Chininum Sulfuricum

Ear.– External.

From entrance of cool wind, left ear and neck instantly felt rheumatic, i. e., neck extending towards ear (29th day). Aching above right mastoid process and ear, in the evening (21st day).

Parotid tension and flow (29th day). Sitting, tension in parotids recurs, with flow of saliva, in the afternoon (24th day). After supper, walking, after a little jar, sudden tension in right parotid region, with flow of saliva (28th day). At 11.30 P.M., tension set in, and flow of saliva from right parotid gland, also right submaxillary; afterwards the left glands likewise. Continued up to time of taking second powder, and falling asleep, 12 P.M. (1st day). Internal. Pain in right ear, then below left zygoma, between 1 and 2 A.M. (26th day). Sudden aching in left ear, while walking out of doors, in the afternoon (14th day). Sticking in right ear at noon (20th day). Sticking in left ear, involving the throat then drawing in the chin (23rd day). Left side, sticking, slow and dull in the ear in the forenoon (24th day). After going downstairs, sticking in left meatus auditorius, very slight, but recurrent, in the after noon (15th day). Hearing.

Difficult hearing, on 2nd or 3rd day. Hearing lost (after 8 hours). Deafness of both ears on account of loud ringing in them (31st day). Transient deafness in the left ear (twenty six day) The child became completely deaf for several years and never quite recovered. Morning in bed, the not heavy tread of another person in the room is intolerable; it seems to go through my head (47th day). Intolerant of the noise of boys behind me in the street whilst walking home, crossed the street to be rid of them, but the church music had been very enjoyable, evening (26th day). Slight and transient resonance in right ear, in the morning (20th day). The characteristic tingling in the ears, was felt with the ten grain doses. Ringing in he ears (after 4 hour).

Ringing in the ears, especially noticed in the left, seldom in the right (26th day). Ringing in the ears, with frequent interruptions (19th and 20th days). Ringing in ear, with sensation as if they were filled or plugged up. Frequent transient ringing in the ears. Constant ringing in the ear (1st day). Constant ringing, hissing. sound in ears. Noises in the ears, buzzing sound, as if bells were ringing (boys, after 35 m, minutes, lasting about 5 minutes); (girl, from 8 grains, began in one hundred and ten minutes, and lasted 80 minutes; from 12 grains, began in 15 minutes; from 20 grains began in 40 minutes). Walked out, whilst doing so, sudden transient sounding in right ear, like the tone of the bell in E. (18th day). Roaring in the ears. Roaring in the ears and head. Roaring in the ears, so that the patient was almost completely deaf. Roaring in the ears, with transient deafness. Constant roaring in the ears. Constant roaring in he ears, for several years. Great roaring in the ears. (after 45 minutes).

Nose.– Objective.

Twitching of the nose in the afternoon (31st day) previous to retiring, feeling a draft on the bare feet, sneezing again, morning, while dressing, discharged old and new mucus from nose (7th day). On coming into the room from out of door, sneezing, in the afternoon (24th day). After going out to the yard, in slippers, and returning to the warm room, sneezing. (Sneezing has occurred a number of times during the proving; which, although not very common, seemed trivial, and thence is not noted. But the most common provocation is getting the feet cold; last night; from resting the back against the cool wall) (29th day). Sitting in shirt-sleeves, sneezing in the evening (23rd day). Sitting in shirt-sleeves (room not cold) sneezing; had the same at 2 P.M. standing in a cool shady alley; afterwards, blew out a little inspissated mucus, (21st day). After repeated titillation in upper right nasal passage sneezing, followed by snuffing and slight flow of water, in the afternoon (15th day). Whilst out at practice had sneezing (29th day). Whilst waiting on doorstep, sneezing, at noon (20th day). Whilst walking out of doors, sneezing, (23rd day). Moisture in nose especially right side in excess, in the evening (8th day). Slight fluent coryza through the day, right side (9th day). Riding in wind, then in a greenhouse, nose stopped slightly (9th day). Subjective.

Sensation of coryza in the nose, with sneezing (after quarter of an hour). Sensation of coryza in the nose, sneezing (3rd day). (Head held obliquely down in writing); neuralgic sensation at end of left nasal bone; feels like that sometimes caused by spectacles, evening (26th day). After supper, going from one room to another, tingling in left side of nose; sneezing, and flow from the right side (15th day). While sitting, tingling within both sides anterior part of nose, slight, in the evening (15th day).

Face.– Objective.

Expression sickly during the whole proving. Expression sickly and hollow-eyed (20th day). Slight puffiness of the face. The face becomes swelled and bloated to an extent rendering the person unrecognizable. Suddenly seized with oedema of the face and limbs, accompanied by an unusual erythematous rash. Greatly disfigured, and arms felt ready to burst. Face pale; (After 45 minutes). Face pale and suffering (20th day).

Paleness of the face (13th day). Paleness of the face continued a long time after the proving. The paleness of the face lasted several weeks after the proving. Paleness of the face, with excessive thirst and nausea (12th day). Great paleness of the face (10th day). Earthy color of the face. Earthy color of the face (12th day). Dark redness of face. Subjective.

Face and hands feel dry and heated, whilst writing, at 1.30 A.M.

(26th day). Late, evening, in cold air, recurrence of left- sided facial pains (44th day). Cheek. Slight twitching in the left zygomatic muscles (26th day). Cool air blowing on right side of face, felt rheumatic (or neuralgic) dull pain in zygoma, malar and nasal bones, extending to side of head, with slight tingling in nose, as before sneezing, in the afternoon (15th day). Aching about left malar bone in the evening (25th day). While writing, sudden ache above left zygoma (whilst inclining head to that side), also at temporal ridge (after 25 minutes, 4th day). Riding in street-car, with head inclined, reading, pains varying from left supra-zygomatic region, to ear, throat, and upper molars, sharp, but slight, relieved by holding head up, in the evening (9th day). Dull twinge above root of right zygoma, in the afternoon (23rd day). Lips. Mouth very pale.

Great paleness of the mouth (5th day). Lips and fingers livid (after 8 hours). Lips and extremities livid and cool. Jaws. Cracking in the joints of the jaw every time the mouth is opened (18th and subsequent days). The cracking at the maxillary joint continues very marked (26th day). Continuous pain in left lower jaw, like pressure of a dull knife-blade, downward and forward, from first molar, in the afternoon (20th day).

Recurrence of dull cutting in left lower jaw, in the night (21st day). Cutting, sharp, left lower jaw, from amalgam filled molar, downward and forward (29th day). Sharp neuralgic twinge (sitting), down right ramus of lower jaw, in the morning (23rd day). Neuralgic twinges in left lower jaw from molars; less, in upper jaw and ear, in the afternoon (25th day). The neuralgia of left lower jaw is quite persistent; room cool (warmth relieves all the pains of a neuralgic sort), (25th day).

Mouth.– Teeth.

Tartar on teeth much increased (24th day). Thick accumulation of soft tartar on anterior upper teeth; feels rough, disagreeable to upper lip; removal with thumb-nail left gums feeling sore to touch of lip, in the evening (16th day). Find my teeth clenched, unawares, after midnight (24th day). Teeth feel rough, in the morning (23rd day). Returning home in steam-cars, from left molars (filled with amalgam) to both upper and lower maxillary bones, had somewhat persistent neuralgic pains (22nd day). A sudden ache in upper left molars, containing amalgam filling; transient, like neuralgia. Soon after felt in both upper and lower (central) molars, in the afternoon (4th day).

Pains affecting the left upper and lower jaws, near amalgam- filled molars, between these, and constituting a hard toothache; worse when cold air strikes the face; better by applying a warm hand (38th day). Sticking in anterior teeth, especially left side, in the afternoon (15th day). Sticking in left upper second and third molars, in the evening (18th day). Neuralgic twinge from last left upper molars to zygoma, in the afternoon (19th day). Renewed sensitiveness of right lower bicuspid (I often have this also after a glass of ale), in the afternoon (15th day). Defective tooth in the right lower jaw (bicuspid), somewhat sensitive, or rather its socket; subject to it in other, i. e., cold damp weather; weather to day mild and pleasant (15th day). The secretion about the upper molars seems to putrescence and irritate (40th day). The teeth-sockets are sore; gum inflamed (39th day). Tongue. Twitching of middle of right lingualis muscle, in the afternoon (24th day). Twitching of terminus of left lingualis muscle while writing, in the afternoon (15th day). Tongue flabby and slightly whitish, in the morning (23rd day). White tongue.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.