
Drawing and tension in the joints. Drawing in the joints of the hands and knees (second day). Drawing and tension in the joints.

Very violent pressure in the ankles, toes, knees, shoulders, elbows, and upper arms, a sensation as if the parts were twisted or drawn asunder.

Pressive pains in various joints, rendering motion of the part difficult. Pressive pains in the joints of the feet and hands.

Tearing-drawing in the right arm and knee, also in both ankles, and in the right toes (third day). Tearings in the left arm and left ankle.

Tearing in the bones of the lower leg, and in the left elbow.

Sensitiveness in both ankles and in the wrists.

Superior Extremities.

Arms, back, and thighs seem bruised (third day).


Wearing sensation in the muscles of both shoulders and in the upper arms, which afterwards involves all the pectoral muscles (second day). Transient pain in the right axilla (fifth day).


Momentary twitching in the right upper arm, lasting several seconds and returning after three minutes (second day). Pains in the arms, drawing from shoulder down to elbow. Burrowing pressive pains in left upper arm, most severe in shoulder, so that motion of the arm is very much hindered. Oppressive pain in the upper arm (after forty-eight hours). Frequently recurring transient tearing pains in left upper arm, in the evening.


Severe pressure and boring in the right elbow-joint, and also above and below it. Pressive pain in the bend of the elbow on stretching out the upper arm. Tensive sticking pains in both elbows and wrists (seventh day). Sudden sharp stitches below the left elbow.

Pain in the outer side of the left elbow-joint, as after a blow or a fall upon it, aggravated by pressure and motion. Forearm.

Drawing pain on the right side of the forearm, extending from the elbow downward, with impeded motion (fifty day). Pressure in the right forearm, in the left toes, and here and there in the cranial bones.

Violent drawing stitch in the left forearm, in all positions (after one hour and a quarter). Tearing in the left forearm (after quarter of an hour).


Slight drawing in both wrists and tarsal joints (first day).

Sharp, violent drawing-sticking in the wrist, while walking in the open air (after eleven hours).


Sensation as if the hands were too thick, with dryness and heat of them (ninth day). Rheumatic pains, especially in the metacarpal bones and fingers, though without swelling or redness (eleventh day). Violent stitches in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.


Constant sharp stitches in the joints of the right thumb.

Some violent tearings in the finger-joints of the right hand, especially on moving them suddenly or rapidly. Drawing-tearing in the right thumb, during rest and motion (after nine hours).

Inferior Extremities.

Violent sensation of weakness in the legs and in the back, on even slight motion of the arms. Heaviness of the lower limbs even in bed (seventh day). Heaviness and weakness in the lower extremities, after waking from a nap, in the evening (second day). Such heaviness in the lower limbs that he could scarcely get out of bed (ninth day). The legs are especially heavy and weak; on the left lower leg a painless swelling as large as a pigeon’s egg, analogous in situation, character, and color to one on the right leg; and also on both calves a remarkable accumulation of very numerous, prominent, and closely anastomosing cutaneous veins, between which a number of varicosities were noticed (eleventh day). Drawing downward in the lower extremities, toward the soles of the feet, lasting half an hour. Violent drawing in the bones of the legs. Sticking-drawing pains in the right hip-joints and in the whole of the hip, lasting a long time, and extending forward into the right inguinal region (second day). Pressure in the left leg. Tearing and sticking in the hip-joint (fourth day). Painful bruised sensation in the legs.


Pain in the hip, lasting three days (third day). Frequently recurring transient tearing pains in left hip-joint and sacrum.


Burning tensive pain in the posterior portion of the thigh (tenth day). Drawing and tension in the right thigh, sometimes (extending in painful jerks as far as deep into the penis (after eight hours). Tearing pain in the right thigh, while sitting and lying.


Stiffness of the right knee-joint (seventh day). On walking, pains attack the right knee (second, third and fourth days).

Rheumatic pain for some hours in the outer left knee-joint and knee-pan; walking was difficult (sixth day). Rheumatic pains in the knees, ankles, and wrists (ninth day). Dull pain in both knees, which are heavy, feel as if asleep, preventing walking, ending with circumscribed sweat (twelfth day). After walking, drawing in the knee and thigh, like a tearing, though not in the joints. Tearing and sticking in the right knee and ankle (fourth day). Transient tearing in the knee.

Waked by a transient tearing pain on the right patella, which seated itself, soon after rising, in the right leg, especially in tibia (third day).


Painless increase in size of both lower legs (ninth day). On the inner side of the right lower leg, near the inner margin of the tibia, three (in a row) circumscribed, dark-red, painless, soft swellings, of the size of walnuts; the uppermost showed fluctuation at the center (ninth day). The lower legs are heavy and weary, for two days. The lower legs are heavy and painful, the gait tottering (tenth day). Slight cramp in the calves, compelling him to rub them with the hand (eighth day). Very violent boring pains in the left tibia, after rising in the morning, and frequently returning through the day. In tibia, burrowing pains, also in ball of right great toe (first day).

Very obstinate dull pressive pains, persistent, in right tibia, very severe, especially on walking (second, third, and fourth days).

Violent pressive pains in tibia, during the day (first day).

Drawing-tearing, now in the left, now in the right lower leg, extending along the tibia to the ankle. Dull stitches in the left calf, while sitting (after forty hours).


Long-continued boring in the left ankle. Severe boring in the malleoli. Pressure in the ankles and ankle-bones. Transient tensive sticking pains in the region of the right external malleolus (sixth day). Sticking-tearing pains on the inner side of the right ankle, though no change was noticed externally, or when touched (second day).


Sensation of weakness in the feet (second day). Violent pain in the right heel, transient, reappearing in the afternoon of the same day (fourth day). Burning in the soles of the feet.

Continued aching in the ball of the right heel, as if it had been bruised by jumping (after six hours). Drawing and tension in the foot, upon which there is an ulcer, while walking. Pulse-like sticking in the sole, in the evening after going to sleep, also at 3 A.M. Bruised sensation in the feet and legs, as after great fatigue (seventh day). Crawling in the forepart of the right sole, as from being asleep (after three hours).


Violent sore pain in the left great toe, towards the inner side, most violent during rest (after eight hours).

General Symptoms.


Swelling of the lymphatic glands, especially of the right inguinal glands; they were swollen to the size of hazel-nuts, which only completely disappeared on the twentieth day. Vividly perceptible pulsations of the blood vessels throughout the whole body, especially in the heart (after seven hours). Trembling over the whole body after lying down, especially the right side, upon which he lay.

Muscular twitching in almost all fleshy parts of the body.

Violent jerking, as of electric shocks, in the whole body, with great fright from a sensation as if he suddenly fell down (224 dil).. The increased activity and lively mood were of shorter duration after the first day, while the reaction of depression, peevishness, etc. became longer and longer after repeated doses.

Disinclination for work. Not inclined to exertion (first day).

Rising from bed difficult; he is very indolent (third day).

Desire to rest (fourth day). Did not desire his accustomed evening walk (first day). Weakness, (third morning).

Weakness of the whole body. Weakness in the morning (sixth day).

Weakness on waking. Weakness and sleepiness in the morning, on awaking from an unrefreshing sleep (seventh day). Weakness and sleepiness after eating, so that he was obliged to lie down, with quickened pulsations of the blood vessels; when he awoke he was not bright, and fell again into a slumbering condition. General weakness (eleventh day). General weakness and exhaustion (after 300 drops).

Great general weakness and prostration (third day). Great weakness and exhaustion, so that he was obliged to lie in bed.

Great weakness and little appetite, at noon. An attack of great weakness, followed by clammy sweat, after attending to much business, in the evening.

Unusual weakness in the evening (third day). Extreme weakness on waking, so that he could scarcely move the body. Trembling weakness of the whole body (third day). Weak and perspiring in the morning.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.