Chininum Sulfuricum

Tongue white in the center, pale on the margins. Tongue coated with white mucus (8th day). The whole tongue, even to the tip, was covered with a thick yellowish white fur (21st day). Tongue pale, covered with a thick tenacious mucus (after 8 hours).

Tongue covered with thick yellow fur, which cannot be scraped off, lasting four days. Tongue covered with thick yellow fur, except the tip, which is red (26th day). Tongue coated yellow (20th day). Tongue coated with slimy yellowish froth (5th day).

Yellow coat at the root of the tongue (8th day). Yellow coating at the root of the tongue (2nd morning). Tongue dry, coated yellow. Saliva. Greatly increased secretion of saliva, which in some cases lasted several days. Sitting, moderately free flow of saliva noticed (14th day). Mouth full of mucus, with great hunger, compelling him to eat (25th night). Dryness of the mouth, (first day). Dryness of mouth and fauces (14 to 16 grs. daily). Taste. Rose with bad taste and breath (twenty-third day). Mouth tastes as if its secretions were unhealthy, all day, and previous days (twenty- fourth day). Taste of abnormal secretion, when the tongue is not moved, dissipated on moving it; hence the flavor is not describable (has frequently recurred), in the evening (twenty-fifth day), -. I observed carefully the abnormal taste, and found that it had a slightly acrid quality (twenty-sixth day). Increasing stale and disagreeable flavor of mouth, as has been pretty constantly the case for a week or more past; odor somewhat affected likewise, in the evening (eighteenth day).

Pasty taste (twentieth day). Taste pasty and flat twenty-first day). Flat and bad taste (twenty-seventh day). Very bitter taste, with a very clean tongue (twelve to twenty-four hours). After breakfast, say at 10 A.M., while writing, slight brassy taste, transient (second day). Since supper, I taste it now and then and when sitting doubled up, eructations, and a sense of fullness and uneasiness in stomach (twenty-first day). At 10.45 P.M. took five broken granules, i.

e. grs. ijss., pulse being moderate; caused and left a good deal of bitter taste in back of mouth (nineteenth day). Bread tastes bitter (thirty first day). Speech. Speech difficult.

My articulation seems somewhat impaired, as I have a number of times had to repeat my words to make myself understood (forty- second day). Disturbance of the organ of speech, occasionally entire loss of speech, for a longer or shorter period.

Throat.– Objective.

Tough mucus in the throat. Collection of much tough mucus in the throat, waking him from sleep, and obliging him to cough it up (fourteenth night). Subjective. Pain in the throat, reaching a very great height, gradually diminishing through the day, and disappearing in the evening (twenty- first day). Pain in the throat, at the place where the irritation to cough had been earlier in the proving, so that swallowing was difficult (twenty-sixth day). Pain in the throat, with roughness of the voice, lasting through the night (seventeenth day). Throat feels a little full; clogging of upper pharynx by mucus; slowly detached by repeated swallowing, in the afternoon (fifteenth day). Constant scraping in throat, with irritation to cough and slimy expectoration difficult to loosen, in afternoon (seventeenth day). The cough began to loosen to-day, without relief of the scraping in throat, which causes the cough (twentieth day). Irritation to cough in throat, without special pain, and without increased secretion of mucus (second day).

Tickling in the throat and larynx. Uvula. Itching of right side of velum palati, in the afternoon (twenty-fourth day). Pharynx and OEsophagus. Catarrhal clogging of upper pharynx, in the morning (twenty- sixth day). Catarrhal secretion descended the pharynx in considerable amount; again some hawked up the windpipe; and all afternoon there remained a tenacious coating of the same in the back of the palate, causing efforts to swallow it (twenty-fourth day).

Phlegm from upper pharynx came down, also swallowed, in afternoon (twelfth day). At 10.30 A.M. took two granules (gr. j); for some time felt as if they had lodged half way down (seventeenth day). Before supper (after a powder), recurrence of sensation of something lodged (twenty-sixth day).

Stomach.– Appetite.

Appetite good, in the evening very great (fifth day).

Appetite and thirst increased (ninth day). Great desire for food and drinks continued many days. Hunger at 9 A.M., after eating considerable bread and butter, the hunger was greater than before (eighth day). Hunger after supper, then nausea (fourteenth day).

Hunger, with eructations, at 2 P.M. (twenty-fifty day). Ravenous hunger at night (once). Ravenous hunger after a hearty meal, becoming a qualmishness and nausea when continuing a long time (fourteenth day). Hungry this afternoon (fourteenth day). 2 P.M., hungry and drowsy whilst riding in street-car (fifteenth day).

Diminished appetite. Appetite much diminished. Loss of appetite (twenty-seventh day); (thirteenth day). Anorexia.

Aversion to food. Thirst. Thirst (seventh day), (twenty-seventh day), (first day). Thirst was especially great in the morning, although he had drunk two pitchers of water before 9.30 A.M., during which time he had passed no urine (twenty-sixth day). Thirsty in the evening (sixteenth day).

Thirst, with unusual appetite and sensation of fasting.

Thirst, eructations, and nausea, with great appetite (eighteenth day). Considerable thirst in the afternoon (sixth day) Much thirst in the afternoon (twenty-sixth day).

Thirst great. Very marked thirst (twentieth day). Thirst with increased appetite was very marked to-day, continued especially through the night, on which account the prover was obliged to rise several times to drink (eleventh day). Constant thirst during the day, which frequently compels him to drink water (first day). Constant thirst, with decided distension of the abdomen (fourteenth day). Eructation and Hiccough.

Eructations (after half an hour). Eructations tasting of breakfast (twelfth day). On retiring to bed, in crouching attitude, eructations tasting of the supper, with flatus and yawning, at 1.30 A.M. (eleventh day). Eructation tasting of tea taken at supper (twelfth day). Eructation like a light hiccough, on starting to go out of the room, with stitch in right lumbar region, at 1 A.M. (twenty- fourth day). While sitting, eructation of half-digested matters quite frequently, causes me to loosen my clothing; slight pyrosis, 1 A.M. (twenty-second day). Eructations while sitting, tasting of supper, at midnight (twenty-fourth day). Eructations and heartburn (eighth and ninth days). Slight eructation, empty (soon), (fifteenth day). Repeated slight eructations, tasting of supper mainly; then rising of ingesta whilst sitting bent, in the evening (nineteenth day). Frequent eructations. Bitter eructations, lasting three hours. Hiccough and retching.

Heartburn. Heartburn Ate a piece of dry bread; just after, standing bent over my table, heartburn, at midnight (twenty-sixth day). Pyrosis in the evening (thirtieth day.

Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea (thirteenth day). Nausea, continuing the whole day (soon). Nausea with frequent eructations (fifty day). Nausea and eructations, sometimes empty and sometimes bitter, without being followed by vomiting.

Nausea and vomiting (thirty-first day). Nausea and vomiting during a meal. Nausea, weakness, and shivering (eighteenth day). Slight nausea, relieved by eructation in the early morning (twenty-sixth day). A little nausea sometimes. Sudden nausea, obliging her to go to bed (thirsty-first day after 20 grains). Walking after eating, threatening of nausea, better by loosing waistbands (twenty- ninth day). Inclination to vomit. Inclination to vomit, without being followed by vomiting. Vomiting on two occasions (evening after taking). Frequent vomiting of an insipid taste, in the afternoon. Stomach. Two apples eaten caused indigestion, late at night (twenty- ninth day). Feeling of hollowness of stomach and desire for sugar (often taken for a like symptom at night, with effect after early supper; but this time only a little over three hours from a late supper); sugar relieved in the night (eleventh day). Intensely acid stomach for four days, with distress in epigastrium Sensation of warmth in the stomach. Slight warmth in the region of the stomach and duodenum, followed by copious eructations.

Intense sensation of heat in the stomach, starting from the cardiac orifice, and extending to the abdomen, sometimes up to the chest. After eating ice cream, it seemed to cause a continuing coldness in stomach and slight uneasiness, less when clothes were loosened; later eructation, tasting of ice cream, in the evening (fifteenth day). Pain in the stomach (after one hour). Cardialgia. Fullness in the stomach (seventh day). Sense of fullness in the epigastrium after half an hour. Full feeling in stomach, in the afternoon (twentieth day). A feeling as if the stomach were too full, and something had failed to go down, and lodged in the chest; better by eructation, but fullness still felt (twenty-fourth day) The head symptoms merged whilst walking out into a goneness and empty feeling in the stomach, with drowsiness; better by drinking cold water, also eating a bun; the shattered feeling subsiding more slowly (twenty-third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.