Coccus Cacti

Very transient stitches in the right lower leg, towards the ankle, after eating. Tearing stitches along the muscles of the right calf, frequently repeated. Frequently returning throbbing stitches in both lower legs. Sticking tearing pains on the inner side of the right tibia, rather severe. Sensation of soreness on the right tibia.

Scraping pain in the tibiae and in the elbows. The pain in the tendo Achillis did not appear through the whole night, was only slightly felt on walking about the room; walking in the street was very difficult, so that he limped; he was obliged to turn the foot outward, frequently stop and hold it up in order to moderate the pain, was only able to walk slowly and with short steps; the next day the pain continued so that he was unable to go out; pressure upon the tendon was somewhat sensitive; ascending steps was especially painful; the following day the pain became somewhat less; after this it gradually improved until the twenty seventh day, when he noticed very decided cracking in the tendon on moving the foot up and down; it seemed as though the tendons were dry; he was unable to stretch out the foot completely, and walking for some time caused pain; the trouble lasted some days and gradually disappeared.


Severe stitches in the inner malleolus of the left foot.

Pain as after a bruise on the malleoli, and on the inner surface of the heel, on bending the foot (fourth day).


Great weariness of the feet, in the evening after a short walk.

Excessive weariness in the feet, especially troublesome so long as he was sitting quietly in the room, but disappearing immediately on going out. Forepart of the left foot became somewhat painful on walking; it seemed as though the mobility of the joints were impeded by the swelling of the articular surfaces. Burning in the soles of the feet. The soles of the feet, are painful, especially the forepart, even after a moderate walk, lasting several days; the pain is for the most part burning; after sitting a short time it becomes a sensation of heat and gradually disappears. Fine stitches in the sole of the left foot, near the toes.


Cramp in the right toes. Violent cramp in the three last toes of the right foot, lasting several seconds, on lying down at night.

Pressive pain, swelling, and redness of the great toes; this prevented walking, and seemed almost like gouty inflammation, lasting four days, but not very violent (nineteenth day).

Pressive pain in the left great toe, which became worse, so that by evening he could not step upon that foot; he became chilly, which continued some time after going to bed. Slight sticking, as from a splinter of glass, beneath the nail of the left great toe, at 4 A.M. Fine sticking as from splinters of glass, on the lower surface and in the tip of the left great toe. Severe pain in a corn on the right little toe, so that he limped while walking.

General Symptoms.


General excitement on waking in the morning; the pulses beat so violently that it seems as though he himself hears them. General mental and physical excitement first four days, followed by a half stupid condition. Great indolence (fifth day).

Disinclined to all exertion, indolent, exhausted and tired, but today not ill humored (ninth day). Disinclination to rise, and after rising weariness and lassitude (second day). Great weakness, so that it was impossible to take the usual morning walk (first day). Great weakness and sleepiness, in the morning.

Prostration. Prostration of the whole body. An attack of uneasiness; even in bad weather he was forced to go into the open air, while usually he preferred to be quiet.


Weariness, prostration, and fretful mood, with great irritability after a short nap after dinner. Great weariness the whole afternoon (seventh day). Great weariness the whole afternoon, without cause (seventh day). Great weariness with yawning, in the evening (sixth day). Great weariness and much yawning (sixth day). Sensation of weariness (first day). Fullness and heaviness of the whole body, as if he were stuffed (first day). Sensation as if the whole body were swollen while half awake at night; it seems as if his body were adherent to a woollen sack; everything that he touched seemed to be thicker than natural. Sudden sensation, as though something were distending within me, together with a severe sticking, apparently in the rectum (?); after the sensation of distension increased, warmth extended over the whole abdomen (ninth day).

Drawings and tearings, here and there in the body, especially in the neck, between the shoulders and in the forearms. Painful tensive pressive sensation in the bones, just above and behind the left ear, especially in the mastoid process, coincident with accumulation of tasteless saliva in the mouth. Sticking tearing pains, here and there in the muscles, especially violent in the right hip joint; often intolerable on rising or on sudden motion.

Tearing or drawing sticking as from splinters, especially in the warm bed, in the evening and at night when at rest, sometimes from slight exertion of certain muscles, as for example, holding a book in the hand caused them in the upper arm. Frequent biting stitches in various places in the body, in the scalp, concha, right side of the neck and throat, on the margin of both rami of the lower jaw, near the nipples, in the back, pit of the stomach, axillae, bends of the thighs (inguinal region); all of which symptoms were completely relieved as soon as he left the warm bed.

The action of the drug was so persistent, that on the twenty eighth day he took Laches is as an antidote.



Here and there, small red spots and itching pimples, in various parts of the skin. Longish, bluish red spot on the upper lip (eleventh day). Pimples on the right side of the forehead.

Pimples on the tip of the nose and to the right of the nose. Some pimples on the malleoli. Small boils on the left wing of the nose (third day). A pustule in the middle of the penis.


Biting sticking, here and there in the skin, even of the scalp, when warm in bed; this sensation was followed by intolerable itching in the left external meatus auditorius, which could only be relieved by boring in with the fingers. Repeated sticking biting in various points in the skin. Biting stitches in different places in the skin, even in the prepuce, as from leeches.

Annoying biting in various places in the skin, before going to sleep.

Annoying itching of the skin (first day). Itching of the skin, especially of the extensor surface of the limbs, abdomen, and back.

Feeling as though the skin of the lower lip were contracted (first day). Biting sticking in the skin of the right pectoral muscles and in the right groin. Biting in the feet above the malleoli, causing scratching; in the afternoon this extended up to the knee, afterwards returned to the other places. Transient sticking biting at various points of the abdominal wall, with sensation as if leeches were drawing at these points; after an hour a similar sensation near the right nipple and on the prepuce. Momentary sticking biting in the skin, in the region of the right clavicle. Intolerable itching biting, now in the right, now in the left antitragus. Prickling sensation on the anterior surface of the thigh while walking; sensation as if warmth were streaming through the skin. Prickling on the internal surface of the thigh, a sensation similar to that experienced on taking sparks from an electrical machine (this sensation in the thigh alternated with the heat in the chest with palpitation of the heart). Itching in the left upper arm. Itching in the lower limbs, obliging him to scratch. Itching on the lower legs, and on the fingers of the left hand in the afternoon. Itching on the lower legs, causing scratching. Itching and biting on the prepuce and glans penis (eighth day). Itching bottom drawing, in the inguinal and pubic regions, on the prepuce and glans penis, in the back, in the feet and on the toes (fourth day). Itching biting drawing, on and between the toes (sixth day). Severe itching in the right external concha and in the external meatus auditorius. Very severe itching and burning in the right lower leg. Violent itching of the scrotum, on rising in the morning.

Intolerable itching in the fold beneath the left great toe.

Sleep and Dreams.


Inclination to yawn and stretch the limbs, with tensive pain in the small of the back. Great sleepiness during the day. Great sleepiness in the afternoon (seventh day). Increased sleepiness after eating, so that he could scarcely keep awake, followed by general prostration. Irresistible desire to sleep. Sound sleep the first part of the night, but on waking in the morning the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat was dry and the tongue stiff, with sensation of heat in it, relieved by cold water.

Constant groaning during sleep (first night).


Sleep uneasy on account of previous vexations. Sleep uneasy and disturbed by pains. Sleep uneasy, interrupted by dry cough.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.