Coccus Cacti

Frequent expectoration of mucus. Frequent expectoration of mucus, alternating with dry hacking cough. Frequent expectoration of thick nauseous mucus. Frequent expectoration of easily loosened mucus, in the afternoon. Frequent slight expectoration of white mucus in lumps as large as a pea from the larynx, with a dry sensation in the mouth, extending into the fauces (symptoms noticed even at the beginning of the proving and which constantly recurred). After making great exertion, some mucus was raised by the cough; this was greenish yellow, and almost as sweet as sugar cane (fourth day).


Hot breath.

Short, oppressed breathing, after rising. Involuntary deep inspiration, frequently while walking, with some relief from yawning (second day). Difficult breathing.

Respiration more difficult than usual while walking (fifth day).

Dyspnoea and oppression of the lower portion of the chest (first day).


Increased vigor of the thoracic organs. Sneezing was impossible on account of the violent pain in the lung. Sensation of heat deep in the chest, which became so severe momentarily that it caused burning, especially in the precordial region. A suffocative sensation, as though the thorax were too narrow; this symptom was aggravated by drinking beer (seventh and eighth days). Pressure upon the chest, with hoarseness Severe pressure in the chest in the evening, followed by ulcerative pain in the precordial region.

Frequent dull sticking pressure in the region of the bend of the fifth and sixth ribs (first day). Sensation of pressure, weakness, and bruisedness of the chest. Pressive sensation in the chest, with at times increased sensitiveness about the left nipple. Pinching pressive pain in the middle of the chest.

Oppression of the chest.

Oppression, with soreness of the whole external chest (fourth day).

Oppression of the chest and soreness of the apices of the lungs on ascending a hill, a sensation as if he had run too violently.

Some oppression of the chest, in the forenoon while speaking.

Frequent oppression of the chest. Transient oppression of the chest (eighth day). Sticking in the lower part of the chest.

Transient sticking pain in the ribs and precordial region, in a place of the size of a dollar, which on pressure feels as if suppurating. Stitches in the upper part of the chest. Fine stitches in the walls of the thorax, especially in the epigastric region, on uncovering the abdomen. Sensation of soreness in the apices of both lungs, with transient chilliness in spite of very warm temperature, when walking (first day). Sore pain in the chest beneath the clavicles, with much affection of the air passages. Sore pain in the lungs became at times dull sticking or slightly boring, and sometimes seated in the pleura and pericardium; at another time it seemed deep in the lungs and heart, and at the same time seemed to be associated with stronger beats of the heart (second day). Very sore pain, with pressure and tension in the chest and pulsating throbbing, especially in the apices of the lungs, following the sensation of heat (second day). The symptoms in the chest became gradually worse, the sore pain became burning, and frequently changed its seat, but it affected most the heart and apices of the lungs, with irritation to breathe deeply and to cough (second day). Frequent sensation as though a vessel were pulsating here and there in the lungs (first day).


Burning beneath the sternum. Painful pressure in the middle of the sternum, extending from before backward, coincident with a similar pain between the shoulder blades, extending from behind forward, in the forenoon while walking (second day). Sensation of pressure in the middle of the sternum, extending to both scapulae (after 3D trit). Feeling as if the lungs were affected by fine stitches behind the middle of the sternum. Sensation of soreness and pressure beneath the sternum.


Slight burning and sticking between the ribs, first left, then right (fourth day). Tensive pain in the upper part of the left chest near the clavicle, especially noticed during the day, and aggravated by moving the left arm (eighth and ninth days).

Drawing pain in the region of the left clavicle, aggravated by lying upon the left shoulder. Sticking, not very painful, in a small circumscribed spot in the middle of the first false rib of the left side, after going into the street, ceasing when quiet in the room.

Sticking pain in the left side, extending forward towards the sternum, with pressive pain on the chest. Sticking pain in the left side of the chest, in a circumscribed spot, aggravated by walking, but not by deep breathing. Pressive sticking pain in the lower portion of the right lung, immediately after rising in the morning; the pain was very severe, especially on deep inspiration, but was not affected by motion. Stitches in the left half of the chest, especially on rapid walking. Stitches in the left upper half of the chest, aggravated towards evening.

Stitches in rapid succession in the region of the left nipple, which disappear on paying attention to them, and do not return (fourth day). Stitches in quick succession at the greatest curvature of the last true ribs of the left side (60th dil., second day, also second day after 30th dil).; they appeared while sewing, and were aggravated by walking or ascending steps, but not by deep breathing; relieved during rest. Some stitches in quick succession in the lower left side of the thorax, in the forenoon when walking in the street, also returning in the evening (second day). Transient, very painful stitches, at times in the left, at times in the right side of the chest. Very transient stitches between the sixth and seventh ribs, first in the left and then in the right side (sixth day). Dull stitch in the lower lobe of the right lung, on deep inspiration, at 4 P.M.

Fine stitches in the right half of the chest along the sternum.

Frequent fine stitches between the fifth and seventh left ribs, disappearing on deep inspiration, and immediately returning on expiration (third day). Deeply piercing, sharp stitches in the upper part of the left chest near the clavicle, followed by long continued ulcerative pains, frequently repeated for several days, and seeming similar to a commencing tuberculosis (third day).

Severe piercing stitches near the left nipple. Several biting stitches on the margin of the left false ribs between the stomach and left flank (deeply seated). Sensation of soreness at the apex of the left lung, with at times pulsating sensation that constantly alternated with slight contraction of the lower lip (like cramp in the skin). Bruised pain in the region of the left clavicle, which pains as if sprained, on moving the head or left arm, or when lying on the left shoulder. Bruised pain in the region of the left clavicle, aggravated by moving the arm, and changing while lying to a pain in the left shoulder, as if sprained. Bruised pain in the left clavicular region, on waking from sleep in the morning.

Heart and Pulse.


An indefinite pain in the heart, which was not seldom interrupted by the beating of the pulse; sensation as if everything were forced towards the heart; towards evening of the same day throbbing pain in the heart, with at times pulsations on its upper surface. Pressure in the precordial region. Pressive burrowing pain in the region of the heart, on rising, continuing the whole time he was driving, and only disappearing on leaving the carriage. Severe pressive pain in the precordial region, with palpitation, at night.

Dull stitches through the heart from time to time, with throbbing in it, which seemed to be audible, but was not perceptible to the hand (third morning). Constant sensation of soreness in the heart from morning till noon (sixth day). Throbbing, like a violent pulsation, now in the heart, in the middle of the chest, now in the apices of the lungs; throbbing, consisting of several beats in rapid succession, followed by five to ten minutes intermission until it appeared at another place (first day). Sensation as though an artery were pulsating very rapidly on the upper surface of the heart, repeated several times while walking.

Heart’s Action.

Tumultuous action of the heart, while lying down after dinner (first day).

Palpitation, causing anxiety, lasting several minutes (second day). Frequent palpitation at night, waking him from sleep.

Sudden violent palpitation, as from great fright, lasting twenty to thirty seconds, whereby the whole body was shaken, waking him about midnight from a doze, and recurring with constantly decreasing severity. Irregular beating of the heart in rapid succession, causing anxiety, after eating.


Pulse accelerated; (after 3D trit).. Pulse accelerated, tremulous (first day). Pulse moderately accelerated. Pulse 64 (fifth day after 3d trit).

Neck and Back.


Transient pain in the neck between the second and third cervical vertebrae. Great tension in the left cervical muscles, on waking in the morning, disappearing after rising. Sticking pain in the nape of neck. Sticking pain in the left cervical muscles, on turning the head.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.