Coccus Cacti

Diarrhoea like urging to stool, followed, however, only a pasty like evacuation, with much flatulence.



Some diarrhoea. The soft stools mingled with hard lumps, during the day. Two soft stools, in quick succession, on the third day, soon after taking the drug. Soft stool, preceded by griping about the umbilicus, at 11 A.M., twice repeated in the afternoon (third day). Very copious soft stool (seventh day). Copious stools after walking (fourth day). Daily copious pasty stool (unusual). Very profuse, pasty, not offensive evacuation, with much flatulence and decided relief, an hour after eating (follows constipation for a week), (eleventh day). Stool, with straining, with slight burning and protrusion of the hemorrhoids, consisting of faeces enveloped in mucus (first and second days). Stool with straining, faeces gluey; stool followed by spasmodic, exceedingly troublesome pain in the rectum, just at the lower end of the sacrum, for a short time.

Stool irregular, throughout the whole proving. Stool normal, first and second days; hard, third day; much pasty stool, fourth day; one normal, another thin, after four hours, fifth day; an unsatisfactory hard stool in the afternoon, sixth day; the same seventh day; no stool, eighth day; very copious pasty stool, ninth day; scanty hard stool, tenth day; no stool, eleventh day; the stools before the proving were very irregular, sometimes hard, sometimes thin, pasty; (normally they occurred twice a day).


Hard dry stool (fifth day). Hard unsatisfactory stool, the first after six days (eleventh day). Stool delayed from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. (first day). No stool (third and fourth days).

Urinary Organs.

Kidneys and Bladder.

Very painful sensation in the region of the kidneys and bladder (eighth day). Drawing pain beginning in the right kidney and extending along the ureter to the bladder, at 5 A.M. waking him from sleep. Dull pressive pain in both kidneys, especially in the right, which was particularly noticed on pressure, or on moving the upper part of the body during the day, disappearing towards evening; the next day it returned more severe than ever and extended to the bladder, relieved by frequent passage of flatus.

Almost incessant sensation of soreness in the region of both kidneys, which gradually extended to the bladder, especially into the sphincter, accompanied by frequent urging to urinate, and increased secretion of dark urine. Much painful drawing in the region of the left ureter (seventh day). Pain in the region of the bladder, with ineffectual urging to urinate, waking him from sleep in the night (seventh day).

Sensation of tension and fullness in the bladder, without leading to micturition; this tension remained even after micturition.

Cramp, heat, and coldness constantly alternating in the region of the urinary bladder (fourth day). Pressure on the bladder (tenth day). Severe pressure in the bladder, and constant urging to urinate, relieved after micturition (seventh day). Repeated attacks of severe pressure on the bladder; cutting pain in the hypochondriac region, whereby he became very hot in the face (sixth day). Sensation of pressure and heaviness in the bladder, especially in the forepart towards the urethra, with constant urging to urinate and frequent discharge, of normal color, slightly acid in the forenoon (soon after taking). Very violent twisting pain in the neck of the bladder, lasting a quarter of an hour, not relieved by micturition nor by passage of flatus.

Severe, long drawn, stitch, extending from the kidney along the ureters to the bladder (twelfth night).


Pain in the urethra on urinating, as from an obstruction.

Burning in the urethra, during the passage of urine (eighth day).

Slight burning in the urethra, while urinating. Pain in the urethra on urinating, violent, burning, with a sensation as though there were a small stone in the urethra. Excessive sensation as though there were a small stone in the urethra.

Excessive burning along the urethra, with at times almost intolerable prickling at its orifice; after urinating the burning and tickling disappeared, but the latter occurred during the day previous to much micturition (third day). Stitches and constant dull pain in the urethra, in the region of the navicular fossa.

Transient stitches in the urethra, in the forepart of the glans penis, at 11 P.M. (second day). Stinging and tickling at the orifice of the urethra. Very slight tickling in the forepart of the urethra twice before urinating, as if dull needles were suddenly forced into it (fifth day). Itching and biting at the orifice of the urethra, so that he was obliged to rub it (first evening). Itching in the orifice of the urethra (eleventh day).

Violent itching in the orifice of the urethra (fifth day).

Violent itching at the orifice of the urethra, in the evening (fifth day). Very violent jerking and dull sticking pain in the forepart of the urethra, especially in the glans penis, which caused loud complaints, lasting a minute and a half.

Urging to urinate. Urging to urinate, immediately after taking.

Frequent urging to urinate. Frequent urging to urinate through the night, without result (third day). Frequent urging to urinate, with passage of urine clear as water. Frequent sudden urging to urinate. Great urging to urinate, in the morning. Very great urging to urinate, although he was obliged to wait a long time before the urine passed (eighth day). Twice awakened by desire to urinate, which was only accomplished after long waiting and much exertion.


Frequent micturition (ninth day). Frequent micturition, nearly every hour, in the afternoon. Frequent micturition, especially disturbing him at midnight and 4 A.M. (first night). More frequent micturition (third day). Frequent urination (ninth day).

Frequent evacuation of saturated urine (first, second, and other days). Evacuation of pale odorless urine, almost every hour (first day). Frequent passage of large quantities of urine, the whole day. Frequent passage of watery urine, which seems heavy and as thick as oil. Frequent copious discharge of pale yellow urine (secondary). Increased secretion of urine (sixth day).

Urine profuse.

Copious evacuation of urine as clear as water, followed in the afternoon by discharge of dark colored urine, with much sticking along the urethra, especially near the glans penis, lasting several minutes.

The amount of urine passed was greater than the amount of water taken.

Micturition seldom (second day).

Micturition more seldom than usual (fourth day). The frequency of micturition was diminished in spite of frequent urging to urinate; ordinarily urine was passed eight times a day, but during the proving only six times.

Diminished secretion of urine. The quantity of urine during the proving was diminished, indeed soon after taking 15 to 20 drops in a day and a half; the diminution remained the same, even with the largest doses, from 100 to 400 drops and more in one day; (fourth day) there was relatively increased in the quantity of urine (45 ounces); the diminution amounted to half the normal quantity. Urine scanty, dark colored, very ammoniacal and very concentrated (second day). Very scanty secretion of urine through the night. Retention of urine until there is excessive urging, when it is passed very slowly and painfully; sometimes there is also sticking jerking on urinating, extending into the sore pudenda (fourth day). Waiting a long time for the stream of urine (tenth day). Slight strangury, in the evening.


Urine yellow and turbid (fourth day). The color of urine was at first straw yellow, on the third day it became lemon yellow, on the sixth light brown, then brownish red, and finally red.

Urine red, scanty (fifth night). Urine thinner than usual and hot, at 9 P.M. (second day). Urine acid, always causing burning (fifth day).

The urine was acid, much more so than normal (this acid reaction seemed to depend upon the Coccus acid). Urine turbid, cloudy. The freshly voided urine was always clear, and would stand several hours and even three or four days, without becoming turbid; on the fourth day it would become turbid after one to three hours; on the sixth day it began to decompose in half an hour. The first traces of mucus in the urine were seen on the fourth day, forming in part flakes, clouds, and threads, mixed largely with the sediment. Urine deposits a brick red sediment (which on shaking the vessel mixes easily with the fluid). Brick red sand deposits after the urine has stood a long time.

Sexual Organs.


Erections towards morning, greater than usual.

Frequent erections (third day). Frequent erections at night, also during the day. Fine itching stitches here and there in the glans penis, then in the scalp, or in the skin of the abdomen. Dull throbbing in the glans penis, with tickling in the urethra (third day). Itching in the glans penis (tenth day). Much itching on the glans penis (tenth day). Drawing sticking in the right testicle, extending into the inguinal region, very transient. Night tormented by great sexual desire and voluptuous dreams. Sexual desire much excited on waking (eighth day). Very great sexual desire. Extreme excitement of sexual desire. Sexual excitement, first four days. Great sexual excitement (towards the end of the proving). Lasciviousness, with lascivious actions, without erections, in the morning. Great lasciviousness, in the morning, with erections. Lascivious mood.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.