etc., in throat; cough.

(Open air), Confusion of head; chilliness.

(On paying attention to the pain), Stitches in left nipple disappear.

(Change of position), When lying, pain in teeth, etc., disappear.

(Cold water), Cough.

(After washing with cold water), Pain from temples towards vertex disappears.

(After dinner), Scraping in throat.

(Passage of flatus), Pain in flank; griping in abdomen.

(Lying down), Headache, etc.

(Lying on painful part and pressing it firmly against bed), Pain shoulder.

(Micturition), Pressure in bladder, etc.

(On pressure), Pain in temporal region disappears.

(Rest), Stitches in left ribs; pain in left tendo Achillis.

(On rising after short sleep), Pressure on vertex disappears.

(Stool), Griping in bowels.

(From Chinese tea), Relief.

(When walking), Pain in thighs disappears.

(Warmth), Drawing in left hypochondrium.

(After warm soup), Pain in Eustachian tube disappears.

(Water), Pain in arches of palate.

(Wine), Inclination to vomit.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.