
Tensive-pressive headache in the forepart of the brain, worse while walking than while sitting, with heaviness of the head (after seven hours and a half).


Heaviness in the right temple, with pressure in it. Tension and pressure in the temporal region (third day). Boring pain in the left temple. Burrowing and pressure in the right temple, frontal, and zygomatic regions (second day). Violent pressive pains in temples (first day). Pulsation in the left temple, preventing reading (second evening).


Pressive-tensive headache over the whole right side, rather in the bones than in the brain. Drawing in the side of the head, so painful, on turning the head, that he thought he had been attacked by rheumatism. Burrowing pressive headache in sides of head, extending to occiput. Burrowing pressive headache in the right half of the brain while walking. Frequent, sudden, but transient tearing pains, now in left, now in right side of head, during the day (third day). Constant, headache commencing daily after midnight, waking from sleep several times during the night, beginning as a pressive pain in the occiput, extending down into the nape of the neck and forward, as after a moderate use of spirituous drinks, sometimes also a feeling as though he had been lying in an uncomfortable position.

External Head.

Small itching crusts and some stitches in the scalp (after two weeks). A painful pimple as large as a peppercorn on the occiput under the skin. Pressure on the scalp and on the optic nerves.

Slight sensitiveness of the scalp in circumscribed spots as large as a half dollar; this extended over the whole forepart of the head, and increased in intensity on the fourth and fifth days, continuing the sixth day with violent itching of the scalp and desquamation of the epidermis in the form of fine scurf, lasting two or three days.

Itching of the scalp (third day). Itching on the forepart of the scalp (first day).


He looked staringly before him. Eyes red. Eyes red and glittering, with sensation of burning heat and dryness (sixth day).

Sensation in the eyes, as though a veil were drawn before them.

Burning and a sensation of dryness in the eyes. Burning in the eyes, as if fire were streaming out of them with sensation of dryness (third day). Severe burning and itching in the eyes.

Rather severe burning in both eyes, without redness, but with increased lachrymation. Violent burning sensation in the eyes (fourth day). Biting burning pains in the eyes; conjunctiva red.

Eyes burning hot and dry, compelling him to close the lids (seventh day. Severe pressure in the optic nerves. Biting in the eyes, worse on closing them; if they are again opened after being closed they are extremely sensitive to the light.

Biting in the eyes like a soreness, with redness of the vessels, and lachrymation; the biting was worse on closing the eye, and the eye was so sensitive to air that he did not dare to open it again; it also became black before the eyes. Biting pain in the eyes, especially in the margin of the lids. (* From the exhalations of the freshly-pressed plant.*) Orbit.

Dull pressure in the orbits on moving the yes.


Burning in the lids. Burning pain in the right upper lid.

Yellowish crust in the inner canthi (sixth day).

Inflammation in the inner canthus, the vision is weak. Burning pain in the inner canthus of the left eye. Sticking pain in the inner canthus of the left eye, as from a sharp pointed body, lasting several minutes (after thirteen hours). Stitches in the inner canthus.(* From the exhalations of the juice of the freshly-pressed herb. *) Slight itching in the right inner canthus; the next day the itching and burning were not more violent, but extended to the left inner canthus (third and fourth day).


Yellow color of the white of the eyes (fourth day).

Inflammation of the white of the eye, with lachrymation, (* This symptom and the following ones observed by Dr. Franz, were caused by the exhalations of the juice of the plant while preparing it.*) Pain in the eye, a pressure in the middle of the left eyeball.


Pupils contracted.


Vision indistinct (third day). Vision as if everything were seen through a gauze (sixth day). Objects seem indistinct before the right eye, as if somewhat enveloped by a colorless fog; lasting half an hour. When reading, the letters ran together, and it frequently became black before the eyes (sixth day). On writing, the letters seem to run together, for a moment; at times, even double vision and flickering before the eyes. Flickering before the eyes.


Burning pain in both external ears, with heat, which was even perceptible to the touch. Slight drawing, with transient stitches in the region of the right ear, cheek, and side of the neck, towards evening (third day).


Difficulty of hearing (thirteenth day). Diminished hearing at 7.1/2 A.M. relieved in six minutes (second day). In the morning, diminished hearing for nearly a quarter of an hour, together with ringing in the left ear, which lasted nearly a minute (third morning).

Sounds as of a bell before the ears. Roaring in the ears.


Tip of nose red and swollen, at the root of the nose a small red painful pimple. Sneezing in the morning (after twenty-eight hours). Repeated sneezing as though coryza would set in, together with transient increase of the nasal discharge. Frequent sneezing, (sixth day). Violent sneezing eight times in succession, followed after six minutes by discharge of clear water from the left nostril, soon after breakfast (third morning). Frequent violent sneezing, with watery discharge from the nose (third morning). Severe fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing. Violent fluent coryza, with which there was an involuntary watery discharge from the nose. Nasal mucus somewhat streaked with blood (seventh day). Stoppage of the nose. Dryness of the nose (third morning).


Sickly yellow look (eighth day). Sudden flush of the face, with dark redness of the cheeks, having a yellowish tinge, which is also noticed in the whites of the eyes (third day). Yellow color of the face (fourth day).


Right cheek swollen and sensitive to touch, in the morning.

Drawing stitches in the left side of the upper jaw, extending upward, rhythmical with the pulse (after eight hours).


Burning, cutting stitches through the left side of the lower lip, as if it were being cut (after five hours).



A hollow tooth seems longer than usual, and is painful to the slightest touch, with running of much water from the mouth.

Sensation as though the two teeth which had ached the previous night were too long; the gum was less swollen and pale; the pain extended on both sides to the incisors, and made chewing impossible (fourth day).

The toothache returned after reading half an hour in bed, not only in a carious hollow tooth of the right side, but also in one on the left side, not relieved by cold water; he fell asleep only towards 1 o’clock; at 10 P.M. (third day). Toothache in a last lower back tooth, which pained in connection with the upper teeth, even if they were without pain, very much aggravated by getting bread into it.

Toothache, tolerable during the day, but as soon as he lies down in bed and assumes a horizontal position it increases to an unbearable degree, and is not relieved by any position, it only gets better by lying perfectly quiet and enduring the pain for several hours.

Toothache, which drives him to despair, with tossing about in bed; weakness in the limbs and anxious sweat, so that he cannot endure the covering, lasting the whole night. The toothache extends over the whole temporal region, as far as the vertex.

Toothache unfits him for every work, especially for thinking. Dull toothache in hollow tooth.

Dull toothache in a hollow tooth, only transiently relieved by cold water, also relieved by drawing in the air, which causes a stitch as if something pressed upward into the teeth. Sensation in the last upper molar (which was carious), as if it would ache (ninth day).

Drawing pains in the teeth, in the nasal bones, in the small of the back, in the toes, in the tibiae; in each place they are only momentary and of variable intensity. Jerking-drawing toothache, during the day, aggravated by smoking tobacco, relieved for only a minute by firm pressure with a cloth. Jerking sticking-drawing toothache in the left upper jaw, now in one, now in another tooth, often it is uncertain in which tooth of the whole row the pain is seated.

Burrowing pressive pains in the sound back teeth of the right side, in the evening. Jerking-sticking pain in the left upper teeth (sixth day). Violent sticking and throbbing in two carious teeth (third day).

A stitch in a tooth, and extending from it upward into the whole left side of the face; a drawing and jerking pain rhythmical with the pulse, with jerk like twinges into the ear, and painfulness in the right eye on moving it. Jerking stitches in a tooth which extend to the ear, across the cheek-bone, as a drawing-jerking in the ear, which pains like the earache, and extending to the eye, which becomes very much affected and painful, so that he can endure neither motion nor light, and the eyeball becomes painful to touch. Sudden drawing jerking-tearing and sticking in a left lower sound incisor, which soon extends through the whole jaw, backward and upward, relieved by cold water in the mouth, at 7 P.M. (fourth day). Jerking pain in a right upper molar, which had been hollow for three years, recurring after six minutes, and disappearing after rinsing the mouth with cold water (third morning). Tearing-jerking toothache in the whole row of the upper jaw (first day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.