
Great exhaustion after twenty minutes’ rest. Extreme exhaustion of the whole body on rising (eighth day). Prostration (sixth day). Great prostration (sixth day). Great prostration and weariness in the whole body (sixth day). Great prostration after a stool. Was obliged to rise at 4 A.M. on account of restlessness and dry heat in bed (seventh day). Uneasiness and oppression in the evening (second day).

Constant tossing about in bed, with anxiety and sweat on forehead (fifth night). Involuntary running about the streets with great lightness and unusual rapidity, more like a kind of floating about; inability to find a quiet place in either the room or open air; after this condition had lasted two hours, he fell into a mental state which he was unable to describe clearly; there seemed to be no sensation in any part of the body, no will-power, no power to think; after some hours there was experienced a painful weariness in all parts of the body with a sticking- beating pain in the head, extending from within outwards, and a sensation as if it would burst; the feet felt as heavy as lead and fastened to the ground; walking painful and unsteady (third day).


Great sensitiveness to all external impressions; they affect him unpleasantly; cause great irritability and anxiety (sixth day).

The cutaneous nerves became very sensitive to a cool temperature and to rubbing with the clothes. The customary bath in the evening was not tolerated as long as usual. Weariness (seventh day). Weariness, especially in the thighs and knee-joints (third day). Great weariness with knocking together of the knees. Great weariness after scarcely half an hour’s exercise in the open air (first day). Unusual weariness. Weary on waking in the morning, as though he had danced all night (second day). In the morning, on waking, he did not feel refreshed; he perspired somewhat, and then for the first time wished to sleep, wherewith he could not endure to be uncovered, on account of an unpleasant cold sensation. Great fatigue; on walking, the chest becomes easily oppressed. Sensation of weakness in the whole body, as after great exertion, with stiffness in the joints and frequent cracking of them on motion. Sensation of prostration and heaviness (fourth day). Sensation of discomfort. In the morning, a sensation in the body as after an emission, or as if one had been suppressed.

Numerous pains, alternating in various parts of the body, lasting until falling asleep, at 2 A.M. (eighth day). Wandering pains, mostly pressive, in the lower legs, in the cranial bones, in the right scapula, in the forepart of the right shoulder-joint, in the toes, in the knees, in the left inferior maxillary bones, in the tarsal bones; these pains seem worse while sitting than while walking.

Drawings in various parts of the body, especially in the feet.

Some transient stitches in the joints, the forearms, thighs, and genitals, followed by some itching pain; after scratching an eruption like an urticaria (after two weeks). General bruised sensation and weakness (ninth day). Unpleasant bruised and weary sensation over the whole body, as after great exertion (second day). Bruised pains in the joints, cranial bones, and other parts, frequently changing their seat. Painful parts are sensitive to touch.



Redness, vesicles and ulcers on the skin (caused by the local application of the leaves).

Eruptions, Dry.

Many pimples come, especially on the forehead, appearing with fine sticking, and are somewhat painful to touch.

Pimples, by themselves painless, above the eyebrows, at the root of the nose, on the chin, and the tip of the nose; they suppurate, and are somewhat painful to touch. Several pimples on the face.

Painful eruption of pimples on the forehead. Painful eruption of pimples on the upper lip. Itching pimple above the right eyebrow (third day). Papular eruption on the forehead (after five hours).

Eruptions, Moist.

The eruption following the itching of the previous day developed as pimples of the size of a millet-seed; the itching pain changed to a burning; this eruption was thickest about the umbilicus, where several vesicles filled with lymph were found; it lasted two days, and desquamated with fine scurf and violent itching (second day). Vesicular eruption appears on the thighs, with increased warmth and itching (sixth day). Some itching vesicles on the neck (fourth day). Itching blisters on the lower lip, just beneath the vermilion border; they discharge water, and then become covered with a yellowish crust, itching somewhat (after three days).

Eruptions, Pustular.

Pustules like the itch over the whole body.

Eruption of large pustules, mostly about the loins, which are very painful to touch. Several cutaneous glands in the face and upper and lower extremities frequently suppurate. Four inflamed cutaneous glands in the left thigh, consisting of very red pimples, of the size of a millet-seed, surrounded by red areola; some of the glands suppurate, and discharge a thin fluid pus (after eleven days).

A boil on the thigh.


Sudden lightning-like stitches here and there in the skin (first day). Prickling, as with a needle, in many places in the body, obliging him to scratch. Prickling and itching in several parts of the body. Prickling sensation beneath the skin (like formication), which at first was dry, but towards noon became moist and soft to the touch. Itching over the whole body (third day). Itching of the skin, relieved after a full bath (second day). Itching in various parts of the body, especially those covered with hair, obliging him to scratch, without eruption or desquamation. Burning and itching on the back and chest, especially in the region of the sternum (after two hours and a half). (Burning pain in an ulcer). Burning pain in the skin of the left cheek. A burning-cutting pain in the skin of the left side of the forehead, most violent when the skin is drawn up smooth.

Fine sticking pain all over the hands, which had been covered with juice, as soon as they are washed with water. Throbbing pain in an ulcer, in the morning. Formication of the genitals. Itching on the back, chest, and outer portion of the legs (fourth day).

Violent itching on both forearms and upper abdominal region, provoking scratching, and followed by burning; on the itching places a red nettle-like rash appears, at 9 P.M. (first day).

Violent itching, causing scratching, on the toes, in the evening, after lying down, with sweat between the toes. A burning-itching pain in the right cheek and on the wing of the nose woke him from sleep; the place showed a circumscribed redness, with small elevations; towards evening a number of vesicles as large as the head of a pin appeared on the lower lip, corners of the mouth, and wings of the nose, with sensitive burning sensation (fourth day).

Sleep and Dreams.


Frequent yawning. Frequent yawning and sleepiness, relieved in the open air (first day). Inclination to sleep after dinner (first and other days). Desire to sleep. Irresistible desire to sleep in the evening, but after going to bed falls asleep late and with difficulty. Sleepiness on waking (third morning).

Sleepiness at night (first night). Sleepiness after dinner, without being able to sleep (second day); the sleepiness returned every afternoon during the proving, quite contrary to his usual habit. Sleepiness and yawning, while sitting (after three hours).

Sleepiness and much yawning (seventh day). Some sleepiness after dinner (third day). Great sleepiness and weariness at noon. Great sleepiness after eating. Great sleepiness, with not unrefreshing sleep, together with disinclination to rise from sleep, for several days. Irresistible sleeping from 2 to 5 P.M. (second day). Irresistible sleepiness, so that he could not read after 5 P.M. (second day). Such sleepiness that he was obliged to remain in bed; he slept quietly two and a half hours after breakfast (third morning). The same overpowering sleepiness returns after supper, so that he is obliged to go to bed by 9 o’clock (second day).

Constant sleepiness, with disinclination for work (after four hours).

Heavy with sleep and weary, in the morning on waking; he wanted to rise but felt too weak. Very much overpowered by sleep, in the morning (twelfth day). Irresistible sleep after eating, lasting twenty minutes, followed by great indolence. Sleep for two hours after the midday meal, at which he had eaten more than usual (eighth day).

Difficult waking from heavy sleep, in the morning.


No desire to sleep. No inclination to sleep in the evening.

In the evening, he could not go to sleep for a long time, contrary to his habit. Must go to bed earlier than usual; fell asleep only after long restless tossing about, with increased internal heat and violent headache; sleep disturbed by confused dreams, lasting till only 3 A.M. when he awoke with sudden startling, and could not fall asleep again (first night).

Although his eyes immediately closed, and he was very tired, yet he could not fall asleep the whole night; there seemed to be an internal dry heat which prevented sleep.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.