Chininum Sulfuricum

(after four hours); 99.1/2 deg. (after six hours); 99.1/2 deg.

(after eight hours); 98.1/2 deg. (after fifteen hours).

Temperature (second day), 98.1/4 deg., at 7 A.M., 98.1/2 deg. at 12 M., 98 deg. at 9 P.M. Temperature (4 grains), 98.3/4 deg. (after two hours); 99.1/2 deg. (after four hours and a half); 99.1/2 deg. (after six hours); 99.1/2 deg. (after nine hours); 98 deg. (after sixteen hours). Temperature, 97 deg.

(after one hour); 99.1/2 deg. (after three hours); 100 deg.

(after four hours); 100 deg. (after six hours); 99.1/2 deg.

(after nine hours); 98.1/2 deg. (after twelve hours); 98 deg.

(after fifteen hours). Temperature rose slightly (after four hours), still more (after twenty-four hours) and returned to the normal (third day). Temperature before taking, 37 deg. C.; 37 deg. (after one hour and forty-five minutes); 38.8 deg.

(after two hours and forty-five minutes); 36.6 deg. (after four hours); 37.2 deg. (second morning); (first proving).

Temperatures before taking, 37.2 deg. C.; 36.9 (after one hour); 36.8 deg. (after four hours); 37.5 deg. (second morning); (second proving). Temperature before taking, 36.9 deg.; 37.1 deg. (after one hour); 37.4 deg. (second morning) (third proving). Increased warmth of the skin, towards evening. A kind of pleasant warmth over the whole body; this gradually passed into sweat. Heat of the whole body (after four hours). – Heat over the whole body which gradually breaks into sweat. Heat, followed by sweat, while perfectly quiet, towards evening (ninth day). Sleep prevented by great heat of the body and excessive thirst (thirtieth day); Intense heat over the whole skin. Dry heat throughout the whole body, during a sleepless night (third and fourth nights).

Slight attack of intermittent fever, in the cycle of an ordinary tertian. Previous to sitting down to supper, whilst moving the arms, felt a chilly creep over the left shoulder, shoulder-blade, and left side of the neck; after sitting down, the room being rather warm, felt warm about face, shoulders, and downwards and backwards, gradually all over, with throbbing of heart and arteries, to feet and hands (seventeenth day). Heat. Heat in the head (twenty-second day). Heat of the head, with a strong rapid pulse, followed at last by sweat. The warmth is felt mainly in the forehead, then in the face, in the afternoon (fifteenth day). Heat of the forehead, with pressive pains in it (eighteenth day). Warmth felt down left side of face, in the afternoon (fifteenth day). Heat of the face (seventh day); (first day). Heat of the face, as after coffee. Heat of the face, towards evening (thirteenth day). Towards evening, while busy writing, heat of the face, lasting nearly two hours (first day). Flushes of heat in the face, with thirst, at 4 P.M. (thirty-first day). Sensation of warmth, starting from the colon and spreading through the intestines (from injection into the anus). The warmth extends downward, subjectively, to external chest, in the afternoon (fifteenth day). Sitting writing, hands are warm, in the forenoon (twenty-eighth day). Sweat.

Feeling as if I would perspire, spreading from right scapula to left face and hand, forehead, and nape of neck, and down back successively; found my underclothing slightly moist, with general slight perspiration, in the evening (seventeenth day). Now and then, a feeling as if perspiration might follow (about neck and face), in the evening (seventeenth day). Sweat breaks out over the whole body from time to time, even during perfect quiet (thirteenth day). Sweat during the morning sleep so profuse that the bed was soaked with it (eighteenth night). In a crowded place in the evening, general moderate perspiration (sixteenth day).

Perspiration of parts pressed by clothing, as dorsal, axillary, and perineal regions, in the evening (eighteenth day).

Conditions.– Aggravation.

(Morning), Head empty; on rising, especially on stooping or moving, pain in head; feeling of tension about head; at 3 o’clock, headache, etc.; at 9 o’clock, pain in side of forehead, etc.; on waking, frontal headache; early, on raising eyebrows, pain up side of head, etc.; while writing, with head inclined to left, dull headache on left side; when bending forward, sensation in brow; early, pain in supraorbital region; resonance in ear; at 1.30 o’clock, while writing, fauces, etc.

feel dry, etc.; twinge down lower jaw; teeth feel rough; tongue flabby, etc.; clogging of pharynx; hunger; thirst; early, slight nausea; pressure in region of liver; soon after rising, commotion in bowels; on rising, breaking wind, etc.; while standing, cramp in colic region; immediately after rising, colic, etc.; after stool, mucous protrusion; at 6.45 o’clock, diarrhoea-like stool, etc.,; early, urging to urinate; early, feeling in hyolaryngeal space; on rising, soreness of larynx, etc.; tickling in left bronchus, etc.; cough, etc. pain in chest; sensation in breast; on rising, pain in side of chest; when bending forward to urinate, feeling at ends of false ribs; after breakfast, sitting at stool, elbow on knees, palpitation of heart; early, feeling in sternomastoid muscle, etc.; at 2.20 o’clock, after sleeping, feeling in right deltoid; after 1 o’clock, before going to bed, while making motions with arms, cramp in deltoid, early, while writing, pain in ulna; on waking, right arm uncovered, pain in shaft of ulna; early, when feeling for levator anguli scapulae, cramp in flexors of forearm; early, while writing, aching in ulna; hips feel old, etc.; early aching in leg; on rising, sticking below malleolus; early, sitting, pain in muscles of sole; felt weary; early, itching on chin, etc.; before breakfast, when lying down, cold feeling on sacrum, etc.; fingers, etc.

cold; during sleep, sweat. (Forenoon), Feeling in head; after writing, fullness of head; while sitting, writing, head feels full; violent headache; twinge in supraorbital nerve; sticking in ear; after breakfast, say at 10 o’clock, brassy taste; urging to stool; at 9 o’clock, stool mushy, etc.; cough, etc.; while sitting partially doubled up, heart’s action subjectively felt; pulsations of heart accelerated; while at stool, pulsations of heart increased; at 10 o’clock, after excitement, strong heartbeat; conscious pulsation of heart; pulse in temporal artery beat very strongly; pulse full, etc.; pricking to left of dorsal spine; aching in forearm; twinges in dorsum of wrist; after using hands vigorously, sticking in left hand; while sitting at stool, cutting in rectus femoris; post-malleolar sticking; after writing, “nervous mobility”; felt heavy, etc.; muscular system felt inert; at 11 o’clock, chilliness, etc.; stove-heat agreeable; in draft of air, feet getting cold, etc.; feet, etc., cold; sitting writing, hands warm. (Noon), While holding forearm flexed and pronated, hand on table, neuralgic grip in right brow; sticking in ear; while waiting on doorstep, sneezing; on sitting, after motion, grumbling in colon; pain in shoulder; when putting hand behind him, sticking in dorsum of forearm; feeling in gluteus maximus; while sitting, drowsiness, etc.; while sitting, left foot gets cold.

(Afternoon), Feeling of impending evil; towards evening, rush of blood to head; headache; after walking in sun headache; towards evening, headache; frontal arteries began to pulsate, etc.; between 5 and 6 o’clock, pain in forehead; towards evening, pain in forehead, etc.; some pain in forehead; about 4 o’clock, some pain in forehead, from 1 to 4 o’clock, frontal headache; towards evening, headache; at 5 o’clock, frontal headache; dull headache; twitching of temporal muscles; towards evening, headache in temple; feeling in left head, etc.; dull headache; on going out, with head down, neuralgic twinge in and behind parietal protuberances; twinges in occipital protuberance; eyes, etc., feel heavy; twinges about brow, etc.; flashing in supraorbital nerve; twitching of eyelid; glare of light disagreeable; sitting, tension in parotids, etc.; while walking out of doors, aching in ear; after going downstairs, sticking in auditory meatus; twitching of the nose; on going into room from cold air, sneezing; air blowing on side of face, pain in zygoma, etc.; twinge above root of zygoma; pain in lower jaw; twinges in lower jaw; aching in molars; sticking in teeth; sensitiveness of bicuspid; twitching of lingualis muscle; throat full, etc.; scraping in throat; itching of velum palati; phlegm from pharynx; at 2 o’clock, hunger, etc.; hunger; thirst; vomiting; full feeling in stomach; stitching in hypochondrium; while sitting in room, pain about umbilicus; distended abdomen; after 2 o’clock, sensation in upper abdomen; while going about house, continuing while in street-car, pinching in colon; colic; at 2 o’clock, colic, etc.; pain in colon; while sitting, stitch in groin; sticking in sphincter ani; at 2 o’clock, urging to stool, etc.; when going about room, desire to urinate, etc.; aching in spermatic cord, etc.; at 4 o’clock hoarseness, etc.; short cough, etc.; walking in open air, raising of mucus, etc.; crampy feeling at angles of ribs; sticking in right chest; after going upstairs, pulsation of heart felt in chest; slight palpitation; at 4 o’clock, neck began to swell, etc.; after sitting in draft of air, feeling in scapular muscles; twinges in right scapula, etc.; sensitiveness of dorsal vertebrae; carrying medicine-case in left hand, pricking in dorsal vertebrae; when walking, lumbar pain; pain in lumbar region; sitting, pain in pelvic muscles; while sitting bent to other side, pain in region of left kidney; when using the parts, twinges in index finger, etc.; while folding powders, arms felt as if wanting in nerve-force, etc.; sitting with arm in malposition, rheumatic threatening in deltoid muscle, etc.; feelings in tendons of deltoids; sitting back in arm-chair, aching in axilla; while writing, pain in ulnar nerve; when pulling a door, pain in front of elbow; while going about, sensations in dorsum of forearm; carrying medicine-chest in right hand, pain in little finger etc.; riding in cold wind, pain in tendons of forearm; while holding a weight, sticking in dorsum of forearm; twinge in forearm, etc.; after writing, pain around carpus; while writing, pain in knuckles, etc.; walking bent forward; while walking, catch in gluteus maximus; tired feeling in thighs; walking rigid feeling in thighs, etc.; feeling behind trochanter; feeling in vastus externus; when sitting, with limb suddenly doubled up, pain in thigh; standing bent forward, foot advanced, myalgia along rectus femoris; after jumping from platform of car, cutting across rectus femoris; entering house, cutting across thigh; twinge behind trochanter; sensation down side of knee; on rising from seat, feeling about head of fibula; sitting, left knee resting on right, pricking in calf; pain in foot; feeling in foot; pains in calcanear spaces; at 5 o’clock, uneasy sensation; sensation through body, etc.; itching on nose; itching on scrotum; towards evening, yawning; drowsiness; felt heavy; chill, etc. at 3 o’clock, shaking chill, etc.; chilliness; towards evening, chilliness, etc.; special chilliness; chilly creeps on side of occiput; chilly creeps over trapezius muscle, etc.; from noon till evening, extremities, etc., cold; feet, etc., cold; while writing, left hand cold; left hand colder than right; backs of hands, etc., getting cold; sitting, writing, feet cool; feet, etc., getting cold; flushing, etc.; towards evening, skin warm; towards evening, heat, etc.; warmth of left side of face; towards evening, heat of face; while busy writing, heat of face; at 4 o’clock, flushes of heat in face, etc. (Evening), Heavy feeling in head; at 7 o’clock, headache; frontal headache; sticking in forehead; temporal arteries full, etc.; neuralgia in parietal region; walking in open air, neuralgic twinge in right head; sitting neuralgic twinge in side of head; threatening headache in occiput; on holding up head suddenly to right, shock across occiput; falling of dandruff from beard, etc.; itching of scalp; when walking in wind, lachrymation; while writing, stitch at left eyebrow; while writing, aching in orbit, etc.; while sitting in street-car, pain in supraorbital nerve; while writing, pain in supraorbital nerve; twitching of left eyelids; aching above mastoid process, etc.; sticking in ear; intolerance of noise of boys; sitting in shirt- sleeves, sneezing; moisture in nose; head held obliquely down in writing, sensation at end of nasal bone; while sitting, tingling in nose; in cold air, facial pains; aching about malar bone; reading, with head inclined, varying pains; sticking in molars; taste of abnormal secretion; appetite very great; thirsty; while sitting bent, rising of ingesta; pyrosis; eructations; fasting, visiting a patient, sitting on low chair, preparing medicine on knee, sensation in stomach, etc.; shortly before going to bed, pain in region of liver; commotion in colon; emission of flatus; aching in rectus abdominis; sitting, inclination to left side, left-sided colic; walking about, colic in colon; sticking in colon; standing in open air, cough etc.; commotion in rectum, etc.; sitting, pressure of flatus, etc.; while walking, sticking to right of anus, etc.; urging to stool, etc.; at 9 o’clock, after urinating, pain in orifice of urethra; relaxation, etc., of right testis; tickling in larynx, etc.; tickling at bifurcation of trachea, etc.; while dressing, cough, etc.; while eating, long inspiration, etc.; rising suddenly from seat, and attempting to swallow at same moment, arrest of breath; feeling behind sternum; immediately after chewing orange-peel, eating sugar, and drinking water, pressure in sub ensiform space, etc.; at 7 o’clock, pain in left half of chest; on entering house, stitch from edge of liver; tickling in left chest; phlegm in left chest; lumbar pain; while writing, lumbar pain; aching in renal region; pain in upper arm; sticking above condyle of humerus, etc.; while writing, twinge in nerve of arm; palmar sticking; finger-joint sore; walking about, feeling in lower extremities; just before going to bed, hips feel tired; walking, tension in muscles of thigh; while sitting, ache in rectus femoris; ache in gluteus maximus; sticking in knee joint; when warmth got to feet, toe began to twitch; aching over tibia; twinges in tibial nerve; twinge in fibula; foot feels swelled; when resting it on one side, pain in muscles of sole; twitchings; while walking slowly in open air, stitches in skin of chest, etc.; itching of concha of ear; drowsiness; left arm cool, etc.; feeling as if he would perspire, etc.; moderate perspiration; perspiration of clothed parts. – (Night), When reading, bent forward, pain from supraorbital foramen to vertex; at 11.30 o’clock, tension, twinge in brow; neuralgic twinges in brows; at 11.30 o’clock, tension in right parotid; cutting in lower jaw; ravenous hunger; thirst; on retiring to bed, in crouching attitude, eructations, etc.; on starting to go out of room, eructations, etc.; while going upstairs, before supper, gnawing in stomach, etc.; near morning, on waking oppression at epigastrium; cough, etc.; 10 o’clock, boots hurt instep; restless. (Midnight), While sitting, eructations; standing bent over table, just after eating piece of dry bread, heartburn; when writing, ache at scapular border.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.