Coccus Cacti

Drawing in the right meatus auditorius, lasting the whole evening. Frequent painful drawing within the right ear. Painful cramp like drawing within the right ear. A drawing pain within the right ear, which at times became sticking, with great roaring in the left ear. Severe stitches in the left ear.

Violent stitches within the right ear, followed by aching in the back teeth of the right upper jaw. Biting stitch in the right meatus auditorius, and in the right temporal region. Transient drawing twinging pain within the left ear. Throbbing pain within the left ear synchronous with the pulse. Rhythmical throbbing in the ear upon which he was lying (first day). Tickling and itching in the left meatus auditorius, frequently repeated through the day, and afterwards becoming a pressure in the concha (third day). Tickling and voluptuous itching in both ears, from the external canal through the inner ear to the mouth, lasting only fifteen or twenty seconds. Itching in the right external meatus auditorius, obliging him to bore in with the finger. Itching and roaring in the left ear. Much itching within the left ear. Severe itching and roaring in the left ear. Itching within the ear is especially noticed on going from the cold air into the warm room. Hearing. Impaired hearing. Difficulty in hearing, as if the ears were stopped with cotton. The left ear seems stopped, so that he hears less distinctly than usual. Cracking in the left ear on empty swallowing. Cracking in the left ear and a sensation as though earwax would flow from it, on swallowing saliva. Loud ringing within the left ear, with bruised pain about the outer left ear, especially in the mastoid process; the pain extends down the left side of the neck to the clavicular and pectoral regions. Great roaring in the ears, as from a storm in a forest. Extremely troublesome roaring in the left ear. Seething roaring in the left ear.


Objective. Redness of the nostrils, with sensitive soreness in them (after 3D trit). Crusts form on the outer margins of the nostrils. A yellowish purulent substance on the margin of the nostril.

Sneezing, with cough and expectoration. Violent sneezing. Violent repeated sneezing in the morning, with discharge of mucus from both nostrils. Frequent sneezing. Frequent sneezing, several times in succession. Frequent sneezing in the evening. Frequent sneezing, with dry cough. Very violent paroxysms of sneezing, with burning in the mucous membrane of the nose and on the margins of the wings, as from pepper; these attacks of sneezing occurred nearly every half hour, but the burning of the nose was quite constant (third day). Secretion of much mucus in the nose (third day). Secretion of much mucus in the nose, without the usual catarrhal symptoms.

Very great secretion of mucus in the nose. Secretion of thin white mucus in the nose. Profuse discharge of this mucus from the nose throughout the day. Slight coryza, with sticking pain in both temples, rawness and soreness of the throat (third day after 3D trit). Subjective. Nose dry, stopped. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, somewhat relieved by water. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, so that no mucus could be loosened, either by blowing the nose or hawking. On account of the dryness of the posterior nares he was frequently obliged to draw water through the nostrils; after the water he was able to dislodge some hard masses of mucus by blowing the nose, followed by relief for a short time. Pressive pain above the arch of the nose and in the frontal sinuses. Sensation of stoppage of the nose with watery discharge from it (3D trit).. Itching in the nose, followed by frequently repeated violent sneezing (ninth day).


Redness of the face and hands, with distension and throbbing of the vessels (first day). Crawling and drawing in the left side of the face and nose, corresponding in extent to the infraorbital plexus of nerves, and resembling prosopalgia (second day). Cheeks. Crawling in the malar bones. Crawling, beginning in the left malar bone, extending across the back of the nose to the right cheek, repeated three times during the day (third day). Crawling sensation, extending from the right malar bone across the back of the nose to the left cheek, in the evening (second day).

Sensation of heaviness in the left upper jaw, as if the teeth were pressed out of their sockets (third day). Lips. Small cracks in the lips, which seem covered with meal (eighth day). Sensation as though the lower lip were drawn from both sides towards the middle (frequently alternating with the pulsating beats in the heart). On chewing, pain in the left articulation of the lower jaw, with cracking in it when swallowing. Sensation of soreness in the toothless places of the lower jaw (sixth day).


Teeth. Drawing in the left teeth. Sudden drawings in the teeth. The toothache continued for several days, so that he was obliged to have the old roots taken out; although this relieved the pain somewhat there remained an aching in the cavities for sometime; he noticed that they bled much longer than usual in such cases.

Very sore pain in the teeth and gum of the left upper and lower jaws, with great sensitiveness to touch, which waked him from sleep; he had scarcely changed his position (he was lying on the left side) when the pain disappeared. Sensitiveness of the lower row of teeth, with sensation as though they were too long.

Increased sensitiveness of the teeth for cold things. Great sensitiveness of the teeth, on rinsing the mouth with cold water.

Great sensitiveness of the teeth to cold water, in the morning.

Constant drawing in the right lower incisors. Sudden drawing in the incisors and right meatus auditorius.

Sensation in the lower row of teeth, as if one of the lateral incisors were grasped by cold fingers and forcibly drawn upward (6th dil). Momentary jerking pains in the left lower canine teeth, after smoking. Jerking toothache, especially severe in the left upper incisors and eye tooth, in the morning after waking, with a sensation as if cold air were blowing upon the teeth; this sensation continued the next day, increasing in severity, aggravated by inspiring air, or holding a cigar with the teeth; on the third day the teeth became very painful on biting them firmly together. Slight pain in the last teeth of the left lower jaw. Toothache in the hollow roots of a left upper third molar, which had been broken off a year before; this pain became a simple aching, relieved by neither warmth nor cold; the place was very sensitive to every tough (twentieth day). Slight burrowing dull pain in the upper posterior right molars, in the morning on waking. Drawing in the right back teeth. Drawing in the left back teeth in the forenoon. Awoke in the morning earlier than usual, after which he fell into a doze, which was interrupted by frequent painful shootings in the right hollow molar back tooth (second morning). The toothache, which awoke him two mornings in succession, increased in severity on the third day. Gums. Biting sticking in the gum of the right anterior incisor, with great dryness of the mouth and frequent itching in the left external meatus auditorius. Tongue. Small vesicles on the tongue. Tongue coated white (fourth day), Tongue became so rough and dry that rubbing it against the palate caused an audible noise. Tongue dry, coated brown, on waking in the morning. Great dryness of the tongue and whole mouth, with much thirst and desire for cold water. Biting sticking on the left side of the tip of the tongue, with accumulation of much tasteless saliva in the mouth. Biting sensation on the anterior part of the tongue, as from pepper. General Mouth. Odor from the mouth, as from a disordered stomach. Sourish odor from the mouth. Slight redness of the arches of the palate (seventh day). The arch of the palate and fauces as far as visible slightly red; on the right arch of the palate pustules as large as mustard seed. Sensation as though the mouth and fauces were covered with velvet, immediately, lasting some hours.

Dryness of the mouth. Dryness of the mouth, causing much thirst (sixth day). Dryness of the mouth, with accumulation of mucus on the uvula (fourth day). Dryness of the palate, with great thirst (fourth day). Dryness behind the arches of the palate. Slight burning in the mouth and throat (third day). Tension in the arches of the palate. Tensive pain in the arches of the palate on attempting to swallow, relieved by water. Sticking and burning in the palate and tongue (sixth day). Rawness of the mouth. Rawness of the mouth and throat.

Rawness in the mouth and pharynx. Great sensitiveness of the mouth and fauces, so that rinsing the mouth caused cough and vomiting of thick masses of mucus. Scraping in the arches of the palate. The arches of the palate became very irritable, so that loud speaking, or brushing the teeth, causes cough and vomiting.

Tickling irritation to vomit, in the palate in the morning; on rinsing the mouth with cold water it increases to real vomiting of mucus. Talking or swallowing aggravated the painful sensation in the soft palate (fifth day). Saliva. Salivation. Increased salivation (first day). Accumulation of saliva. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth (eleventh day). Accumulation of tasteless saliva in the mouth.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.