Chininum Sulfuricum

Temples. Temporal arteries and veins of hands seem quite full, evening (26th day). Repeated twitching of fibres of temporal muscles above left zygoma, in the afternoon (24th day). Violent pains in the left temple. pain extends to the eyebrow, and obliges him to lie down with which he seeks a cool, place on the sofa in order to relieve the pain (1st day).

Violent headache in the temples towards evening (29th day). Dull pressing pain in the temples (27th day). (100.- Sitting at table, leaned to right, neuralgic sensation shot up the anterior left temple (42nd day). Vertex. Reading bent forward, steady neuralgic pain from the right supraorbital foramen, straight up, to vertex, in a narrow, line, ceased after sitting up straight in the night (20th day). Parietals.

Dull neuralgia, left parietal region, then right vertex, in the evening (24th day). On raising the eyebrow, neuralgic pain from outer right brow up that side of the head; then a slight twinge in outer end of;left eyebrow, early in morning (19th day).

Left side of head and throat feel as if they would ache (not rare). in the afternoon (3rd day). Whilst writing, with head inclined to left, dull headache on the right side (after 5 minutes). I Have the like sometimes from constipation or from mechanical tension of the right cervical muscles (12th day).

Whilst writing dull ache right side extending as a sharp neuralgic sensation to right outer brow, and dull later, to right mastoid process, returning slightly to brow, and up temporal ridge, same side, again in ear, right side, then back to brow later, a catch in middle of right sternomastoid muscle, when turning head that way, after midnight (17th day). Whilst writing, with head inclined to left side, dull headache on left side (similar to early symptoms), extends to left side to neck and throat, and right mastoid process, then to vertex, then to occiput; shifting, then to brows (varying with position of head), now pressing in both temples, extending over coronal suture, in the morning (21st day). Slight dull headache, right side (old symptom since an attack of fever, with misapplied water-cure, in 1860, in Illinois), in the afternoon (14th day). Whilst standing holding my head down, a little dull stitch in upper left parietal, felt also to root of nose, left side (soon), (15th day). On suddenly rising to a standing posture, a quick stitch in left upper parietal region (soon), (14th day). Walking in open air, neuralgic twinge, right side of head, lingering some time in upper right temple, in the evening (18th day). Sitting, sudden neuralgic twinge in right side of head, from brow to lambdoidal suture, in the evening (18th day). When about to dine, and whilst standing, return of the twinge from outer right brow to lambdoidal suture i. e., above temporal ridge (19th day). On going out with head down, sharp neuralgic twinge in and behind left parietal protuberance, in the afternoon (20th day).

Occiput. Threatening of dull headache, left occiput, in the evening (19th day). Dull twinges, left occipital protuberance, becoming a steady ache for a short time, in the afternoon (24th day). On holding up head suddenly to right, a little shock across lower occiput, in the evening (15th day).

External Head. Dandruff in large amount also falls when scratching the scalp, attended by relief; also similar conditions in the beard on the chin, especially left side, in the evening (24th day). Prickling in the forehead, with confusion of the same (7th day). Recurrence of itching of scalp here and there, coming and going, in the evening (24th day). Whilst writing, itching above edge of frontal hair, right and left sides, then below right zygoma, then right side of top of head, then left vertex, right chin, left post- mastoid surface, inner left eyebrow, etc. (21st day). Itching in vertex and occiput, left side (21st day).

Eye.– Objective.

Lusterless eyes. Gray rings about the eyes (26th day).

With some, the eyes become red and there is swelling of the lids, with the appearance of pimples. Eyes restless (12th day).

Subjective. Peculiar dryness of the eyes. All day, eyes feel as if they had been in a flare, or as if the atmosphere were too dry, as if parched (20th day). Walking in the wind I observed the cessation of the parched feeling in the eyes, and in the right lachrymation in the evening (20th day). Eyes and frontal region feel heavy, in the afternoon (3rd day). While sitting, sleepy feeling in the eyes, in the afternoon (16th day). Brow and Orbit. (From the beginning of proving, have had an habitual symptom considerably increased, i. e., disposition to contract eyebrows). Slight neuralgic sensation, right inner brow, when bending forward in the morning (20th day). Dull neuralgic grip, in outer right brow, deep seated; then, a somewhat similar pain in (outer) left biceps tendon, whilst holding the forearm flexed and pronated, hand on edge of table, at noon (24th day). Recurrence of neuralgic ache, outer half of right brow, after midnight (24th day). Whilst writing, stitch at inner left eyebrow, in the evening (14th day). Twinges about right outer brow, and various other places, in the afternoon (19th day). Neuralgic twinge in outer right brow, at 11.30 P.M. (18th day). Neuralgic twinge, inner right eyebrow (18th day). Neuralgic twinges, alternating in both brows; rather dull in character, in the night (21st day). While sitting, hard aching in outer half of orbit, above it, below it, and in the eyeball (I think this was on the right side), in the evening (23rd day). Pain in left infra- orbital nerve (slight ache), in the night at 1.30 A.M. (26th day). Pain in left infra-orbital, malar, and superior maxillary nerves; aching and boring, worse in cold air, but nearly constant even involving the eye at times, with tumefaction adjacent to upper molars (40th day). Slight pain recurring in right outer supraorbital region, in the early morning (26th day).

Neuralgic pain in right supraorbital nerve, then in left (whilst sitting in street car), in the evening (25th day). Whilst writing, neuralgic pain in left supraorbital nerve, slight, near foramen, in the evening (18th day). Neuralgic twinge in left supraorbital nerve, in the forenoon (19th day). Sitting in church, felt a neuralgic twinge in right supraorbital nerve, near foramen (19th day). Flashing in branches of infra-orbital nerve, left side, in the afternoon (20th day). Lids. Eyes closed from weakness, while writing (5th day). Twitching of left eyelid (recurrence), several previous occasions not noted (23rd day). Twitching of left eyelids; outer canthus, as most commonly (13th day). Twitching of left eyelids, in the evening (25th day). Whilst writing, renewed twitching in left eyelids, evening (26th day). Decided twitching of left eyelid, in the afternoon (25th day). Repeated twitchings in left eyelids, especially the lower, afternoon (26th day).

Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation in the open air (29th day). On going out (air not very cold, but sunshiny), lachrymation from both eyes, obscuring sight. (Not rare in right eye; but now, worse in left) (5th day). Lachrymation of the eyes in the full light, at 5 P.M. (7th day).

Conjunctiva. Dirty color to the white of the eyes.

Ball. Disk on both sides, now decidedly paler (10 gr. doses), (after 2 and a half hours). Disk and retina both very anemic. Disk looks dry, with the vessels smaller than usual running over it (10 gr. doses), (after one and a half hours).

Vessels on the disk appear smaller, and the disk itself of a papery whiteness (10 gr. doses), (after one and a half hours).

With five grain doses, the effects on one observer were similar to those already mentioned, though not so marked; with the other observer, on one occasion, when the quinine created considerable disturbance of the stomach, a diminution of the vascularity was observed only to a slight extent, and about an hour and a half after exhibition of the dose; otherwise, the fundus remained, as it had been at the first, rather congested.

Pupil. Dimness of the pupils. Pupils dilated.

Pupils much dilated,; (after eight hours). Mydriasis.

Vision. Dim vision. Dimness of vision, as from a net before the eyes, and once, as from a dark fog. Dimness of sight (girl, 5, from 10 grs). of left eye only, began in 177 min., lasting 40 min.; from 8 grs., first of left eye, then of right, in the latter continuing after it had disappeared from the former; from 20 grs., appeared in 20 min., first in right, then in left eye, lasted 160 min.; from 20 grs., appeared in 25 min., in right eye only, lasted 105 min.

Amaurosis (2 cases). More or less complete, or even incurable amaurosis of one or both eyes. Sight and hearing nearly lost. Sight lost (after 8 hours). Blindness. Great sensitiveness of the eye to the light, with lachrymation in the full glare of light (13th day). Sitting at a lecture, the glare of light felt disagreeable, although it is a dull day; drowsy, had to shut my eyes and press the inner canthi, in the afternoon (27th day). Sparks before eyes when sunlight is strong, for one week (after 4 weeks). Bright lights and sparks before the eyes. Black spot, size of pin’s head, about 18 inches from right eye, and moving with eye for some weeks (after 18 days). Blackness before the eyes, with pain in the forehead, so violent that the head seemed as though it would burst (31st day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.