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Clematis homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

  Common name: (Germ). Waldrebe.


Clematis recta. Linn.

Natural order: Ranunculaceae; Old name, Flammula Jovis; Preparation: Tincture of leaves and stems.


Emotional. Great excitability; aversion for every mental work (fifth day).

General mental excitement for several days. More excited than usual, his mood was very lively; he felt stronger and was more disposed to read and think than usual; this condition lasted nearly half an hour, followed by mental exhaustion, disinclination to read or think, and condition generally like intoxication (first day). Mental exhilaration and desire for mental work, with profuse transpiration of the skin, followed after an hour by exhaustion, with a certain anxiety and depression of mind, irritable mood, fretfulness about things which he usually ignored and disappearance of every desire for mental work, lasting three hours (second day); it was noticed also on the sixth day (after 20 drops). Extreme liveliness towards 10 A.M., lasting till 4 P.M., then suddenly disinclination for work, morose mood, with lassitude in the upper and lower extremities (second day). An hour after taking the drug, generally lively mood, motion was easy, agreeable transpiration of the skin, increased thirst, great redness of the face, pulse increased twelve beats, followed after another hour by confusion of the head, heaviness of the limbs, and an almost intoxicated condition. Transient lively mood, followed by exhaustion of the mental powers (third day). Disinclined to speak, this disappeared in the evening. Depression of spirits (eleventh day). Depressed mood, somewhat better after an hour’s nap. Very sad mood, with thoughts of suicide. Disposition extremely sad, with no desire to speak ( fifth day). Buried in sad thought and in dread of impending misfortune. He seemed oppressed by some grief or sorrow, or the shadows of some impending misfortune (1st day). Loss of “moral strength,” so that he shed tears for more than half an hour, followed by a three hours’ sleep (sixth day). Anxiety (eleventh day). Anxious uneasiness, as though some evil would befall him. Night anxious, disturbed by frightful dreams and tossing about, so that unconsciously his head exchanged places with his feet; frequent waking and dry heat of the whole body (third night). Irritable, angry, fretful, avoiding every one, shunning his usually agreeable occupations, dreading to be alone, tired of living, full of thoughts of death, with fear that it would be speedy, longing, however, for the repose of death; this mood was soon followed by apprehension, weeping and homesickness, at last outbreak of tears, with most violent trembling of the whole body, and weeping for half an hour, until he was completely exhausted and compelled to rest (seventy day). Ill-humor, several days after the proving. Very much out of humor; no inclination to speak; easily lost in thought without knowing of what he was thinking. Fretfulness. Fretful, ill-humored, does not desire to go out all. Morose mood (third morning). Morose mood and inability to think (third day). Disposition morose, without external cause (second day). Morose without cause, and discontented. Morose, peevish, on waking from the afternoon sleep (second day). Indifferent, quiet, almost without thought.


Power of thinking and desire for mental work increased, and accompanied by general well feeling; this condition, however, lasted only half an hour, after which there was disinclination for mental work, with mental exhaustion, and heaviness of the whole body; the feet very soon became tired on walking (first and other days). Increased mental activity during the first five days, followed on the sixth day by ill-humor and sleepiness.

Decidedly increased intellectual activity lasting only about half an hour, followed by morose mood, with disinclination for mental work (first day). Continued desire for mental work, for several days after the proving. Busy and lively mood from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. (fourth day), (soon after 20 drops); followed by sleepiness and disinclination to work. Very much confused and prostrated (second morning). Distraction. Weakness of memory increased, so that noting the symptoms was almost impossible (eighth day).



Confusion of the head; (after one hour). Confusion of the head, as after a debauch (fourth day). Confusion of the head, as if intoxicated (seventh day). Confusion of the head, as from coryza, continuing until 1.1/2 P.M., not relieved in the open air (second day). Confusion of the head in the morning. Confusion and heaviness in the head, in the morning immediately on rising.

Confusion of the head, relieved in the open air (first day).

Confusion and emptiness of the head the whole day (seventh day).

Confusion and emptiness of the head in the frontal region, with tendency to vertigo. Confusion of the head and vertigo. Confusion of the head, with dull sensation in it (after two hours). Slight confusion of the head. Slight confusion of the head, on waking (fourth morning). Great confusion of the head with pressure and tension in the forehead. Transient confusion of the head, on rising (third morning). Head confused, at times painful, especially in temples (first day). Head much confused (sixth day). Head very much confused; head heavy, hot to the touch.

Vertigo at times. Excessive vertigo, on holding the head erect or turning it (fourth day). Excessive vertigo, on walking in the open air the gait became tottering and obliged the prover to hurry home (twelfth day). Lasting dizziness of the head, with continued sleepiness, not relieved in the open air, and lasting till 2 P.M. (third day). Head dizzy and thick, as after a night of debauch (seventh day). Reeling from side to side with heaviness of the hot head, so that he could scarcely keep erect; the prover went into a coffee-house, but in the close air was attacked by vertigo, so that he was obliged to sit down immediately and support his head and the whole body, which trembled violently; after a few minutes he was obliged to seek the open air, where he was somewhat relieved; the gait, however, continued to be unsteady, and it seemed to him to be unusually rapid, as in slight intoxication (after four hours).

General Head.

Is constantly obliged to carry the head forward and somewhat hanging down (fifth day). Is constantly obliged to carry the head backward, since the slightest bending of it forward causes excessive vertigo (eleventh day). Symptoms of congestion of the head. Heaviness in the head. Heaviness in the head and chest, with deep expiration, on rising in the morning. Heaviness of the very warm head (after four hours). Sensation of heaviness in the whole head, in the morning subsequent to the headache and toothache (third morning). Head heavy, confused (fourth day).

Head heavy and dizzy after twenty minutes rest. Head heavy, unsteady, stupid, hanging forward (third day). Head felt heavy, sinking down (third day). Headache diffused throughout the head.

Headache continued the whole day, and on closing the eyes in bed at night became worse, with raging, digging, and vertigo, so that he made haste to get out of bed, and sought relief at the open window; after two hours (towards 3 A.M). he became better, went to bed, and on the outbreak of general sweat fell asleep (third night). Headache, increasing from morning till noon and till 2 P.M., especially in the occiput, causing nausea and excessive vertigo; it suddenly disappeared on the outbreak of profuse sweat (with cold face and body), (twelfth day). Headache, aggravated by the accustomed cigar (fourth day). Violent headache (sixth day).

Violent pain in the head, as though it would burst, in the evening (third and eighth days). Sensation as though the cavity of the skull were too small for the brain. Screwed-together sensation in the head, as from an iron cap. Head seems as if screwed together and oppressed. Boring pains in the cranial bones. Dull headache, after walking in the open air (first day).

Waking in the morning with dull headache and great inclination to fall asleep again. Drawing headache, with some pressure at the sides of the vertex. Pressure in various places in the cranial bones. Dull pressure in the cranial bones. Sensation of pressure, as from a band, about the whole head, followed by increased confusion of the head, with vertigo (after two hours and a half).

Tensive pressive headache, especially in the forehead and temples, after eating (second day). Tearing in the bones of the head. Tearing in the bones of the head, especially in the frontal and parietal bones. Reading and writing were impossible, on account of raging and beating in the whole head, especially in the forehead (third day). Hammering in the head, in the evening while lying down. Shocks in the brain, extending forward.


Heaviness in the forehead. Sensation as though lead were in the forehead. Pain in the forehead. Pain in the forehead, not to touch. Persistent pain in the forehead, only disappearing toward evening (second and other days). Dull pain in the frontal eminences (second day). The frontal headache was very slight in the morning, but increased in severity until about 10 A.M. when it was almost intolerable (third day). One-sided frontal headache (first day). Violent headache in the forehead, relieved by pressure, aggravated by cold; on the left side extending into the orbit; head not warmer that usual. Sensation of fullness and heaviness in the forehead. Drawing in the frontal bones. Drawing pain in the left side of the forehead (after two hours). Pressure in the forehead and vertex. Pressure in both frontal eminences (third morning). Headache, at first diffused, becomes after a few days confined to the frontal region, and pressive in character.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.